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Class News


End of Year

We have had a really fantastic year this year even though it has been a little different again. 

We started the year learning all about the Great Fire of London. We went on virtual tours of museums, read and listened to stories about London and found out how much London has changed over the years. We wrote stories and diaries about the Great Fire of London too. 

Christmas then hit us and unfortunantly so did the dreaded Covid. We managed to learn some Christmas songs and we filmed a wonderful performace - all socially distanced of course with as many children as possible. 

After Christmas, we were hit with the news that schools would have to be virtual again. The children coped with this incredibly well! 

We were able to do 2 online live sessions every day and film pre-recorded videos for children to watch. 

Rainforest was our topic and the children made models, wrote fact files and learnt about the different areas of a rainforest. They really tried their best at home and the parents were brilliant at helping their learning continue to progress. 

Finally we were allowed back to school and the children (and staff!) couldn't have been happier!

We were so excited about our new topic for the Summer, the circus! We took part in a circus skills day, learned about the history of the circus, read books about the circus and did lots of Now Press Play experiences based on different topics. We also loved doing Design and Technology and Art together, including building our own rocket ships and circus tents, creating clown masks and much more!

What an amazing, eventful year it's been, filled with lots of fun, laughter, learning and growth! The children have worked so hard and tried their very best, and are ready and excited to see what their next big adventure will Year 3!

16th July 16th 

Accordion content

9th July 

This week we’ve been having lots of fun writing autobiographies in English! We learned the difference between biographies and autobiographies, and then we had to write all about ourselves, including our birthdays, information about our families and friends, our hobbies, homes and important events in our lives. It was very interesting, and we’ll be sharing them with our new teachers so that they can get to know us a little bit better for next year! In Maths we revised some of the things that we’ve learned this year, including counting in 3’s and our 3 times table as well as adding and subtracting different amounts of money. In Science we learned about wind turbines - what they are, when they were invented and how they’ve developed and changed over the years, and then we created a timeline to show what we’d learned about their history. In Geography we learned all about the 4 countries that make up the UK. We found them on maps online and in atlases, and we then worked in groups to create a fact file about one of the 4 countries. We loved learning all about the country we live in! In Design and Technology we built the big top tents we’d designed last week. We used plastic straws and other resources, and they looked absolutely amazing!

1st July

This week we have been taking part in Maths Week. We have had a TTRockstars Battle which has been great fun! We have also taken part in some practical activities such as data collection, word problems and making and playing board games. 

In English we have been retelling and writing a new story. It is called Olivia Saves the Circus. We started by making a prediction about the story and then we retold the story using actions. We then wrote our own story map and wrote the story. 

On top of all of this, we also had our Sports Day! Mr Duffin and Miss Jones set up some really fun activities for the morning. We put lots of effort into the activities which were all based on the PE we have done over the year. 

In History we completed a timeline of the circus over the years which was fascinating to see how much it has changed over time. In DT we planned our own big top tent which we will make next week with connecting straws. In Science we learnt about Charles Macintosh who invented the waterproof coat! We had to design our own rain macs and choose what material we would use and why.

24th June  

This week we have been very busy completing assessments to show off how much the children have learned in Year 2 this year, and they all did brilliantly. We can’t believe there are only a few more weeks left of this school year! In English we wrote our own information leaflets all about the circus. We included an introduction, and also wrote about trapeze artists, ringmasters and acrobats! We had so much fun watching videos of these acts being performed, and then using lots of adjectives and adverbs to describe them in our leaflets. We also did another Now Press Play experience as part of our Science learning about being healthy. We all went outside and put on our headphones, and listened to a story about being fit and healthy. We had so much fun acting out the story! Afterwards, we went back to the classroom and completed a quiz about the story, and also put pictures showing the story in the correct order. In PSHE we learned all about the proper names for our body parts by drawing around one of our friends and then labelling the drawing, and then we learned the PANTS rule for keeping ourselves safe and healthy. If you’d like more information about this, please see the NSPCC website here:  

17th June 

It has been another lovely week in Year 2! In English we have been learning how to write our own rhyming poems. We looked at the story ‘Oi Dog’ which is a rhyming story. We then created a bank of rhyming words which match the story. After that we made up a funny clown poem.  In maths we have been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise turns. We have also been making quarter, half, three quarter and full turns. We played a really fun game called deadly doors where we had to open all of the doors before the timer exploded. Have a go at this game at home! 

