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Weekly News


Week 3

We have had another busy week in Fig class as it has been Science Week. On Tuesday we visited the Science Museum, where we had the opportunity of trying out different sections in 'The Wonder Lab' and we took in a 'Wonder Show'. It was such a great opportunity of being 'hands on' with the different exhibits. In English we have written a newspaper report, using the text 'The Iron Man', including adverbs, fronted adverbials and direct speech in our writing. In Science we have been doing an investigation around chocolate and observing how different chocolate melts at different rates.

Week 2 

We have had a fantastic Book Week this week, with spelling Bee competitions, World Book Day and dressing up as out chosen crayon colour, (taken from the book 'The Day The Crayons Quit'). We have written riddles, made posters and created our own bookmarks. In Maths we have been learning about fractions and fractions of amounts. In Science we set up an experiment called 'Make It Rain', where we observed the different stages of the water cycle through using hot water in a cup and ice cubes on a plate. Check out the photos in our Fig Photo Gallery. In RE and Computing we have been researching different people and how they have made a difference in our world as part of our RE topic 'Why Do You Judge Me?'

Spring 2 Week 1 

We have had a busy week with practising for the AFACT concert which was held at Southborough Primary School. The children sung their hearts out and everyone had a fantastic time. In Maths we have been learning about decimal place value and multiplying and dividing decimals. In English we have been continuing with the 'Iron Man', learning about direct and indirect speech, sentence starters and synonyms for said. Ready for writing our newspaper report. 

Next week is World Book Week and we are really looking forward dressing up for World Book Day! Watch this space for fantastic photos in our gallery. 

Week 6

It is nearly half term and what a busy 6 weeks it has been. In Maths this week we have been learning our 7,9,11 and 12 times tables, looking at a variety of ways these can be solved through patterns and reasoning. In English, we have been story writing using the 'Tunnel' as our text, making sure we include expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and conjunctions. We have been practising our songs for the Spring Concert which is being held at Southborough School in a few weeks, this concert is a collaboration with our AFACT schools. In Science, we are continuing our topic on 'States of Matter' where we have been learning about the Water Cycle. In RE we learnt about the 'Golden Rule' and how the golden rule is talked about in every religion. The golden rule is ' Do unto others as you would expect to be done to you'. Plenty of discussion was had around this topic.

Have a wonderful half term, one and all.

Week 5 

We have had a fabulous week in Fig class, visiting the Steve McQueen exhibition at the Tate Britain. We had the opportunity of seeing our portrait alongside 76,000 other children's portraits. Walking around the galleries, checking out the art was an amazing experience, so much to take in! 

In Maths this week we have been adding and subtracting decimals; as well as problem solving and reasoning. In English we have been writing descriptions for a variety of settings. In computing we have been coding on Purple Mash. It was great to have a Spanish teacher in teaching us Spanish phrases. Finally in Art we have designed our sails for our long ships that we are going to make in Design and Technology as part of our topic 'Vikings'.

Week 4

It has been a fabulous week as we have been celebrating multicultural week. Each class has had the opportunity to go to different classes and experience cultures from around the world. In English we have finished writing our dragon stories, really thinking about fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. In Maths we have been learning about triangles and their different properties, we have also been looking at different angles and whether they are acute, obtuse, right-angled or reflex.

Week 3

Another busy week in Fig. For Science this week we have been investigating the viscosities of different liquids, it was marvellous fun as we watched how quickly or slowly different liquids moved down a tray. In Maths we have been learning about symmetrical patterns across a line of symmetry and identifying the lines of symmetry on 2D shapes. In English we have been planning our dragon story and writing descriptive settings and character profiles. We are continuing learning different skills in PE for boxing.

