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PSHE, SMSC, British Values and Relationships & Health Education

Welcome to Jigsaw ...the mindful approach to PSHE 

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development are taught in weekly 'Jigsaw' lessons. This is a whole school approach, holding children at its heart and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the world. Jigsaw is structured into 6 half-termly Puzzles (units) with the whole school studying the same Puzzle at the same time. Being Me, Celebrating Difference, Dreams & Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships & Changing Me (this includes the 'Pants' underwear rule to help keep children safe from abuse see document below)

What do we mean by a mindful approach?

Jigsaw teaches children to become aware of their thoughts and feelings throughout the programme, relating this to the PSHE subject matter being studied.

How do we teach this?

The “Calm Me” time at the beginning of each lesson develops mindfulness using breathing techniques, awareness exercises and visualisations, tried and tested activities which are enjoyable for children and teachers alike.
 We also teach 'anti-bullying, black history, autism awareness, multicultural awareness, being healthy etc' through special weeks throughout the year.

Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