In Art we made lolystick people which we put around our community. This is all part of our community project which the whole school is involved in. We made sure we knew what landmarks we were putting our lolystick people near and then created maps for people to use to find them. The walk around our community was fun but very hot! We hope you can find some on your way home. In Computing we created blog posts advertising the activity so that people from the local community could take part and find the people we placed along our walking route.

10th June 

What a busy week we’ve had! On Monday, we were very excited to have a visitor in school called Emily Fellah, who did a workshop with us on how to create our own comic strips. There were some very interesting heroes and villains in our comics, with some great stories, too! Then we went on our trip to Frylands Wood, which the children really enjoyed! During our time at Frylands we did grass sledging, built barrel carts, climbed a wall, completed an assault course, found our way through a tunnel maze, played some giant games and did archery, orienteering, slacklining and pond dipping. The children enjoyed having all their meals together in a big group, and sleeping in bunk beds with their friends. Even though some of them had some tears along the way as the tiredness set in and they started missing their parents, we’re so proud of them all for staying and continuing to enjoy themselves with us! They were all lovely and so well-behaved, and I’m sure they’ve made memories that will last a lifetime! Keep an eye on the school website for more photos, which we will post as soon as we’re able to (there are hundreds, so this might take some time!) For the rest of the week we wrote about our time at Frylands for English, did some revision of all the things we’ve learned in Maths this year and created posters about our trip for Art.  

26th May 

This week we did a few assessments to show off all of the fantastic learning we’ve done so far this year. The children all did absolutely brilliantly, and we’re so proud of all their hard work! In English, we started planning our own comic strips, which we’ll be creating after the half term holiday. We planned the setting, main character and villain for our comic strips, and also created a rough plan for them. After half term, a special visitor will be coming into school and showing us all how to create a real comic strip. We can’t wait! In Maths we learned about data handling and statistics by creating our own tally chart and pictogram about the eye colours of the children in our class. We compared these amounts and answered questions about them. We also learned about what a Carroll diagram is and created one together. For Art, we all took part in an exciting screen printing project where we cut out shapes of sea creatures and then used special screens and paint to print the shapes onto paper. They looked amazing, and some of them will be chosen and put up in St Mary Cray train station! In Science we learned all about germs and the person who first discovered them, Louis Pasteur. We did an experiment in class to find out how germs spread and also wrote about how to prevent them from spreading.


20th May 

This week in English we have been writing our own stories based on the book, Leon and Place Between. We made sure we had an exciting start of the story to draw the readers in and we created an eye catching front cover.  In Maths we learned about measurements. We measured weight, height, length and temperature. We made sure that we could read the scales for each of these. In Science we learned about the first female doctor and what she did once she became a doctor. Can you remember her name? In Geography we made aerial view maps for a circus tent. We had to include symbols and a key to make it clear to the customers where different parts of the circus would be. We also learned that clowns have to design and register their clown faces before joining a circus. We had a go at designing a unique clown mask. In art we have started our screen printing journey! We cut out different shapes in the style of Henri Matisse. We will use these next week for the screen printing art.

12th May  

This week in English we finished reading the story of Leon and the Place between, and what an exciting book it was! We loved it! We did lots of writing based on the book, including describing the setting, writing diary entries as different characters, and creating a story map for a brand new story of our own based on one of the characters from the book! In Maths we learned about fractions. For the first few days, we focused on finding fractions of shapes, which reminded us of cutting a pizza or cake into equal slices. Later in the week we focused on finding fractions of amounts, such as finding ½ of 10 objects. Maybe you could practise this at home by finding fractions of toys or sweets! This week was Mental Health Awareness Week, so we did lots of activities to support our own mental health, including writing about our feelings, having a fun picnic outside on the field, colouring in pictures and listening to calming music. In Science we learned about what a Botanist does and pretended to be Botanists ourselves by going outside and sketching a plant in detail. We also had an Internet Legends session where we learned about how to stay safe online, and also how to be kind to others online. We made kindness cards for special people and received our Internaut kits to take home so that we could build our own Internauts. Please do send us a photo of your completed Internauts, we’d love to see them! 