Week 2 

This week in Maths we have been learning about translating shapes in the first quadrant, we other went onto TT Rockstars and tested our tables with the Studio activity. In English we have continued our dragon theme and read the text 'Herb the Vegetarian Dragon'. After reading the text we looked at five different dragons in a variety of texts and wrote about their appearances and personalities; finally we designed our own dragon ready for planning our dragon story next week. In Science we investigated different liquids and how they move down a tray. In RE we learnt about the discrimination of others by reading the text 'Our House'. Finally for our topic 'Vikings' we researched Viking longships, ready to begin our own longship design for Art & Design.

Spring 1 Week 1

Happy New Year.

This week has been a busy one. In English we have been looking at the text 'How To Trap a Dragon', this text is an instructional text and we have planned our own instructional text on how to trap our own dragon. In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes, making our own with straws and playdough and then categorising the shapes into venn diagrams. In PE we have been learning different boxing skills. We have started a new topic in Science 'States of Matter' and have been learning about different solids and liquids. 

Week 7 

This week in Maths we have been learning the bus stop method for division. We finished our explanation text in English. In Science we have be learning about climate change and in RE we have created our own storyboard on the Christmas story. We also have had the Life Bus in school and our topic was ' All About Me'. Finally we had Bromley Y in teaching us about emotional wellbeing.

Week 6 

In English we have been looking at The Life Cycle of the Plant ready to write our explanation text next week. In Maths we have been multiplying using the grid method. In RE we have learnt about the 5Ks in Sikhism and we have continued looking at Climate Change in Science.

Week 5 

This week in Maths we have been adding and subtracting. In English we have been looking at explanation texts ready to write our own explanation text around our text 'Varmints'. In Art we have finished our embroidery. In Science we have been learning about climate change and created our own mini environments for a comparative test to see how greenhouse gases work in our atmosphere.

Week 4 

Fig have had another busy week with writing a story around Varmints for English. In Science we looked at our local park and how ecosystems can change due to humans creating new habitats. In PE we are learning different skills in golf and for RE we are continuing Sikhism. As it has been assessment week we have been practising all our new knowledge and skills in Maths through assessment papers.

Week 3

This week in English we have started a new text called 'Varmints' we are reading the book and watching the animation so we can compare and contrast the two. In Maths we have been learning about decimals. We started our embroidery for Art which is linked to our topic 'Anglo-Saxons'. In Science we wrote our own classification keys in groups.

Week 2 

Fig have had a fantastic week with the Freshwater Theatre Company visiting us. We had a variety of drama activities linked to our topics Anglo-Saxons and Vikings; check out the Fig photo gallery! In Maths we have been learning about timetables and perimeter. In English we have written a recount on our drama experience with the Freshwater Theatre Company and have written an acrostic poem on Remembrance Day. In Art we have designed our names in Runes ready to embroider them next week on binca. 

Autumn 2 Week 1 

This week Fig have written poems on World War 1 using a photograph of a soldier as a starting point. In Maths we have been looking at time. We have started a new topic in Science 'Animals and Their Habitats' and are learning about Sikhism in RE. In Topic we researched Anglo-Saxon Kings, focusing on King Alfred the Great.

Week 7

In Maths this week we have been revisiting all our learning over the last 6 weeks. In English we wrote our newspaper reports and published them. In RE we wrote our own 10 commandments. For Science we finished our topic with food chains and sang our song 'Hey Mr Miller' for the Grandparents Tea Party. Happy half term!

Week 6

We have had a busy week preparing for our Year group assembly, which was good if we don't say so ourselves! In Maths we have been learning the grid method for multiplication. In English we have been looking at fact or fiction and direct/indirect speeh for newspaper reports. For Science we did an experiment for learning about the digestive process, which was very messy!

 Week 5

This week we worked with Kim our resident artist and decorated our clay tiles using a variety of slips. In English we wrote a recount of our experiences during the sessions with Kim, reflecting on our learning process. In Maths we have been learning our 3, 6, 4 and 8 timestables, looking at the divisions too. In Science we have labelled a body with the different organs found in the digestive system. In RE we have been thinking about sacred items that you might find.

