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Weekly News

Week Beginning 3/2/2020 

Return to sender.. Post workers this week. Therefore in literacy we designed postcards, stamps and practised our handwriting. We walked to the postbox for the children to experience posting letters. We hope you have received them! In Maths we have been learning about 1p coins and also continued our shape learning. 

Week Beginning 27/1/2020 

Call the Doctor. We have been learning about Doctors and what wonderful work they do to help us. We have had fun dressing up and pretending to be Doctors. 

In Maths the children have engaged in shape learning and then had fun finding different shaped objects around the school. 

We have been playing the ukulele in our music lesson and we all really loved it.

As part of Multi cultural week we have had the lovely Mrs Mezza teaching us all how to make pasta from scratch. The children were amazing at mixing, rolling and kneading the pasta dough. They followed instruction in how to make there own sauces. We then cooked it for them and they tasted there handy work.

Week Beginning 20/1/2020

Fire, Fire, Fire!!! Yes Fire Officer learning this week. We made a fire engine and pretended we were real Fire Officers, putting out fires and rescuing cats from trees.

In Maths we have looked at tallest and shortest, and one more than and one less than.

In Literacy we have been reading the Charlie and the Fire Fighter book and in our art lesson we chose and then  drew who we would like to be when we grow up. 

 In P.E. we have been learning new skills and team work, which will continue throughout this half term.


Week Beginning 13/1/2020 

We have had exciting week. We ventured to the music room and explored the instruments. All the children found something they enjoyed playing. Drum, guitars and even a piano.

We went to the shop Pets At Home to see the animals and the Veterinary Surgery waiting area. We had great fun walking down to the shop and on the way back, up the hill too.

We have also been learning about police officers and how they can help us. 

Week Beginning 5th January 2020

This week in Ash Class we have enjoyed starting our new topic about "People Who Help Us" , beginning with Vets and what they do.  We have had great fun in our newly created Vet area in class, sharing and taking turns to be a Vet or a pet owner and in Art we have used our amazing painting skills to create pictures of our favourite animals.

Week Beginning 9th December 2019

We are fast approaching the end of term!! Ash Class have been working hard this term focussing on well known books. We have looked at "Whatever Next" and went to the moon in a rocket for a picnic. We all walked to the shops with a shopping list for what we wanted in our picnic, the children looked for a certain item and paid the shop lady. The next day we made sandwiches for the picnic following instructions, the jam sandwiches were lovely and sticky!

We read "Goldilocks and the three Bears", the children loved this story, we acted out the story and learnt the Goldilocks song. In maths we looked at size such as big and small.

We have just finished looking at "The Three Little Pigs"  and we made houses out of sticks, straw and bricks to see which one was the strongest. We also looked at and felt different materials and used words such as hard, soft, shiny, smooth and rough.

Our last book before Christmas will be "The Gingerbread Man"

Please look at the pictures in our gallery as they will show all of the exciting things we have been doing.

We all hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Week Beginning 28th October 2019

Our focus book this week has been The Gingerbread man, the children have enjoyed shouting "STOP" and "Run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me im the Gingerbread Man"

We decorated pictures of gingerbread men and made them out of play dough. It has been a very busy week with all of the rehearsals happening and most of the children have been able to join in.

We have also been focussing on our sharing skills and learning how to play together. I can't believe that we only have one week left before the Christmas holidays, we will be doing lots of Christmas arts and crafts next week.

The children have all settled back into school life after the half term break. This week we have been reading Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy.  We have acted out the story together using props from the story. The children all joined in together and enjoyed the book.

In maths we looked at shapes and made a rocket out of circles, squares and triangles. We also visited the Reception classes to help us play together.

Week Beginning 7th October 2019

We have been reading "Owl Babies" this week, the children have acted out the story using sticks and leaves we found in the Forest School area. We made stick puppets and lovely paintings of the baby owls.

The children are all growing in confidence during P.E. and enjoy travelling across the apparatus. On Friday we all dressed up and went to visit Mrs Weeks in her office and then came back to class to sit together and look at books.

Please look at our pictures to see what we have been doing.

 Week beginning 16th September 2019

This week we have been reading "The Hungry Caterpillar", we have been learning the days of the week and tasting all of the different fruit that the Hungry Caterpillar ate. We made caterpillar and butterfly pictures using paint and bright shiny paper. The three new children have settled in really well and have been busy getting to know all of our routines, this was their first full week and they all coped well in the lunch hall and they even went to inclusion in the Reception Classes.

