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Weekly News

Home learning - Week 5 - 4th May

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Home learning - Week 4 - 27th April

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Home learning - Week 3 - 20th April

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Home learning - Week 2 - 30th March

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Home learning - Week 1 - 23rd March

Please see the bottom of the page to find the home learning for this week. 


Stay safe everyone! 

16th March

This week was assessment week! We worked really hard in our Maths and Writing assessments. For our writing assessments we wrote our own stories based on the book 'Someone Swallowed Stanley'! We wrote out a plan and story map one day and then used these to write out stories the next day. After our Maths assessment we learnt about measuring length, we picked different objects from the class and measured them using cubes. Once we measured and recorded the lengths of 7 objects we ordered them from longest to shortest. In RE we have started to look at Judaism, we watched the beginning of the story of Moses and thought about how Moses and his mum would feel when she had to leave him in a basket on the river. After we thought about the people who are important to us and why. In Science we went outside to collect samples of evergreen and deciduous trees to stick and label into our books. All of this term we have been practising for our Spring concert! Unfortunately we were not abl to perform to any adults so as a year group we performed our songs on the djembe drums to one another and then performed as a year group! We did a fantastic job!

9th March

This week we have gone back to our class story. We made posters about how we can help the world and used post-it notes to make our posters have flaps just like our book! In Maths we first recapped finding halves and quarters of different amounts, making towers of cubes and then splitting them in 2 to find half and 4 to find a quarter! After this, we looked at weight, we used a spring scale to mark the weight of different fruits and then used the cubes to find out which fruit was the heaviest by finding out how many cubes each piece of fruit weighed. In History we have been learning about schools from the past, for our homework we asked our parents and grandparents what school was like in the past for them and shared our answers as a class. We also compared pictures of children in the past at school and pictures of ourselves at school too!

2nd March

It's Book Week! For Book Week the whole school is looking at the book 'The Day The Crayong Quit' By Drew Dewalt and Oliver Jeffers! We picked White Crayon to focus on and  wrote him a letter telling him why he's such an important crayon. We also made plaquards demanding justice for our White Crayon friend! Lots of us also took part in the key stage 1 spelling bee and we did really well! We prentened to be crayons and wrote to Duncan telling him why we are upset, wrote about what type of crayon we would be and what different things we would be used to colour in and used paint to focus on making different shades of colours to paint crayons!

24th February

We came back from our half term refreshed and ready for a new class story! Our new book is called '10 things I Can Do To Help My World'. We looked at why it was important to help our world and what some issues in the world are. We wrote questions to environmental specialists asking them about why some people don't want to protect the environment. Continuing with our money topic in Maths we started to look at making change! We learnt how we can find change by drawing out our coins and crossing out how much you've spent to find the change! In Geography we are learning to draw maps. We went through a small obstacle course in our outside area and then drew out the route we took, drawing a key of all the different obstacles we came across!

10th February

This week we found a recipe to make a magical object! We read through the recipe, picked a magical object and then wrote down a secret magic word to make it magical. We wrote all about where our magical object would take us. In Maths we were working with coin and learning to make different amounts by playing a shopping game. In history we learnt about why Grace Darling was important in the past. To promote Grace Darling we made posters all about her

3rd February

This week we hve started to read the story 'The Magic Bed' in our Literacy lessons. We spoke about how the main character Georgie is going on adventures in his dreams and wrote all about our own dreams using lots of adjectives and similes! In our Maths lessons we have learnt to double and halve numbers. We had our first Forest School session with Mrs McDonald this week and loved going outside to explore nature! 

27th January

This week was very exciting because it was Multicultural Week! Each afternoon we travelled to an all new country! We visited the UAE with Mrs Mantle and made USE hand print flags, we flew to Egypt with Mrs Rautenbach and wrapped our friends up as mummies and finally we travelled to Australia with Mrs Inwood and made from aboriginal artwork! Mrs Jones then took us for a Chinese dance workshop! We had loads of fun and learnt so much about the world around us! We wrote out our own adventure stories based on 'Taking Flight' this week and looked at the place value of numbers to help us order them from smallest to biggest.

20th January

This week Holly class had a very important mission in their Literacy lesson. We had a special letter delivered from Tony (a character from Taking Flight) who lost his Teddy! We had to write a recount of Teddy's journey to help Tony find him. In Maths we learnt about partitioning numbers into their 10s and 1s and using the Dienes to make 2-digit numbers. In Science we discussed what happens to animals during Winter and learnt that they hibernate!