 Week 4

This week we have had the opportunity of working with Kim our resident artist and the first session of clay tile making. In English we have been looking at Newspapers and the features you find in a report. In Maths we have been subtracting. In Topic we have creating time lines and researching in computing the definitions of words. Foe Science we wrote our conclusion for our experiment. Check out the 'Fig Gallery' for photos.

 Week 3

It has been a busy week in Fig class. We had the opportunity of piloting a demo called 'Press and Play' where we combined drama with listening to a story; this was linked to our topic 'Anglo-Saxons'. In computing we researched questions on 'Anglo-Saxons'. For Art we designed our tiles ready to put onto clay tiles with resident artist Kim next week. In Maths we have been continuing with place value and adding numbers. In English, we wrote a police report on a character witness from 'Tuesday'. In Science we set up an experiment with eggs in different liquids to see which liquid would cause the most tooth decay. Finally, in RE we have been looking at Jesus and creating a CV.

 Week 2

This week in English we have been studying the text 'Tuesday', as detectives we have been asking questions to characters from the text and finding evidence ready to write our police reports next week. In Maths we have been looking at place value. In Science we made our own set of teeth and learnt about the different types of teeth. In Art we learnt how to create a wash in watercolours and in RE we have begun our topic on Christianity.

 Autumn 1 Week 1

Welcome to Fig class 2019 - 2020!

It's been a wonderful first week at school, getting to know the children and the class getting to know us too. This week we have created our class charter, written our targets for the year ahead, designed our title page for our new topic 'Anglo-Saxons' and thought about vocabulary for our Science topic 'Animals Including Humans'.

 17th June

This week we had a fantastic STEM day where the whole school were involved in activities linked around Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

 10th June

This week has been assessment week so we have been really busy showing all our progress from the year of learning.

 3rd June

This week we have written a letter in English using the text 'The Peddlar of Swaffam'. In Maths we have been continuing with subtraction and addition looking at near multiples. We had a fantastic first swimming lesson for PE this week. In RE we celebrated Ramadan. In Science we looked at food chains. 

 20th May

In English we have been writing fact files on Sir Francis Drake and then published them in computing. In maths we have been looking at subtracting and adding. 

 13th May

This week we published our newspaper reports for Space Bat Angel Dragon. In Maths we have been multiplying. In Science we are looked at the digestive system. In computing we have been coding. Finally in RE we are continuing with Judaism.

 6th May

This week we have been writing our stories about the Space Bat Angel Dragon. In Maths we have been learning about Roman numerals and rounding 4 digit numbers. For Art we designed our own Space Bat Angel Dragon. Science was all about teeth and we made our own set of teeth to help us understand the names of teeth, where they are in the mouth and the functions of each tooth. Check out the photos on the photo gallery.

 29th April

We have had a busy week in Fig class. In Maths we have been looking at temperature on different number lines. In English over the last two weeks we are studying the text 'Iron Man' and writing character analyses. We have also planned a story ready for writing on where the Space Bat Angel Dragon came from. In Science we are learning about 'Animals Including Humans' with the focus this week being our digestive system. For our topic in RE we are looking at Judaism and special celebrations linked to the passover. 

 18th March

This week in Maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions. In English we have written our recount for our 'mud walk' from last week. In Design and Technology we have designed a shaky hand game linked to our  Science topic 'Electricity'. We created our own art pieces for celebrating 'Holi' this week.

 11th March

Our class trip to Creekside Development Centre for a mud walk was the highlight this week. We had a fantastic time walking in the creek and learning about the history of Deptford. Furthermore, we found plenty of river creatures and learnt about artefacts form times gone by that had been found in the creek. Check out the photos in our gallery. Did you know From the mid-16th to the late 19th century, Deptford was home to Deptford Dockyard, the first Royal Navy Dockyard.