5th May  

This week we’ve had lots of fun learning more about our topic, the Circus! In English we continued with our learning based on the book Leon and the Place Between, and we read all about the magician that Leon went to see at a magic show. We wrote predictions about what we thought might happen next, wrote about our favourite circus acts and even made posters to advertise Abdul Kazam, the amazing magician from the story! In Maths we focused on multiplication and division, and we used real objects as well as arrays to help us solve the problems. It was also World Maths Day this week and we had loads of fun playing games against each other on Live Mathletics. In Science we learned all about greenhouses and biomes, and then created our own mini biomes. We can’t wait to see our seeds grow! In Music we listened to some Rock and Roll music and learned more about different genres of music, including Rock and Roll. We also listened to a piece of music and talked about what the music reminded us of and how it made us feel.

26th April 

This week we started our new topic ‘Circus’. We started with an exciting morning of circus skills where we were juggling, tightrope walking and doing many other exciting things. 

In English we started our new book called Leon and The Place Between. We wrote predictions, character descriptions and setting descriptions about our new book. 

In Maths we have been covering a variety of topics such as multiplication, division, shape and time and finding out how these need to be answered in test questions. 

In PSHE we have been learning about relationships and we have reminded ourselves what it means to be a good friend. We listened to a virtual story on the headphones and had to act out what it told us to do. It taught us lots about friendships!

We of course have made our junk model instruments and have lots of fun playing them - that was art, DT and music all rolled into one! A busy but exciting second week back at school. 


21st April 


Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing Easter break and have enjoyed getting back into the school routine this week. This week was Science week, so our topic was Space! We had so much fun learning about the different planets in the solar system, the first man on the moon, rockets and much, much more! We even did a “Space Walk” every day, so that when you add up the distances that we walked, it would be like we walked all the way into Space! In English we wrote a job advert for an astronaut, we created and described our own aliens and we wrote a postcard from space! In Maths we revised a variety of the skills we’ve learned this year, including addition, subtraction, place value, 2D shape and telling the time. In Design and Technology we learned all about rockets, and then designed and built our own rockets. Thank you for being so supportive and sending in lots of recycling for the children to use for this activity, they loved it! We also wrote some instructions to explain how we built them. In History we learned about Neil Armstrong, the first man who walked on the Moon, and about some of the other people who helped him on his journey into Space.


15th March 2021

This week in English, we have started reading a new book called The Last Journey. The book is about different endangered animals who had lost their homes and had gone off in search of a new place to live. We wrote about how the animals would have been feeling and what they experienced. In Maths we learned more about 2D and 3D shapes, including talking about and comparing their properties (edges, vertices/corners and faces). We did some Art this week where we used a wide variety of materials like fabric, paper and cardboard, to create our own collage Rainforests by cutting the materials into shapes and sticking them onto large pieces of paper. In RE we talked about ourselves and the things that make each of us a special and unique person, and in Science we learned more about the life cycle of a plant. We also looked at the seeds we planted in our classroom and compared how they’ve been growing under different conditions.

8th March 2021 

We were so happy to welcome all the children back this week, and we’ve been amazed at how well they’ve all settled back into the routines at school! They’ve been so happy and excited to see all their friends again, and have also been doing fantastic listening and learning in the classroom. It’s been a great week! 

This week in English, we have continued with our learning about The Last Wolf by Mini Grey by writing setting descriptions of the forest, creating posters to save endangered animals and writing lists of the pros and cons of deforestation. In Maths we learned about ordinal numbers (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd) and we also learned how to round numbers to the nearest multiple of 10. We started the week off by doing some PSHE, to give us all a chance to share how we were feeling about being back in school. We also took part in a virtual visit to the library where we learned more about the library, did some fun quizzes about books and also listened to some lovely stories. In Geography we used the pros and cons of deforestation that we’d written down for English to take part in a debate with our friends. We all had a chance to state our reasons for or against deforestation and we all listened to each other. Finally, we ended the week by creating a special surprise for the lovely ladies in our lives! 