13th January

We had an incredibly exciting week as we visited the Sealife Centre in London to learn more about the oceans for our Geography topic 'Oceans & Seas'! We enjoyed travelling up to London on the train, eating lunch at the city hall and then entering the amazing Aquarium! We touched starfish, learnt all about what creatures live in the seas and saw the penguins being fed! We were even allowed take pictures on the ipads for ourselves! It was a brilliant day! In Literacy we have learnt what a simile is and that we used them to compare one thing to another and use the words 'as' and 'like' to write our similies. During Maths we have continued to review finding 10 more and 10 less than a number. 

6th January

Holly class has returned back to school refreshed and ready for the new year! This term we are going to be watching a video in Literacy called 'Taking Flight'. It's all about a little boy and his grandparent who use their imagination to go on an adventure! We started off by writing setting and character descriptions from the video. In Maths we are reviewing finding 1 more and 1 less and 10 more and 10 less than a number. Our Art lessons this half term will be all about resistant art! We started off our topic by making tape resistant art using masking tape and watercolours!

16th December

We had a very special surprise in Holly class - Oak class (year 6) came to our classroom to read their wonderful stories to us! We loved listening to the amazing work they had produced! We created our own fantastic pieces of writing this week too! We made our own Traction Man comics! We thought of the storyline, what to draw, what to write and what speech should be included! During Maths we reviewed our shapes as well as how to find 1 more/less & 10 more/less than a number. We really enjoyed our school Christmas Dinner and had an amazing time at our class party! 

9th December

This week we became stars! We performed to not only the school but to our family and friends in our wonderful Nativity 'I'm Gonna Shine'! We sang beautifully, remembered when to get on and off the stage and looked fantastic in our costumes! During Literacy we finished reading 'Traction Man' and wrote a review about what we liked and what could be better. We also created a sound poem based around Traction Man and used musical instruments to perform it! In our Maths lessons we have moved on from 2-d shapes to look at 3-d shapes and used our stackable 3-d shapes to create a rocket for Traction Man! 

2nd December

This week we learnt how to use a question mark by writing letters to Traction Man! In our Maths lessons we have been learning about 2-d shapes. We learnt each shapes name and what properties it has (sides & vertices). We have been working really hard practising our Nativity 'I'm Gonna Shine' with Cedar class but have also had lots of time for fun Christmas crafts! We decorated biscuits with the PTA!

25th November

In our Literacy lessons we became superhero fashion designers! We created a brand new suit for Traction Man with special abilities to help him fight crime! During Maths we have learnt the term 'symmetry'. We sorted shapes based on whether they were symmetrical or not and have started to draw int he line of symmetry in symmetrical shapes. During Science we used torches to find out which materials were transparent, translucent and opaque!

18th November

This week we became illustrators! We were tasked with creating a new front cover to help Mini Grey sell Traction Man for Christmas! We also added to our class story by creating a cool new sidekick for Traction Man! In Maths we learnt the days of the week and months of the year songs to help us remember their order. During Art we mixed our Art with our History topic 'Toys' and painted what we thought toys in the future would be like!

11th November

As part of the school's ArtsMark project we have started to create our own tiles for a whole school mosaic! We wrote predictions based on an illustration from our new class story 'Traction Man is Here'. We started to tell the time to the hour and practised making times with our own mini clocks then learnt how to read the clock by playing 'What's the Time Mr Wolf?'. During Science we have started to look at the properties of Everyday Materials.

4th November

Holly class took a trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum in London! We had lots of fun travelling to London on the train and meeting Florence who told us all about her life and gave us a tour around her museum! We have been working hard to include adjectives into our writing and made our own superhero and supervillain to write a story about. We have continued to use money in our Maths lessons to make totals. In our Geography lesson we have been learning what the seven continents of the world are and this week we looked at Europe. Whilst discussing Europe we ate some European food! We ate English scones, French brioche & Italian biscuits!

28th October

This week we celebrated Diwali in the school by joining in in a Indian Dance workshop where we learnt Indian hand gestures to use whilst dancing and performed a Bollywood dance with year 2! We have continued to read 'Send for a Superhero' and wrote letters to the mayor to ask him to help stop the city from being terrorised by the evil Filth & Vacuum. In Maths we learnt the different values of coins and have begun to look at how to make different amounts with them. To celebrate Halloween we made spooky spiders out of conkers!

15th October

We were very excited this week to perform for our grandparents at the grandparent's tea party! We practised our song 'Zip Za Dee Doo Da' in class and sang our hearts out on the stage! We created wanted posters during our Literacy lessons based on two villains from our new class book 'Send for a Superhero' and began to look at creating number bonds to 10. 

7th October

This week we continued working on our class story 'Orion & the Dark'. We sequenced the story and then thought of what could happen next. In our Maths lessons we have learnt how to find one more and one less than a number using the 100 square. We also learnt how to find 10 more and 10 less than a number. We learnt that to find one more and one less than a number you have to go move across on the 100 square whilst to find 10 more or less you move up or down! During our Art lesson we made some Caribbean themed art by painting a bright, colourful background and sticking an island silhouette made from black paper on top of it!   

