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Weekly Reports


Week beginning: 10.07.17

Hazel class have been beginning to think about next year. We have written a letter to our new teacher to tell them about us. We have thought about what our favourite subjects are and why and what we enjoy doing at home. This week we saw Year 6's production of The Lion King. We thought it was absolutely amazing! They are all so talented!

 Week beginning: 03.07.17

Hazel class have had a very exciting week as we went to the cinema!! We were so lucky to enjoy a really good film at the Odeon cinema in Orpington. We watch 'The Smurfs' and even had some delicious popcorn. We had done so well in our Phonics Screening test that we were treated to a nice film! Lucky us!

 Week beginning: 26.06.17

Hazel class have had a great week enjoying Sports Day. We ran like the wind and worked in our teams very well! Our favourite acitivty was the tug of war! Take a look at the newsletter for more photos from Sports Day!

 Week beginning: 19.06.17

Hazel class have started their new topic on 'Holidays' and have been reading a book all about a girl who goes on an exciting holiday. In Literacy, they have changed the story and made it their own. In Science they have used magnifying glasses to look closely at flowers and the inside of the stems. They have talked about the different parts of a flower and what a flower needs to grow.

Week beginning: 12.06.17

This week Hazel class have spent a lot of time outside in the beautiful weather! We have explored 'nibbled' plants in our Forest School area and thought about what insects could have been eating them. We have been measuring in Maths and have made our own fruit cocktails!

Week beginning: 05.06.17

Hazel class have been enjoying their new book, 'The Colour of Home'. They have created pictures of their home using the 'milk-pastel' technique. In Science they have observed the insides of different fruits and vegetables and have drawn what they have seen. They have also been outside into our nature area to observe the different plants growing in there

Week beginning: 22.05.17

Year 1 have a had a lot of fun this week for Science week. They have been making huge explosions with Year 6, making their own lava lamps and creating enormous bubbles!

 Week beginning: 15.05.17

Year 1 had a fantastic time on their trip to the Science Museum last Friday. They had an exciting time in the Garden exhibition where they had the opportunity to explore different sensory activities. They then went up to the Space exhibition where they learnt about the different planets in our solar system and space crafts.

 Week beginning: 08.05.17

Hazel class have created wind socks this week in their Science lesson. They looked at different ways to measure the wind and how to find out which direction the wind is coming from. They made their wind socks out of sugar paper and tissue paper. They then tested them out on the field and tried to figure out which direction the wind was coming from.

 Week beginning: 01.05.17

Hazel class have had an exciting and busy week! In Maths we have been learning about position and direction. We have been using the app 'A.L.E.X' on the iPads to learn how to give instructions to one another and to follow instructions. In Science we have been looking at how shadows are made and we have created our own shadow puppets.

Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
