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Ethos and Values

Our Motto

Our Vision

Our vision is that all at Poverest Primary School inspire, challenge and nurture the children in our care. We aim to provide a happy, caring and stimulating learning environment which enables them to learn, grow and succeed as well as equipping them with skills for their future after they have left our care.

Our Values

Our Mission Statement

In partnership with parents/carers, our aim is to educate children who:

  • Become strong and confident learners with a positive outlook on life
  • Develop resilience by overcoming challenges both social and academic
  • Develop self-respect and show concern for others rights and feelings
  • Understand their role of responsibility in today’s diverse society
  • Listen and communicate with others
  • Take responsibility for their own actions and work collaboratively.
  • Enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular activities including sport, technology and music 

Our Ethos

We learn, grow and succeed together by:

  • Encouraging everyone to do their very best
  • Celebrating individual successes however small or large they may be
  • Providing a welcoming, safe and happy school where everyone is respected and listened to
  • Taking pride in ourselves and our achievements,
  • Enabling children to become confident and successful learners.
  • Working in partnership with our parents and carers
  • Striving for the highest possible standards of achievement and behaviour
  • Providing a rich and exciting curriculum with motivational trips and visitors

How we learn together.

At Poverest children support each other with their learning. For example Year 6 children facilitate activities for younger pupils during Science Week. Children learn together with other schools for example the 'Shine project' which is for gifted and talented children at Bromley High School.

Parents are invited into our school on a regular basis. Parents are welcome to join their child's class on a Friday morning during the phonics lessons and every half term we host Celebration of Learning afternoons from 2pm. We also host regular parent workshops around the curriculum and suggestions for these are raised at the Parent Forum.

Governors and school staff work together on governor days and governors regularly join in with staff meetings. Poverest staff learn together in school and also with other schools in our local area.

How we grow together.

Our active School Council meet regularly to improve our school. Year 6 pupils all have a monitor role across the school which they apply for at the beginning of their final year. Many of these involve public speaking and developing skills they will need beyond the primary school. Year 5 and 6 pupils apply to become the Restorative Justice peer mediators.

Poverest children are all encouraged to join at least one of our amazing extra-curricular activities. All KS2 children learn to play at least one musical instrument.

Our parents also take part in extra-curricular activities. The highlight is a health and fitness HIIT session in the school hall on a Monday morning.

Staff and governors regularly grow through professional development courses.

How we succeed together.

Our weekly Tree of Success assemblies praise the achievement of children, whether through attendance, academic, achievement, behaviour, effort and achievements of children in their hobbies and interests outside of school.  We are proud all of the children who have left our school at the end of KS2 ready to venture onto their secondary education.

Parents and grandparents are invited into school to share our successes and parents are included in our New Years Honours award ceremony each year.

Many teachers at our school have gained further qualifications which have lead to promotions within our school and other schools locally.


Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