30th September

This week was very exciting because we had a very important guest visit us - Dr Lorna! Dr Lorna taught us about what hospitals are like now, showing us all the special clothes doctors have to wear during surgery and taught us how to wash our hands like surgeons! She taught us why it's important to wash our hands and how germs spread. In Literacy we learnt all about using the conjunctions 'and', 'but' and because in our writing and practised using them in our writing books. During Maths we have started to look at counting in 10s from any given number. We ordered the hundred square and then used our Dienes to make different amounts and find 10 more and 10 less than that number. In Art we looked at the work on Pablo Picasso and how his portraits didn't always look how we think they should. We took pictures of ourselves and then cut our faces out and stuck them back together in different ways to make our own Picasso pictures. We have started to look at 3 different types of climates in Geography  - Arid, Temperate and Polar. We looked through a bag of clothes and had to sort them into what climate they would suit - we even got a wear some of them and pretend we were going to another country! 

23rd September

This week we put our new knowledge of adjectives to good use by writing character descriptions! We described one of the characters in our book 'Dark' and made sure to use our phonics to write down each of our adjectives. We had a lot of fun in Maths learning all about ordinal numbers! We learnt about them through racing cars on the carpet and then ordering them from 1st to 12th depending on when they crossed the finish line! Over the past couple of weeks we have been looking at what it means to be thankful, after making thank you cards we went on a thank you walk and gave out our cards to everyone in the school we thought we should say thank you to. During Science we learnt about what the 4 seasons are and used our months of the year song to sort each month into the correct season. We also combined Science and Art by making Autumn self portraits on the playground using leaves and twigs! We have continued to look Mary Seacole and have now learnt about Florence Nightingale's role as a nurse in the Crimean War! We even worked in groups to perform a little play showing what Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole did during the war.

16th September 

This week we have continued to read our class story 'Orion and the Dark'. During this time we learnt what an adjective is and how to use it in our writing! We brought in a special toy from home and then used our adjectives to describe them in one of our Literacy lessons. During Maths we have started to look at 'teen numbers' and have started working with the Dienes - printing the Dienes in our books to make the teen numbers. In Science we have been looking at Autumn and how it changes our environment. We went on an Autumn walk and collected leaves, twigs, seeds and nuts from the school grounds. After collecting our Autumn objects we classified and sorted them into different groups.


9th September

It's our second week back and we have started to look at our new class story 'Orion and the Dark'! We wrote predictions based on the title page and then read a few pages of the book to find out Orion is scared of lots of things! We discussed and wrote about our own fears and why we think they are so scary. After this we wrote a note to the character Orion to give him advice on how to get over his fears. In our Maths lessons we learnt what it meant to estimate! We worked in pairs to get scoop out handfuls of beads from our pots and our partner had to guess how many we scooped out! Once we estimated we worked together to count ouf how many beads there were. In History our topic is all about medicine and people from the past, we found out who Mary Seacole was and why she was important in the Crimean War. Linking to our Geography, we looked at Jamaica and how it is different from UK, sorting pictures of the UK and Jamaica into our books. Finally, we became colour scientists! We learnt about what the 3 primary colours are and through some colour volcanoes we found out what primary colours mix together to make our secondary colours! 

3rd September

This week we settled into our new class and came back tto school as the new Year 1 class! We were excited to see our friends again, meet the new adults in our classroom and look round our new year 1 classroom. We did lots of great writing this week - recounting what we all did in the Summer and who is in our family. In our Maths lessons we have been ordering our numbers to 20 and using the bead strings to make numbers over 10! We worked really hard and are settling into our new routine of one day of whole class teaching and 4 days doing our carousel activities!

4th June

This week we settled back into school after breaking up for half term starting with recapping place value with Mr Greenwood and writing recounts all about the fun things we over the past week. In our Maths lessons we have started looking at measuring length. We learnt about how to use a ruler and that we can measure length in centimetres, millimetres and metres! We even had Nick the builder come and show us how he uses measuring everyday in his job to make sure what gets built in the school isn't too big or too small to use! We then had a go at measuring ourselves, first around the classroom, then we measured the distance we could throw bean bags. At the end of the week we drew round one of our friends and measured their arms, legs, head and height! In Literacy we looked at acrostic poems. We learnt what an acrostic poem was and how you could find the subject of the poem by reading the first letter of every line. Our acrostic poems were all about colours so we first brainstormed describing words, objects and feelings based on our colour then wrote out our poems! In our grammar lesson we learnt all about using the suffixes -ed and -ing in our writing and practised using them in our writing. We are continuing to look at Judaism in RE and learnt all about the Torah and its importance to Jewish people. We wrote out our own mitzvahs and tea stained paper in preparation to make our own Torahs! We have worked really hard in our phonics lessons practising our sounds in preparation for the phonics screening next week!

