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7th February 2020

This week we have been working hard at measuring length, mass and capacity. We have been comparing and converting between different units and have been measuring lots of classroom objects and even each other.  In Science we have continued looking at materials and their properties. In Geography we looked into man made and natural structures and the environment. 

27th January 2020

This week has been a lot of fun as it's Multicultural Week! This means we can visit different classes finding out and taking part in activities from different cultures.  We all enjoyed making pasta and sauce.  We were even allowed to eat it!

The story we are looking at in English is Bringing  the Rain to Kapatiti Plain. This is a story from Kenya, we are learning how dry it is there and how some animals and plants need more water. 

20Th January 2020

In Maths, we have been looking at fractions. We have used shapes, cubes and numbers to find 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/10 of items.The story we are looking at and reading is Peepo, which is set many years ago, when things in the home were quite different.  It follows a baby's eye view of the world and we have used it to help us understand how things have changed since our parents were children. We have also made Chinese Dragon Masks ready to use next week


13th January 2020

We have begun our new topic  which is Toys around the World..  We are looking at and making toys, which children played with in Victorian Britain; including peg dolls, jacks, hula hoops, tops and many more. It  has  been great fun!

6th January 2020

This week in Maple class, we have been investigating fractions. We have been finding out how to find half and quarter of a number or objects.

In English, we found a tiny letter, which was written by a mouse. He is our new pen friend and we will be writing a letter back to him, this will teach us to use capital letters.

We have started to learn how to hold and play a Ukelele, this was very tricky!

16th December

This was an exciting week, as we went to the pantomime - Oh yes we did!  It was the story of Aladdin  and was very good fun. We consolidated our Maths learning by creating our own number games, which we played together.  We finished off the week with class parties and said farewell to one of our classmates, who is moving house after the holidays.

9th December

This week we really enjoyed having someone come in to show us how to make and decorate real a ceramic tile. We also had a visit from the Life Bus where we discussed friendships and getting along together.  We continued to make our own Christmas decorations for the classroom and gifts for our parents.  We have continued our Science topic on Living Things and investigated invertibrates' preferred habitats.

2nd December

We have begun to look at the Nativity story this week, to help us understand the reason for Christmas.  We have concluded our work on the Polar Express with letters to Father Christmas.  We also helped the adults to put up our class Christmas tree and begun making decorations for it.  We have also been working very hard on our assessments for English and Maths.

25th November

We have continued to enjoy our Polar Express sensory story this week, especially the hot chocolate we had 'on the train' as we watched film clip of the book. :-p   We have continued with the theme of Italy and looked at the ancient Romans and even made our own Roman-style pot.  We particularly enjoyed acting out Roman gladiator training

18th November

 This week we created our own volcanoes, using papier mache and, watched them erupt, using bicarbonate and soda and vinegar!  We began a new sensory story of The Polar Express and created a puppet theatre in order to retell the story in our own words.   In Maths we looked at tally charts and used our knowledge in Science when we were looking at what pets the children and adults in our class have at home.  We also learned about what animals need to be healthy and happy.

11th November

This week we have begun to learn about present day Italy, including finding it on a map.  This linked nicely with our Volcano topic and we found out that lava comes from the centre of the Earth and travels up through the mantle and the crust.  In Literacy we worked on fact files about important people from the past, including those involved in the Gunpowder Plot and iconic black people throughout modern history.

4th November 

Remember, remember the 5th of November!  This week we have learned why we celebrate Bonfire Night and written poems about fireworks as well as creating a puppet show about the Gunpowder Plot.  We have also been thinking about Black History Month and learning about some important black people from history.  

28th October

This week we have been writing Spooky poems and potions for Halloween, as well as learning about more serious matters linked with Remembrance Day.  We wrote an acrostic and illustrated a poem about the poppies.  We also made diva lamps and took part in the Indian Dance Workshop as part of our Divali celebrations.  Take a look at our photos!

14th October

This week we studied woodlice and their preferred habitat.  We finished off our stories based on Jim and the Beanstalk.  Fluffy and the Fish is a new modern classic!  In Maths we revised our number bonds and place value.  We learned about the mountains of Italy: The Apennines and the Alps.

7th October

In Religious Education this week, we are looking at Divali. We are making and painting Diva lamps, understanding the reasons that Divali is important for faiths, including Hindus and Sikhs. We read the story of Ramu and Sita, which helps us understand the victory of good over evil.