 4th March

It has been a whirlwind fun with 'Book Week and World Book Day' this week. With a Waterstones visit on Monday and each picking a book with the book vouchers we were given. World Book day on Thursday, where we dressed up as our favourite book characters and had a parade. In English we made a mini setting with a matchbox around the narrative of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'; then we wrote expanded noun phrases for the setting. In Art we have been making pressprints and relief printing blocks' with the starting point of Trees and the Environment linked to our 'Recycling' topic. Finallly, in Maths we have been learning about decimals. Phew!

 25th February

A new half term! This week we have been looking at the text 'Until I Met Dudley', this is an explanation text, we have had great fun thinking about the features of an explanation text and explaining how a cat feeding machine works. In Maths we have been dividing and multiplying 10 and 100 by whole numbers and decimals. In Art we ventured into the playground and we sketching our the trees in our environment, ready for thinking about patterns to use for our printing. 

 11th February

Can you believe it is nearly half term? Wow it has flown past, perhaps because we have been so busy! This week in English we will be writing our own stories around 'Bill's New Frock' and 'Tuesday'. For Maths we are going to be dividing and multiplying by 10 and 100. Science, will be all about conductors and insulators so that we can design and make our own switch after half term. In Art, we will be finishing off our collage for the recycling symbol. Happy half term!

 4th February

In English this week we have been writing diary recounts for our text 'Bill's New Frock'. For Maths we have been learning short division (bus stop method). In PSHE we have been thinking about our character traits and writing positive things about ourselves. For RE we have continued thinking about Buddhism and designed our own shrines.

 28th January

In maths Fig class have have been learning about plotting shapes on grids and translating these shapes to different coordinates. We are continuing with our text 'Tuesday,' looking at witnesses eye accounts and writing a police report using reported speech. In PE, we have been enjoying team games, building our skills in throwing and catching with eye coordination. Buddhism is our focus for RE this half term and this week we were thinking about mindfulness. Finally in Science we have been learning about the difference between battery and mains powered electricity. This provoking many thoughts on how much we rely on electricity in our lives

 21st January

We have had a busy week in Fig class. In English maths we have written and published newspaper reports around the text 'Tuesday', thinking about reported and direct speech. In Maths we have looked at polygons and triangles learning about their properties. For Art we have been creating our own collages using the recycle sign as our starting point. Finally in Science we made series circuits as part of our topic 'Electricity'.

 14th January

In maths Fig class have have been learning about plotting shapes on grids and translating these shapes to different coordinates. We are continuing with our text 'Tuesday,' looking at witnesses eye accounts and writing a police report using reported speech. In PE, we have been enjoying team games, building our skills in throwing and catching with eye coordination. Buddhism is our focus for RE this half term and this week we were thinking about mindfulness. Finally in Science we have been learning about the difference between battery and mains powered electricity. This provoking many thoughts on how much we rely on electricity in our lives

 7th January

Happy New Year! Our new topic this term is Recycling and the Environment which we were eager to start. In maths this week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and had fun making different 3D shapes using straws and playdough. Futhermore, we have looked at irregualr and regular polygons. We have started a new text Tuesday, this is a fabulous picture book. Fig have been detectives looking for evidence throughout the book so that we can write a police report and newspaper report on the unnatural occurrences that happened in the text, over the next two weeks. In Science we have started the topic Electricity. 

 17th December

The final week before Christmas, how time has flown! This week we have our Christmas party, carol singing in the church and our Christmas lunch too. Fig class wish you all a 'Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.' See you in the Spring term...

 10th December

We had a lovely week in Fig class; with the trip to Bromley Theatre to see Cinderella, making Christmas cards and the Life Bus too. In Maths we finished our learning on chunking and our newspaper report in English.


 3rd December

This week we have been looking at the features of newspaper reports, for writing our own next week around The Firework Maker's Daughter. In Maths we have been looking at dividing. In Art we made some Christmas decorations and in RE we have continued to learn about Sikhism.


26th November 

It has been a week of assessments, Fig class have worked extremely hard and all are making good progress. #proudteacher

19th November 

We had a fantastic year group assembly on Friday and impressed all with our learning. In English we have been looking at character profiles from 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' and have been continuing with multiplying using the grid method in Maths.