21st May

It's the week before half term and we are all really excited for the break but still working very hard! Literacy this week has been all about innovation, changing our original Elmer story. We wrote out character and setting descriptions and then used these ideas to help us write out our new story. We had some very interesting ideas! In our PSHE lessons we discussed what it means to be a good friend and looked at different scenarios that would happen in class or the playground and what the best way to act would be. In Maths we have continued to look at money, more specifically, adding coins together to make different amounts. We even looked at how to use addition and subtraction to work out how much change we will need when we can't pay the exact amount. We have been enjoying our Music lessons with Mrs Mills and have enjoyed learning the song "Dr Knickerbocker"!

14th May

This week was assessment week in which Holly class worked really hard in their writing and maths assessments as they always do! We have started to look at money in our maths lessons starting with recognising the different coins and how much they are worth. In Literacy we used our snail journey map from our special RSPB visitor to recount a snail's journey and then continued with our class story "Elmer" inn which we designed our own elephant persona to go to Elmer day and described them using adjectives. In our Topic lesson we used Google Earth to explore the UK and recognise which countries are in the United Kingdom and realised that our sports day house teams are named after them! After we learnt the countries in the united Kingdom and that we live in England, we used Google Earth and found our school! When we zoomed in even closer we could see our classroom window and Mrs Week's office!

7th May

This week in PSHE we learnt all about families and how families can be different but that in the end all that matters is that your family loves and cares for you. In Literacy we learnt all about asking questions and how we need to use a question mark in our writing. Following on from this we had the chance to use our questions that we wrote to interview Elmer himself! Elmer came for a visit and allowed us to interview him! After the interview (Which poor Mrs Smith happened to miss) we wrote a fact file using all our new knowledge from the interview. We really enjoyed interviewing Elmer and so wrote some more questions to ask someone about their holidays from when they were younger. Lucky for us Holly's nana came in and showed us her old photographs and spoke about her life and holidays when she lived in California! In Maths we have learnt to tell the time! We learnt about the clock and what the long hand and short hand tell us. We started off learning to read the time at o'clock and then because we were super at that we also learnt the time to half past too! In Science we looked at deciduous and evergreen trees and how we could identify them. In Art we read the story of 'Cave Baby' and how he was very creative and draw patterns all over Cave Mum's drawings! We drew our own cave drawings and them painted over them just like Cave Baby did! It was lots of fun (and luckily not too messy!). In our RE lesson we spoke about wedding ceremonies and how different religions celebrate marriage differently - we even got to hold Mrs Smith's engagement and wedding rings!

30th April

In Literacy we had a great time playing 'Guess Who'! But this was not regular guess who, we used all the characters from the books we have looked at over the year and went and had to describe them to our partner and see if they could guess who we picked out of the envelope! We then wrote our 'Guess Who' descriptions down and a few children got to read their descriptions to the others to see if they could guess who they were writing about! We also drew a map showing how Elmer travelled through the jungle to the elephant bush and then wrote all about how he got there!  In Maths we have learnt about how to find half halves and quarters of numbers and did this by using Smarties! In our Science lesson we looked at trees and how to identify different types of trees through looking at the shape and colour of their leaves. To get firsthand experience of this we went into the forest school and went on a leaf hunt! and were able to identify Field Maples and Birch trees. We also got very excited when we found Holly in there!

 23rd April

This week we have started looking at our new class story 'Elmer!' we started off by first predicting what might happen in the story and describing Elmer using our excellent adjectives and similes! After we read the story together (we found it very funny when Elmer shouted boo and scared all the other elephants!) and learnt our new Talk 4 Writing actions to help us learn the story a little better! In Maths we have started to look at fractions and shapes - learning how to identify halves and then quarters of different shapes - some of us even learn how to colour in three quarters of a shape! In our Topic lessons we looked at the seaside and the different natural and human features we might find there. We learnt what natural and human features meant and then explored different things we might find at the beach and decided if they were human or natural. In our Science work we linked with our Topic work and looked at the different animals and plant life we might find at the seaside!

