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Weekly News


Week 37 - home learning week 14 - 13th July

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Week 36 - home learning week 13 - 6th July

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Week 35 - home learning week 12 - 29th June

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Week 34 - home learning week 11 - 22nd June

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Week 33 - home learning week 10 - 15th June

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Week 32- home learning week 9 - 8th June

Please see the bottom of the page for the home learning tasks this week. 


This week we are learning about the story 'The snail and the Whale' 

Week 31 - Home learning week 8 - 1st June 

Please see the bottom of the page for the home learning tasks this week. 


We have welcomed back some children this week. It has been wonderful to see them and they have all settled in very well. Well done Hazel class. 

Week 30 - Home learning week 7 - 18th May

Please see the bottom of the page for the home learning tasks for week 7. 

Week 29 - Home learning week 6 - 11th May

Please see the bottom of the page for the home learning tasks for week 6. 

Enjoy and stay safe

Week 28 - Home learning week 5 - 4th May

Please see the bottom of the page for the home learning for week 5.

Stay safe.


Week 27- Home learning week 4- 27th April 

Please see the bottom of the page to find the home learning for this week. 

Keep safe everyone. 

Week 26- Home learning week 3- 20th April

This is the first week back after Easter and at the bottom of the page you will find the home learning for this week. 

Stay safe :-) 

Week 25- Home learning week 2- 30th March

Please see the bottom of the page to find this weeks home learning tasks. 

Week 24- Home learning Week 1 - 23rd March

Please see the bottom of the page to find this weeks home learning tasks. 

Stay safe everyone!


Week 23 - 16th March

This week we have been weighing different items around our classroom. We made our own spring scales to measure how heavy the objects were. We then measured how many stones each object weighed and wrote this down. Have a go at making your own spring scale at home. All you need is a pot, rubber band, blue tack and objects to weigh. 

Week 22- 9th March 

Book Week! What a fantastic week it has been. For English week this year the whole school focused on a different colour from the story "The Day the Crayons Quit". Hazel class were white and what a fantastic job they did. We wrote letters, stories and puppet shows, we drew book covers, crayon wrappers and designed ourselves as a crayon. On Thursday we dressed up as the white crayon and paraded around the hall with a placard to tell people why white crayon was so important. 


Week 21 - 2nd March 

We have had a great week learning about how to make maps. We have been on a walk around the school and taken pictures on the ipads. We then came back into our classroom and decided on the shapes of each of the rooms around our school. We drew the map using a birds eye view and the results were fantastic!


Week 20 - 24th February

Half term is over and we are back at school and would you believe it this week it started to SNOW! We were so excited and some of us couldn't remember ever seeing snow so of course we had to go out to touch it, smell it and even taste it (if we could catch it!). This inspired us to independently do some writing all about our cool experience. 

Week 19- 10th February 

In English we have been looking at the book 'The Magic Bed'. We have written all about our dreams and where we would like to go on our own magic bed. We have also been writing a pursuasive letter to the dump to encourage them to give our bed back!

Week 18 - 3rd February 

We had such a great week this week learning all about the different oceans around the world. We used the ipads to research all 5 oceans to find out what is the difference and what is the same about each ocean. We then played 'ocean says', when a feature of the ocean was shouted out, we had to run to the correct ocean. 

Week 17 - 27th January  

It has been multicultural week this week and we have travelled the globe! We started in the UAE then to Kenya, next we popped to Australia and finally to Egypt! We did so many exciting activities such as creating our own Kenyan necklaces, creating a paper mosque and printing a kangaroo. We hope to fly around the world again some time soon. 


Week 16 - 20th January 

This week we went to The London Aquarium and it was so much fun. We were able to find out about all of the different animals that live in a variety of oceans around the world. We saw the penguins eating fish, the sharks swimming and even got to touch a starfish! It was such an amazing experience which inspired us to write lots about each animal!

Week 15 - 13th January 

This week in Science we have been finding out about the changes animals go through to survive the winter in the UK. We made up our own actions to pretend to be the different animals and then played a 'Simon Says' game with our animal actions. 


Week 14 - 6th January  

Wow, what a fantastic first week back! We have started a new topic all about Oceans. In Geography we started to look at and name the different oceans and in History we have been able to see how boats have changed over time. 

Week 13 - 16th December 

Nativity!!! This week, after many different rehearsals we have shown our nativity performance to parents. It has been a success and everyone performed to the best of their ability. 

Week 12 -9th December 

We have been learning all about toys for our history topic this week. We have looked at a range of different toys which rich and poor children would have played with in the Victorian times. We even made our own peg dolls. They have been great to make!

Week 11 - 2nd December 

We have had a great week learning about the months of the year. We found out when everyone's birthday was and what big events happened in each of the months. We then played a game of swap the months with our partners. 

Week 10 - 25th November 

This week we went to London to visit the Florence Nightingale museum. We learnt all about her life and her rise to becoming an important nurse. We even tried on some of the same style clothes she would have worn. 


Week 9 - 18th November

This week we went on a trip to Pizza express to learn all about making pizzas. It was great fun to get on the bus and visit the Chislehurst Pizza Express! We touched and smelt the different ingredients and then made the pizza.

Week 8 - 11th November

We made our very own conker spiders this week. We found conkers around our local area and then an adult made holes into the conker. We then decorated them with 8 pipe cleaner legs and  

Week 7 4th November

This week we did a very important science experiment, we went into the playground and found out about the different coloured leaves in our play area. We all scooped up a section leaves from the playground and sorted them. It turns out that brown and orange are the most common colour leaf for this time of year on our playground. 


Week 6 - 28th October

We have been learning all about Florence Nightingale this week and the impact she has had on nursing today. She was an amazing woman who taught us about the importance of clean hospitals and nurses. We even met a real doctor who was able to show us the different things she would wear in an operating theatre. 

Week 5 

This week we were learning all about ordinal numbers. We played races, board games and even did some art. We made sure that we used the terminology 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on correctly all week! Even in our assembly we used our ordinal numbers. 

Week 4

This week we learnt all about different colours and colour mixing. We turned it into a science experiment. We mixed together bicarbonate of soda with vinegar and watched it explode. Inside each of the pots were different colours, as the mixture exploded we saw the colours combine and create a new colour. It was so interex 

Week 3 

We have been learning all about the famous nurse Mary Seacole. We have had a great week smelling, touching and even tasting some of the herbal medicine she used. Some of us really did not like the smell of the lemongrass but lots of us enjoyed smelling the mint. 

Week 2

This week we had great fun starting our new Science subject all about Autumn. We went on a long Autumn walk to find some exciting Autumn treasure! We hunted high and low and eventually came back with some beautiful leaves, conkers and acorns.  

Week 1

It's our second week back and we have started to look at our new class story 'Orion and the Dark'! We wrote predictions based on the title page and then read a few pages of the book to find out Orion is scared of lots of things! We discussed and wrote about our own fears and why we think they are so scary. After this we wrote a note to the character Orion to give him advice on how to get over his fears. In our Maths lessons we learnt what it meant to estimate! We worked in pairs to get scoop out handfuls of beads from our pots and our partner had to guess how many we scooped out! Once we estimated we worked together to count ouf how many beads there were. In History our topic is all about medicine and people from the past, we found out who Mary Seacole was and why she was important in the Crimean War. Linking to our Geography, we looked at Jamaica and how it is different from UK, sorting pictures of the UK and Jamaica into our books. Finally, we became colour scientists! We learnt about what the 3 primary colours are and through some colour volcanoes we found out what primary colours mix together to make our secondary colours!


Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