30th September 

Did you know that the Romans walked all the way to Britain wearing sandals? We were all surprised when we found this out.  In Maths, we are looking at addition and number bonds, they can be tricky to begin learning but are very important for us to know. 

23rd September

This week,we have continued our Roman topic learning by looking at maps and finding the route that the Romans had to take to travel to Britain.  We were surprised to find out that the soldiers had to walk most of the way, travelling through Italy and France before crossing the English Channel on wooden boats.

17th September

We have continued with our Invasion games this week. In Literacy we have been creating our own characters in the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We did some more research on how chocolate is made. We started from the Cacao tree to a bar of chocolate and made individual films to explain the process. Some of the children have been participating in Sensory circuits and Inclusion.

8th October

We have been using the Mayan number system to answer mathematical questions. We begun to innovate the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and adding super story starters. It has been assessment week so we have looking at the children's learning. We learnt about the ten commandments in Christianity. We have also been learning Spanish verbs through playing games. We finished a super week of learning by watching Magic Mick the Magician and dancing in the Magic Disco!

15th October

This week we have been busy preparing for the Grandparents Tea Party. In English, we practised identifying and using direct speech. In Maths, we have been learning about various mathematical concepts such as division and fractions. Our Spanish learning has included giving instructions and playing games that involve using Spanish verbs. Our class we the first to use the new Sports Court in our P.E. lesson!

29th October

Maple Class have started a new topic this week. The title of the topic is 'Treasure'. This has inspired us to look at stories with treasure in them in Literacy. In Maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. In Spanish we have been learning how to say greetings and introductions. We have also started to learn about Ancient Egypt. To finish our week, we attended a Panalthon. We competed against other schools in what was the first Panalthon in the Borough of Bromley. Please look at our photos to see the range of activities that the children participated in!

5th November

The children have been busy making Remembrance commemorative items and have displayed them in the hall. They have also made Christmas decorations with the Friends of Poverest. We have continued to expand our Spanish vocabulary. We have learnt some amazing facts about Earth and Space and will continue to find out more throughout the term. In Literacy, we followed picture clues to find treasure and then wrote our own clues to share with our friends. We built a 'dark tomb' in the classroom for the children to find Ancient Egyptian treasure using torches!

12th November

The children took part in the Diwali celebrations by taking part in a Indian dance session. The children also looked at the local area using maps in Geography. We have continued looking at Earth and Space through studying night and day. We have been trying to find out the answer to some of the questions such as, 'why does the sun look like it moves across the sky?' We are continuing to learn more about Ancient Egypt - this week we have been learning about the importance of the River Nile!

19th November

We have continued studying space and have physically tracked the course of some stars and planets - making sure that we didn't get burnt by the sun! Hola - we continue to expand our knowledge of Spanish and plan to demonstrate our vocabulary in our forthcoming assembly. In Maths, we are learning about money - saving, spending and recognising values. We had a special treat this week and visited the cinema as part of the Into Film Festival.

26th November  

This week has been assessment week. This is when we can find out the progress of the children. We are counting down to Christmas and have already written our wish lists! We also visited our Christmas Fair. In History, we are learning about the Ancient Egyptian form of writing called Hieroglyphics. We also learnt some more Spanish and found out more about Earth and space. In computing, we explored more coding and even completed some challenges! We had a visitor called Sasha who was friendly and made us smile (see photos)!

3rd December

This week we have been writing letters to Father Christmas and kindly asking what we would like to receive. We have been learning about perimeter and playing maths games together to help develop our social skills. We selected gifts from the Friends of Poverest Christmas Gift Sale to buy for our family and friends. We were learning Christmas greetings in Spanish and a Spanish song. We sang the Spanish song in our class assembly as well as presenting our Earth and Space learning, times table song and 'All about me'. We finished our week by sharing our learning with Celebration of Learning!

10th December

We have been writing Free verse in literacy this week. We studied Kit Wright's 'Magic Box' poem and wrote our own versions. We extended it by adding alliteration to our poems. In PE we explored different ways of travelling, balancing and rolling. We judged each others efforts as if we were in the Olympics! We made Christmas decorations and in Computing we continued learning how to code. We had a fantastic time at the theatre watching a 'relaxed' Cinderella Pantomine.

17th December

We have had a Christmas themed week this week. Our Maths has been subtraction and addition with a Christmas theme. We also wrote a Christmas themed Free verse. We watched a short film and answered literal and inferential questions about it. In our class party we had messy play and played musical games. Phew!