16th April

In our first week back at school we were very excited to be back and share all the incredible things we got up to in our Easter break! That's why we started off our Literacy by writing a recount of what we did in our two weeks off. We also looked at what we need to include in our writing - full stops and capital letters because we keep forgetting them! We corrected some writing Miss Otieno did which had all the wrong punctuation! we also learnt to how to use the -er and -est suffixes when comparing objects and people in our writing! In our Maths we revisited odd and even numbers and how we can tell when a number is odd and when it's even! This term we will be looking at our new topic Holidays and started off by thinking about how much we know about holidays right now before we started to learn about them! In our RE lesson we learnt about the miracles Jesus performed and discussed the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5000. We spoke about how Jesus helped those who were unable to help themselves and how he wanted to show everyone that he was there for them whenever they needed him. We thought about who we could be there for in the school and who might need help from us as they don't have as much experience of school life as we do.  We thought that we could help the reception children in the school and to show them that we wanted to be good friends to them and will be there to help them we decorated biscuits and gave them to the class as a gift!

26th March

This week was a very exciting week because it is the last week before our Easter Break! However, before all the fun could begin we made sure to work really hard in all our lessons! Following on from last weeks Literacy we used all the facts we gathered about our fruit to write a letter to Mrs Weeks to persuade her to include our fruit in the school fruit bowls! The best part of the week however had to be our fantastic Easter Bonnet parade where we got to show all our parents the hard work we put in to making our beautiful Easter bonnets!Another exciting thing we got to take part in was the amazing Easter scavenger hunt where we got to go round the school with a child from Beech class to find clues about what this years Easter word was and get a prize at the end! We also enjoyed making Easter cards, designing our own Easter egg on the front!

19th March

In Literacy we have started to look at non-fiction texts and information pieces. To start off we used the child-safe Kiddle search engine to research different types of fruit and why they are good for us! We then wrote fact files about our chosen fruit using what we remembered. In our RE lessons we learnt all about prayer and why Christians pray and thought about it we prayed what we might pray for and why. In our Topic we recapped all the different types of transport and sorted vehicles into old and new.

12th March

This week we have moved on from our story 'Avocado Baby' and have begun to look at creating a fruit based superhero/villain! We wrote our superhero persona first, stating what fruit we ate, what powers we would want to have and what we would do with them (save the world or take over the world). Next we went to on to write a diary entry detailing how we got our superpowers. The Literacy lesson we enjoyed the most was learning about bossy verbs! We worked in pairs using bossy verbs to tell our partner what to do. We loved using our teacher voices and were so loud Mrs Wilson could hear us in the hallway! We then used our new knowledge of bossy verbs to instruct our superheros on how to deal with a superhero scenario where they had to use their powers to save the day! We also had lots of fun in our Science lesson, we re-told the story of the Three Little Pigs and discussed the materials they used to build their houses. Then, we worked in our table groups to build our own houses out of certain materials! We built houses made out of cardboard, sticks, paper, straws and lego! It was lots of fun and we worked together as a team.

5th March

This week we continued from where we left off after our snow days and began to innovate our class story! We changed the fruit the baby ate and what superpower they gained and wrote out our new stories! We also continued to look at our Science topic 'Everyday Materials' and experimented with how materials can be manipulated! We did this by experimenting with how we could move and shape clay, we got very messy! After experimenting with the clay we made it into beautiful clay pots which we are really excited to paint! This week we also had a fantastic time visiting the London Transport Museum where we got to not only look at different types of transport but go on them and pretend to even drive some! We had a great time learning about the different types of vehicles people travelled in in the past! The fun didn't stop with a school trip because we also got to dress up as our favourite book character in our delayed World Book Day! We loved going out into the playground to show the parents and other children our amazing costumes!

26th February

Due to the heavy snow we didn't get to do too much this week! We really enjoyed our maths lesson with Mr Greenwood and worked really hard learning our new class story. We even joined Hazel class in the afternoon to perform our Talk 4 Writing actions to one another and even learnt some of the story together! We were a very good audience and loved performing together! We started to think of how to innovate our class story and thought of a different fruit the baby could eat and also what superpower they might have! We shared our ideas as a class and thought of lots of different and interesting actions to go with our ideas!

19th February

In Literacy this week we have begun looking at our new class story 'Avocado Baby'! First, we read the blurb and wrote predictions thinking about what could happen in the story. After that we read the book as a class and started to learn the story using our Talk 4 Writing actions. To make sure we really knew the story we sequenced the story in our books trying to remember as much as possible. In one of our literacy lessons we recapped all the special types of words we use in our writing such as adjectives, time conjunctions and verbs and we learnt about what nouns are! In our RE lessons we have continued to look at Christianity and learnt about what a priest is and why they are important to Christians!

5th February

This week our Literacy lessons were all based around our topic toys! We designed our own board games and wrote out the rules for how to play them. Then if we finished in time we got some counters out and played each other's games, writing reviews on what we like about the board game and what could be improved. After designing games we then worked in pairs to create an advertisement to convince people to buy a toy. We made sure to include the price, what age you should be to play it and used lots of exclamation marks to make it exciting! In our Science lesson we started looking at the topic of 'Everyday Materials' and passed around objects made of different materials and discussed their properties. After that, we went on a learning walk around the school to identify what materials different objects around the school are made of! In Topic we discussed the differences between Victorian toys and modern day toys after our trip to the Museum of Childhood and then went on to make our own Victorian peg dolls! We really enjoyed being able to design our own peg doll and use different materials to stick on them to create clothes!