Next week we are reading "Dear Zoo" and will be looking at all the different zoo animals.

 Week beginning 14th January 2019

We have had an exciting week looking at the role of The Police, we have made "Wanted" posters and finger prints. Some of the children were able to go and see real life Police officers when they came into school this week, they even brought in a Police Dog which was a great surprise.

Our art sessions were very messy as the children used their hands and feet to paint with!!

In maths we looked at day and night and the children participated in a activity where they had to decide what they did during the day and at night.

Please take a look at our photo's.

 Week beginning 21st January 2019

Our topic this week has been the role of the Fire Fighter, we dressed up and played in the pop up fire engine and we also made our own using a big box and lots of red paint. We made split pin Firemen and put them up on our classroom wall to show everybody our good work.

In literacy we have continued  to learn our letter sounds and the children made marks and drew letters on the big white board. We also learnt the Five Little Fire Fighters song using Makaton signs and it was great to see the adults joining in too!!

Im maths we looked at big and small and the children used real props to see the difference between the two sizes, Preet looked great in my BIG coat! We also looked at capacity through water and measured using the vocabulary of full and empty, most of the water ended up on the classroom floor but the children had fun while they were learning.

P.E. was to travel across the apparatus in different ways and if you look at our pictures of the week you can see all of the children doing that.

But the most fun we had was getting messy during sensory play.

Next week we will be looking at the role of The Dentist.

 Week beginning 4th February 2019

Thai week we have been reading "Commotion in the Ocean" and looking at what animals live in the sea. We made a lovely display of our work which included paintings of a Dolphin, Penguin and a Sea Turtle. We also made Jelly Fish out of card and crepe paper for the tentacles. We played in the sand and made sand castles, we also made sand pictures.

For our topic of "People Who Help Us" our focus this week was the Postman, so we looked at "The Jolly Postman" book together and made our own letter to send home. We took our letters to the local post box to post home. We all enjoyed the brisk walk in the sunshine.

Next week our focus will be money and the Baker's shop.

 Week Beginning 25th February 2019

The book that we have been focussing on this week was "The Hungry Caterpillar", we made pictures of caterpillar's by using our hands, we also made symmetrical butterflies. We looked at and tasted all of the fruit from the story. Some of us liked the plums but the most popular was the strawberries.  We have also enjoyed sensory play and making sand castles in the sand.


Week Beginning 4th March 2019

This week in Ash Class we have been reading "Tich" and looking at big and small. We planted seeds just like Tich did in the story and used both big and little pots for our seeds.

On Tuesday we joined up with Maple Class to make pancakes and I found out how to toss pancakes without hitting the ceiling or dropping them, some of the children were very impressed and also managed to do the same.

World Book Day was a great success and all of the children and adults dressed up and we all took part in the parade.

Fola had a great time in Forest School with one of the year one classes, he looked for insects with a magnifying glass and really enjoyed the hot chocolate with the other children.

Next week we will be reading "Jack and the Beanstalk" and "Jasper's Beanstalk" and will be looking at different parts of a plant and also planting our own beanstalks.

Please take a look at our pictures of our week.

 Week Beginning 11th March 2019

This weeks story of "Jasper's Beanstalk" was a great success, the children really enjoyed the story. The children measured different objects with unifix cubes to see which one was the biggest.

The weather hasn't been very kind this week bue we still managed  some outdoor learning and when it was too wet we got out all of our sensory activities and had a great time in the classroom.

P.E. sessions are going well and the children are gaining more confidence week after week, some of the children can now travel over the apparatus independently.

We had a good music session today with some new ideas I learnt from a music course I went on at Marjorie McClure school this week.

Please take a look at this weeks photos.

 Week Begining 18th March 2019

This week we read "Jack and The Beanstalk" and looked at different sizes relating to the "Beanstalk". We made clay pots, painted them and planted cress seeds in them so we can watch them grow.

We have been playing  alongside each other to help our social skills, one of our favourite activities has been mixing different materials such as sand and soil together.

Please look at our photos this week to see how we play and learn in Ash Class.

 Week Beginning 25th March 2019

This week we have been concentrating on our letter sounds and mark making. We used different materials to mark make with such as rice, cous cous, sand and shaving foam. These activities will help with fine and gross motor skills which will then help with letter formation.