8th January

We came back to school refreshed and ready to learn! We have been looking at non-fiction this week and began by designing a leaflet for school. This required us to take photos around the school for research and incorporate them in our leaflets. We also had special visitors from Warburton's who came in to deliver a workshop on healthy eating. They brought in lots of different things to eat and we chose items from the Eatwell Guide. The rolls were yummy! Please look at our photographs!

14th January 

This week we have looked  at the water cycle in Science. We have begun our topic of Rivers and studied how the great artist Claude Monet painted water and rivers. We are using the computer to publish our leaflets about school. We have also started exploring Sikhism and their important symbols and what they represent. We have begun a number of initiatives such as Mindfulness and recognising emotions!

21st January

The children have been learning about the stages of human development in Science lessons. In Literacy, we have been studying how to use books to find out information, particularly about our topic - Rivers. In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and how it is the inverse of division. In RE we have been continuing to find out about Sikhism and where they worship. We finished painting and using pastels to complete our impressions of the Monet series of paintings of the River Thames!

28th January

It has been Multicultural Week this week. The children have been busy visiting other classes and participating in a variety of activities. This has helped them to learn about other cultures. In literacy, we have been using non-fiction books to find out information and making our own books using the same features. For example - contents, index and glossary. In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division. We have started to learn about our emotions and to 'read' other people's emotions. We are using a programme called Zones of Regulation. 

4th February

This week we have been making soundscapes which relate to the theme of Rivers. We extended this by creating sound boxes and conducting our own and others sound box. As it was 'Safer Internet' day, we conducted a quiz. In Maths, we have explored place value, ordinal counting, finding factors, doubling and odd and even numbers. In Spanish, we were learning how to recognise and say the letters of the alphabet. We finished our week with a Celebration of Learning where parents are invited in to share their child's learning successes. 

11th February

This week we have continued to follow human development in Science - looking at how the body changes. We have learnt most colour names in Spanish. The RSPB came in to help us find different growing plants and habitats for different creatures. In R.E. we learnt about the 5k's in Sikhism and the significance of the objects. We Art, we learnt more about the work of Claude Monet and how we could paint a picture of the River Thames in his impressionistic style. We finished the week by attending a St Valentines Disco!

25th February 

We have shared our news about half term! In Literacy, we have been studying 'The True Story of the Three Little Pigs'. In Science, we have finding out more about plants and learning new vocabulary such as filament, anther... We have listened to and sequenced the Easter Story as part of looking at Christianity. In art, we designed our own printing blocks using different bridges as our inspiration.  Also 'Thames Explorer' came in to deliver a workshop on the River Thames.

4th March

In Maths, we have been learning about weight. We have been comparing and weighing objects. It was 'World Book Day' this week and we have been exploring lots of book activities, even in our computing time. We also dressed up as various characters. We have been practising our songs for the Spring concert. We made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and learnt about Lent and why we eat pancakes. We had a multisensory afternoon and visited our rabbits, Cappuccino and Latte!

11th March

This week has been assessment week so we have been showing each other all our learning. In Spanish, we were able to use compass directions to help explain where we live. In PSHE, we designed our own healthy snacks. We started playing games, playing instruments and learning new songs in Music. We used the film, 'Finding Nemo' to explore and identify different emotions.

18th March

This week we have been learning how to say numbers to 15 in Spanish! We have had two workshops as well! Our first workshop was delivered by Bromley Youth Music Trust. They helped us to write our own song based on our topic of Rivers. We will be singing this to other schools who participated in the project. Our second workshop was delivered by the Canal and River Trust. It helped us to understand what erosion is and what different materials are used to prevent the erosion of river banks. We have held parent consultations this week, where we have been sharing the children's learning.

25th March

Maple Class have been busy preparing for Autism Awareness Week. In Literacy, we have been learning how to write expanded noun phrases. In Geography,  we have been studying the different ways to cross over rivers. We also discovered how place names can be derived from river crossings. The lesson also included investigating the strength of different bridges, measuring variables and recording results. Science was also included as we began to explore the scientific forces that act on bridges.

1st April

In Spanish this week, the children learnt the numbers to 30. We played Bingo using the numbers in Spanish. In literacy, we continued our work on nouns and we were able to put them into  the appropriate group. For example, common nouns, proper nouns, collective nouns and abstract nouns. In computing, we designed Easter Eggs to use in our Easter cards. We made Easter bonnets for the parade.