12th November 

Fig class have been writing our recounts in English all about the visit to the Chocolate Museum, using the grid method in Maths for multiplication and creating our poppy art using the milk pastel method. We had an Indian dance workshop and there were plenty of movers and groovers in the class. Finally we practised for our class assembly which is next Friday. 


 5th November

We have had a creative week in Fig class. On Tuesday we visited the chocolate museum in Brixton, which was an amazing trip where we made chocolates and learnt about the history of chocolate. Please check out the photos in our gallery. On Wednesday we made a heart as part of our learning about WW1 and discussed our thoughts around why the war happened. On Thursday we made Christmas crafts  with our lovely PTA and Friday our thoughts were with the men and women who enabled us to keep our freedom.



 29th October

Welcome to Autumn 2! Fig class have had a great week with a WW1 drama workshop on Monday where we were introduced to a WW1 soldier. This led us into our English learning, where we wrote WW1 poems called 'The Lone Soldier'; with our starting point being a black and white photograph of a soldier on a battlefield. Art&Design is all about WW1 too, where we have designed our own poppies on a contemporary background. Maths has been all about doubling and halving whole numbers, with Mr Greenwood introducing us to estimating numbers on different number lines. Sikhism is our focus for RE this half term, just a thought, did you know that it is the newest religion? Only 500 years old!  Finally, Fig have started the journey of coding in computing, this week we have been learning to create our own settings with moving objects. Check out on the photos in our Fig Photo Gallery. Phew, until next week...


 15th October

We cannot believe that half term is nearly upon us and another busy week in Fig class. Our trip to Waterstones  on Wednesday was fantastic, hearing two chapters from a book about a dragon with a chocolate heart and designing a chocolate bar. In class we finished, edited and published our letters to the supermarkets about saying 'No to palm oil' and painted our Aztec pots. With parents' evening and Grandparents' Tea Party, it has been quite a week.

Happy half term!


 8th October

It was assessment week in year 4 and we'll be carrying out assessments in English, reading, spelling and maths to see just how well we are all doing and where are learning is going next.

We had a fantastic Science afternoon where we made our own paper spinners and tested how quickly they would drop to the ground, depending on the weight of the paper clips. In Art we had our own pinch pots ready for painting our Aztec designs on next week.

In RE we learnt about the bible and how many books are within the New and Old Testaments as well as the names of each book. 


 1st October

Another busy week in Fig where we became advertising experts; not only did we finish writing our adverts for our chocolate bar wrappers but we also recorded them on the ipad.  In Maths we consolidated our learning on subtraction, making sure we were secure on exchanging from other columns. A tricky business however lots of smiles by the end of the week.


 24th September

We have had a fantastic week of learning in Fig class. Column subtraction has been our maths focus and we had a fabulous lesson with Mr Greenwood where we made cubes from nets and created our own 1000 sticks. Please visit the gallery to see our creations. In English we have been learning about advertising and have planned our adverts for our chocolate wrappers which we made in Art. Science was all about experiments, where we investigated whether gas has weight and if gas could be made from a solid and a liquid. Again visit the Fig photo gallery to observe our findings! For PE we are learning golf skills, there are some very good golfers in our class!

 17th September

We have had a fantastic week, learning how particles move for our Science topic 'States of Matter'. Monday was 'Meet the teacher' where we discussed the trips for the year. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is helping us to write character descriptions and think about using conjunctions in our writing. For maths we have been adding using the column method and unpicking word problems.

 10th September

It's the first full week back. We'll be getting straight into learning this week with all children having new AR books, as well as starting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in English. Please check Dojo for photos on a regular basis to see what else we are getting up to this week. 

 3rd September

*Monday are Tuesday are staff training days*

Welcome back to school! We hope you had a great summer and are feeling refreshed. This week in year 4 we'll be settling back in, getting new lockers and sorting out targets for the year.


Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