We also made a mother's day cards using finger paints and we hope that all the mums like their card.

The weather has made us all very happy and we took advantage of the sunny weather on Thursday afternoon and went to the play park.  The children had great fun on the swings and slide and if you look at the pictures you will see how much fun we had.

Next week we will be doing lots of craft activities related to Easter and we will be looking at "The Eater Story".

 Week begining 23rd April 2019

Ash Class have settled  back after the Easter break.

Our topic this half term will be Houses and Homes and Journeys, we will be looking at animal habitats and mini beasts. We will also be taking bus rides to experience a journey.

 Week Begining 29th April 2019

We have looked at different mini beats this week and have also been reading "Mad About Minibeasts" by David Wojtowycz and the children have loved it. We sorted the minibeasts into different catergories in our maths sessions, and children made ladybirds during art. Next week we will be painting and making other minibeasts to go on our display in the classroom.

Please look at our photos of this weeks activities.

 Week Beginning 7th May 2019

It has been another great week for learning and playing in Ash Class this week. We have made snails and spiders to add to our display that we started last week. Our P.E session this week taught the children how to travel safely across the apparatus and all of the children were able to follow adult directions.

In maths we have been doing number activities inside and outside of the classroom and been looking at addition.

We have enjoyed the Attention Autism, and sensory sessions. We have experienced different textures and sounds.

Please look at our latest pictures to see how much we have been doing during our busy week.

 Week Beginning 13th May 2019

This week in Ash Class we have been looking at pets, we walked to Pets at Home in the Nugent Centre. We saw fish, rabbits, guinea pigs and some mice. The children enjoyed the walk and were very pleased when they got back to school in time for a drink and a snack!!

One of the children in Maple class brought in his two guinea pigs called Rudy and Bruce and we loved watching them eat their lettuce.

The lovely weather allowed us to play with water outside and we washed the dolls and put the washed clothes on our washing line.

We will be looking at farm animals next week.

 Week Begining 3rd June 2019

Ash Class have had a very busy week, the nice weather has meant that more of our learning can take place in our outside area. The children are learning to interact with each other through play. Our sensory sessions have also provided the children with an opportunity to discover different textures and they made models with play dough using their imaginations.

 Week Begining 17th June 2019

We have recovered from our amazing trip to Colchester Zoo, the children were so well behaved and a credit to the school. They got to see penguins and watched them being fed and saw some birds stealing their food mid flight, this caused great amusement. They all got to feed the giraffes and the elephants, it was great to see their faces light up with excitement.

This week we have had our STEM day and most of us joined in with the activities. Some of the children made giant bubbles and then went on a bug hunt and found lots of different insects. It was good to be a part of the whole school. We also joined in with sports day and the adults are still tired!!

 Week Begining 24th June 2019

This week in Ash Class we have been making the most of the nice weather and doing a lot of our learning outside. Some of us have also been getting very wet while experimenting with water and pouring into different sized containers for capacity. All of the children enjoyed P. E. with Mr Duffin and they are very confident using all of the apparatus.

We have our trip to Margate on Monday so look out for all of the photos next week.

Week Begining 1st July 2019

We all had an amazing start to the week with our trip to Margate with Maple Class. The trip was organised by The Albany Taxi Charity, they take lots of different children to Margate every year and we are one of the lucky schools that get to go.

The trip started with us all getting into black taxi's and we had a police escort to the motorway. We travelled in a convoy and stopped half way for something to eat and drink. When we arrived at Margate we went into Dreamland and went on some of the rides. 

After that we all went to the beach and paddled in the sea. The children had a great time jumping in the waves and splashing the adults!

We then had chicken and chips before going on roller skates at the roller disco. Most of the children managed to stay upright!!

On Thursday two children went with the Year 1 children to Waggamammas and enjoyed tasting different foods.

I cant believe that we only have two weeks left until the summer holidays begin!!

 We made it.

We finally made it to the end of term!! The children have been brilliant this week with all of the changes to their routine. We have been playing lots of games and some of us performed in the thank you assembly, our rendition of Hickory Dickory Dock was amazing.

I would like to thank all of the staff and parents for all their support this year and I am looking forward to what September will bring. I also want to say goodbye and good luck to Miss Young and Miss Blanchett who are sadly leaving us.
















Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