29th January

Holly class had a very busy week this week with it being both assessment week and multicultural week! We worked really hard in all our assessments and have been doing some fantastic work! On top of our assessments we have also wrote all about tigers focussing on our punctuation and learning our left and right using Simon Says and the Hokey Cokey. We then went on to look at positional language, using, top, middle, bottom, between, above and below to describe the position of pictures on a grid. We had a great experience in Multicultural week! We went to Kenya in our classroom where we made Kenyan Tribal necklaces then travelled all the way to Antarctica in Miss Bhatti's class where we drew Antarctic pictures of polar animals with chalk. Then, we trekked all the way to Mexico with Miss Bowley where we learnt about Dios de los Muertos and made our own calaca masks! We absolutely loved our Indian dance workshop where we learnt two different Bollywood dances. We were very excited to then go out onto the playground with the whole school to perform! 

22nd January

This week we went to the V&A Museum of Childhood and looked at old and new toys! We got to play with outdoor toys and look around the museum at all the toys children have played with over the years. We were amazed at the difference between the toys we have now and how those same toys used to look in the past! We found that doll's houses were much bigger in the past and that superhero toys that our parents might have played with look a lot similar to the ones we play with now! One of our favourite parts of walking around the museum was getting a chance to go on the rocking horse! In maths we continued looking at 3-d shapes and matching the shape to their names and had a lot of fun playing maths games on the iPads with Mrs McDonald! We have begun to learn a new song all about transport with Mrs Mills but had a tricky time remembering what order all the different types of transport were sung in! In Literacy we planned a menu of different courses of food we would serve to a Tiger who came for tea at our house, we even had a competition with Mrs Baker and Miss Smith on who could think of an adjective to describe food the quickest! The most amazing thing that happened in Holly class this week was that we got a postcard from the infamous tiger himself! He wrote to us telling us all about the amazing time he had a Sophie's house but how he was very bored now he's left! We used this in our Literacy lesson to pretend to be the tiger and write a postcard to Sophie telling her about where we would have gone after we left her house.  In Science we discussed pushes and pulls and then explored how the height of a ramp can affect how far a toy car can travel. After we plotted our block graphs we then tested out other objects down the ramp and measuring how far they would travel.

15th January

This week in Science we have continued to look at animals and the food groups they are in - Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores. In Maths we have started to look at 2-d and 3-d shapes, first discussing the name of common 2-d shapes and then looking at their properties beginning to use vocabulary such as vertices and sides. We really enjoyed playing the guessing game where we had to figure our what shape was in the box based on its properties! In Literacy we are preparing to write poetry based on a habitat! To help us prepare we recapped what adjectives are and worked in table groups to describe different habitats, rotating around the room so that we all had a go describing every habitat. We then have started to introduce similes, noting that you use like or as in similes to compare one thing to another. In RE we looked at the special features in a church and why they are needed in a church. In our art lessons we learnt how to collage! Based on our topic of habitats everyone chose an animal from a bag and had to create the habitat it lives in, making sure to choose the right colours and different textures. We learnt that to collage we need to use lots of different materials and cut them small in order to muddle up the different tones and textures. It was a very sticky lesson!

3rd January

We have just come back from our Christmas holidays and we are so excited to talk about the fantastic presents we have got and the amazing activities we have done over Christmas! In Literacy we all shared a special day from our Christmas holidays and drew story maps depicting them, writing our recounts after. As our new topic is toys we each discussed a new toy that we got for Christmas then described our toys in our writing books making sure to use adjectives and describing the materials they are made out of. In Science we discussed habitats! We looked at different pictures of habitats and listened to the sounds that we might hear there, after that we sorted animals into the appropriate habitats, giving reasons as to why they are bests uited for that specific habitat. In maths we explored odd and even numbers. We played a game where we took turns saying a number, having to concentrate on what number our partner said before and seeing how far we could go  (as a class we got up to 78!) we then started to look at what odd and even numbers are and how an odd number cannot be paired or shared equally. As a class we learnt that odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 and even numbers will end in 0, 2, 4, 6, & 8. 

 18th December

As it was our last week before Christmas Holly class had lots of fun having our own Christmas party! We ate lots of fantastic food and had a great time dancing in the classroom! To make the day even more festive we even brought in Christmas/winter jumpers to wear! We shared cards with one another and got to open our class present - we got new toys for the dolls house and play dough! We had a fantastic Christmas dinner lunch and had lots of fun watching all the teachers perform in their own panto!