23rd April

Welcome back after the Easter holidays! This week we have been studying the life cycles of different animals for our Science learning. For literacy, we have started reading a new book called 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. For R.E. , we have started to learn more about Islam. This week we found out that Allah has ninety-nine names! In our computing session, we researched 'holidays', we is our topic this term!

29th April

In Maths, we have been learning about Roman numerals, rounding numbers and counting in multiples of ten. We are continuing with our book called 'Oliver and the Seawigs'. In Spanish, we were learning to say the days of the week and today, tomorrow and yesterday. We continued with finding out what makes a good holiday - as this is our topic. We are learning new songs in Music as well.

6th May

Some children in the class have been busy preparing for KS1 and KS2 SATs (Statutory Assessment Tasks). These are for children in Years 2 and 6. We have also been making a puppet show based on the book  'Oliver and the Seawigs' - see the photographs. In RE, we are studying Islam and have been exploring the importance of prayer. We designed our own prayer mats. We had fun trying trying different 'tools' which could meet our sensory needs. For example, scooterboards, sand, therabands...

13th May

In Literacy - we have made our own individual puppet theatres and are hoping to add curtains to replicate 'real' theatres. To go along with this, we have written plays and made characters from our featured book. Next week, we hope to put on a show to other children. In RE, we have been finding out about the features and functions of Mosques. In Science, we have been comparing the life cycles of plants, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. We also have some caterpillars in our classroom and carefully watching for the metamorphosis to begin! We have been learning how to say the months of the year in Spanish.

20th May

This week we have decorated our Puppet Theatres and held rehearsals so that are performances are the best that they can be! In RE, we have continued to explore Islam and have been finding out about the Prophet Muhammad. We looked at his life and found out where he was born. In Spanish, we learnt about the months of the year and how we could say our birthday in Spanish. In Science, we planted some seeds. We have discussed what makes a fair test and the different variables that can be applied. 

3rd June

Maple Class have been learning about the different seasons in Spanish. In Literacy, the children have been showing us what they know about writing. In Maths, the children have been completing assessment tasks which gives them an opportunity to show all their learning. We had our first swimming lesson this week! Everybody enjoyed the lesson so much that some children didn't want to get out of the pool! In RE, we explored how Muslims celebrate Eid-ul- Fitr. We found out that they where special clothes, send cards, give and receive gifts. Finally, they share delicious food - so we thought we would do the same. Please see our photographs!

10th June 

In Literacy we have been writing poems and writing in our 'writing cafe'. In Science, we have explored the properties and changes of materials. In Spanish, we were tasting different fruits to learn their names and say it in Spanish. For Design and Technology ( and Healthy Eating Week), we made fruit kebabs! We learnt some cutting skills such the claw grip and bridge hold. For Autism Awareness Week, we carried held a sponsored walk! Finally - we finished our week with a trip to Colchester Zoo! 


17th June

This has been assessment week this week so we the children have have been busy showing us what they know. In Computing, we have been learning how to use coding to make things move. We had our school photos taken as a class and as a Provision. We went swimming and then came back to participate in STEM day. We finished to the week with our Sports Day - thankfully it was nice and sunny!

24th June

This week we have been trying a new way of learning where the children get to have some control over their learning and perhaps not surprisingly, they are enjoying the new system! In History, we have explored what Victorian seaside holidays were like and compared them to seaside holidays today. We will look at this again after we have been on our annual Margate trip. In RE, we have continued to study Islam, in particular, the sacred book called the Qur'an. We found out that it gives guidance to Muslims on how to lead their daily lives.

1st July

Wow! What a start we had to the week! Albany Taxis were waiting to take us to Margate - we even had outriders on bikes who were helping us to make the journey as smooth as possible! We stopped at a rest area to eat and drink. When we arrived, we went on the rides at Dreamland Amusement Park. Then we went to the beach. Some children paddled in the sea, some decided to swim in the sea. After that, we had yummy chicken and chips!  We all had a turn a roller skating in the Roller Disco.

Now we had been to Margate we could review our comparisons of how it used to be in Victorian times. In Science, we learnt about life cycles. 

8th July

We have been using our imaginations for creative writing this week and written a comic strip! We have completed our History learning of Victorian Seaside Holidays by sorting activities that happen now, in the past and which happen now and in the past. We have covered different Maths topics such as time, shape, division and multiplication. We are preparing for the Thank You assembly by practising our song which Maple Class wrote. It is called 'The River Song'. 


























Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