11th December

This week we performed our Wriggly Nativity with Cedar class to the school and then to our parents! We worked very hard remembering when to come off and on stage, using our best singing voices and remembering all the actions for each song. We loved getting to perform to our parents and felt very proud that we were able to show how fabulous we are to the whole school! After our nativity was over we had our own Nativity awards where we all praised each other for all the hard work we put in to giving the best performance ever! Also, to continue the celebration of a successful nativity we had a film afternoon with Cedar class. In our literacy lessons we have been looking at instructions, first as a class talking about the steps you need to take in order to make a fruit salad and then sequencing pictures to show the instructions and thinking of appropriate time conjunctions for each step. In maths we have been continuing to practise our number bonds to 10 and are able to answer the calculations quicker and quicker each time!

4th December

This week we have begun to look at instructions, discussing what they are and why you might use them. We worked in pairs to give and follow instructions on how to draw shape pictures. In maths we have continued to look at number bonds this time getting all the way up to 10! We've been working hard on noticing how two number sentences can be pairs because they use the same numbers that are just swapped with each other. We have continued to rehearse for our year 1 & 2 nativity and had our first dress rehearsal! We got to put on our costumes and show Mrs Mills all the hard work we have put into giving a fantastic performance! 

27th November

As it was assessment week we have worked really hard in our maths, literacy and science assessments but have still managed to have lots of fun during the week! We have been practising for our year 1 & 2 nativity and were very lucky to have Cedar class join us to rehearse! We are very excited for everyone to see all the hard work we have put into our singing and dancing! In Science we have been learning about our organs! We were very lucky that with our iPad we were able to look inside one of our friends bodies at all their organs! We particularly enjoyed looking at what our blood looks like up close! We have also begun to look at the differences between the features of humans and animals. To do this we had one of the school rabbits come and visit us! We were very excited to watch him hop about and then spoke about the differences between us and the rabbit. We got had fun during our maths lessons logging into mathletics and playing on the live mathletics against each other! We are getting very quick at answering questions on number bonds to 9!

20th November

This week we have been changing our class story of the 'Elephant and tthe Bad Baby'! To do this weall thought of what animal we would choose as a main character and what action we could use for it. Once we all decided on our new animal we came together as a class to show off our new actions and we all guessed what animal we all chose! We then all thought of a new shop we could us, after that we decided as a class what we were going to change our class story to which became "The Cheetah and the Bad Baby"! We learnt our new actions and started to work on our own stories with new characters and shops to use, thinking of how we coud describe our new characters and what our new shops could sell. In maths we have continued to work on our number bonds and had a fantastic lesson printing stars in patterns to make our number bonds to 8. Also, we were very lucky to have a craft session with the PTA! We all got to make beautiful Christmas wreaths and sing Christmas carols! We had so much fun and were very happy that our Christmas wreaths were hung in the school hall for everyone to see!

13th November

This week We have continued looking at our class story and using adjectives to describe our characters and  food. We have also been working hard learning what verbs are and how we could use them in our writing along with our adjectives! We have continued to work on our number bonds in maths matching the number sentences which use the same 2 numbers in the sentence but the numbers are switched. In Science we went over our five senses again and this time put them to good use! We used one sense at a time to explore a fruit or vegetable and had to use our adjectives in order to describe it then guess what it was! The fruit and vegetable we had were bananas and peppers! As it was National Kindness Day we spoke about how we can be kind to one another and picked a name out bag of one of our classmates and made a special friendship bracelet for them which we all enjoyed receiving!

6th November

We have continued to re-tell the story of 'The Elephant and the Bad Baby' in our Literacy lessons looking at sequencing the story using pictures and describing characters by putting adjectives at the front of our sentences in order to extend our sentences further and make them more interesting. In Maths we have continued to look at number bonds up to 8 using numicon and cubes to help us, we really enjoy getting up and creating human number sentences! In Science we have started to look at our five senses, we went on a senses walk and wrote down all the things we saw, heard, smelt and felt (as we couldn't taste things around the school we wrote about what we had for lunch for taste!). We had a magnificent trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum! We travelled all the way to Waterloo and had lunch in St Thomas' Hospital, we then went down to the museum where we were greeted by Florence Nightingale! She took us into the museum and told us all about her life and how from a very young age she knew she wanted to help people. We loved listening to her and she made us laugh a lot! After, we got to explore the museum and look at all the different objects that were used in the hospital in Scutari , including Florence's lamp!

30th October

This week we had our first school trip as year one's to Pizza Express! We travelled to Sidcup and got to make our own pizzas, flattening the dough into the pans, spreading the sauce and sprinkling cheese on top! We learnt a lot about different healthy foods and even got to taste some Basil! In Literacy we have started our new book 'The Elephant and the Bad Baby' where the Elephant and Bad Baby meet lots of different shop keepers and who end up chasing them because they took things from their shop!  In the end the Elephant got very upset with the Bad Baby because he never once said please! We have started to learn the story through our actions and even performed them to each other! In Maths we have been focussing on our number bonds to 4, 5, 6 and 7 and making human number sentences to help us. In our music lesson as it was Halloween this week Mrs Mills taught us a new song 'The Hairy Scary Castle' which we loved singing along to! In our art lesson we created hand print monsters! We painted our hands to print onto paper and then drew monster faces onto to them making incredible spooky monsters!

16th October

This week we focussed on our capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and using our phonics in our writing - picking different pictures and then writing a sentence about them. We have been working really hard with our sentences and making sure to remember our digraphs in our writing. In Maths it was Maths week so we got to play lots of different maths games together! We played one of our favourites - creating our own 100 square and also a new one Mrs Baker taught us Wizard Wands! We get a chance to go to the front and stand back to back and whoever can answer the question first gets to stay playing and has a new challenger! In our first science lesson we have started to look at the human body, we labelled our friends with the correct names for some of our body parts and then worked in our table groups to create new versions of the song 'Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes'!

9th October

It was assessment week this week and so we worked very hard in our reading, writing and maths assessments. We knew it was important to focus on our own work and that the main thing was that we tried our best. As we had worked so hard in our assessments we got to do lots of fun maths games using the ipads as well as working in groups on different activities such as counting, sorting shapes and recognising our numbers. We have continued to practise our Harvest Festival songs - we especially like the dancing that goes with it! We also performed Little Red Riding Hood to each other in groups! We used our carpet as the stage and loved acting out the story in our very own way! The Woodcutters became very excited when they got to burst in and save Red Riding Hood from the Wolf!

2nd October

This week in Literacy we looked at the characters in Little Red Riding Hood, using different adjectives to label each character based on their physical appearance and their personality. After looking at the actual characters in the story we created our own characters! We drew lots of interesting characters related to the real characters in the story and then described them using adjectives! In our maths lessons with Mr Greenwood we have started looking at number bonds, starting at 3! We have began to look at how many ways you can make 3 and then started to write them in a number sentence. We have had a magnificent time in our music lesson where we started to learn the songs 'Vegetables and Fruit' and 'Harvest Rock 'n' Roll' for the Harvest assembly! We were very excited to have Hazel class also come into the classroom to practise with us and we all sang beautifully together!

25th September

This week we continued looking at the story of Little Red Riding Hood, we looked at the setting of the woods and looked at how it makes us feel and why, beginning to use adjectives in our writing! We discussed all the different emotions we might feel and what situations make us feel that way. After discussing our emotions and how the woods make us feel we pictured what we would like our own woods to look like and went on to draw our woods in our first trip to the computer room as year 1! In our maths lessons we have been familiarising ourselves with the 100 square and worked in 2 teams to put all the numbers in order, cheering our friends on and helping them out when it was their turn. We really loved this game and worked very well a group!

18th September

This week we started our class story - Little Red Riding Hood! We loved reading the story and then thinking of actions to do for when we retell the story! We especially like the part where the Big Bad Wolf is introduced! In phonics we have started going to our new phonics groups where we have been focussing on lots of different things such as letter names and revisting digraphs and trigraphs! We enjoy reading so much and we are delighted to have parents starting to come in and read with us! In Maths we have been working hard on being able to work out what 1 more or 1 less of a given number is! We are getting very good at it and even got to play maths games on the iPads!

11th September

This week we have been working hard writing about our weekends and remembering our full stops and capital letters in our sentences. We have begun to practise our cursive handwriting and trying to write our names in cursive. In phonics we have enjoyed playing letter name bingo and get really excited when we get to shout bingo! As our topic for this term is all about being healthy, we have made sure to take 5 minutes of the day to do our 5-a-day exercises. We love doing our exercises so much we even did 15 minutes in one day! In maths we had lots of fun playing parachute number games outside with Mr Scurfield and played even more maths games inside with Mr Greenwood! We sang some of our favourite songs such as 'There's a Hole at the Bottom of the Sea' with Mrs Mills and danced like different animals during 'The Animal Boogie'.

6th September

Our first week in Holly class was fantastic, we had lots of fun reuniting with our friends and exploring our new classroom. We have loved singing the alphabet and wrote our own class story! It was all about Hercules planting magic seeds and climbing up the magic tree through the clouds where he helped arrest a villain! Some children worked on creating their own story map with all new different characters. In maths we practised counting forwards and backwards and are amazing at putting our numbers in order!

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  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