1st March

Not only is it the last week of our online learning this week, it is also English Week! 

We are going to be focusing on a book called 'The Last Wolf'. We will be creating our own story maps about the story and finding out what it is all about. We will also have a dress up day on Thursday to celebrate World Book day. 

In Maths we will be learning about time. We will be writing the time, telling the time and ordering time. 

In our topic we continue to learn about the Rainforest but we are going to be looking at deforestation and the impact that has on the animals which live there. 

22nd February 

It is our first week back after half term and we are STILL online learning. We have just found out that we will be returning to school on the 8th of March! We are all very excited about that. 

In English you have been learning about writing fact files. You all chose an animal from the rainforest and each day wrote about it. 

In Maths you have been using different methods to work out subtraction questions. You used counting on, back, the column method, number lines, Dienes and of course drawing out the questions. 

In our topic, you have continued to learn about the rainforest and this week you learnt about the climates of the rainforest. 

8th February 

We have almost made it to half term, not only are the children and teachers ready for a break but of course parents are ready to put the screens down!

In English it is the last week of our book Tadpole's Promise. You have been planning and writing your own version of a 'promise' story using animals from the rainforest. 

In Maths, you have been learning about arrays and using these to help you work out some word problems. 

You have created some beautiful art work too this week using natural objects from the environment including SNOW!

1st February

It is Mental Health Week this week and you have all been showing how you express yourself. You have put on a piece of clothing or a whole outfit to express yourself. 

In English you have started a new book called 'Tadpole's Promise'. You have been using adverbial phrases, expanded noun phases and contractions. 

In Maths you have been understanding some multiplication facts which will be used next week too. 

On Friday you have a no screens day to help with your mental health. 

25th January 

This week we are continuing to learn about the Rainforest. We are focusing on the different layers of the rainforest and what happens at each layer. You are making maps of the different layers! 

In English it is our last week of 'The Dragon Machine'. You are designing your own machine and also planning and writing your own version of the story. 

In Maths you are learning about fractions. You are finding 1/2, 1/4 of amounts this week. 

18th January 

You have continued to be learning from home this week and all of the activities have been on Google Classroom. 

It is the first week of our new book 'The Dragon Machine'. You are going to be writing your very own dragon spotting guide. 

In Maths you are partitioning numbers during the first half of the week and then in the second half of the week you are working out fractions of shapes. You can even use food to help you with this!

11th January 

This week you have been completing home learning via Google Classroom. 

You continued to learn about the Rainforest and you used Google Earth to look at where all of the Rainforests were located around the world. 

In English you wrote about our book 'The house held up by trees'. You became an estate agent and you had to write a description about the house. You also wrote a newspaper article. 


Well done to everyone for completing home learning! We are very proud of you. 

5th January 

It is our first week back and Covid has struck once again. We are back to home learning and all of your daily tasks can be found on Google Classroom. 

In English we have started a new book but won't be finding out the title of that until next week. We have been writing using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and of course remembering to check through our writing for full stops and capital letters. 

In Maths we have been learning to add and subtract numbers using our knowledge of number facts. We made sure we found out if we were working on place value or number bonds before finding the answers. 

In our topic Rainforest, we have been writing what we already know and what we are looking forward to finding out. 

14th December 

This week in maths, we have been continuing to learn about time. We were reading and writing both analogue and digital clock times. We learnt about o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We ordered times and wrote about our daily routine at certain times of the day. In English, we have been on a fact finding mission about our school. We wrote questions about the school which we wanted to find out answers to. We  spent a lot of time learning our nativity and we recorded it this week. Please go onto Google Classroom to watch it! 

Well done Chestnut and Cedar class. 

7th December 

This week in maths, we have been learning about time. We were reading and writing both analogue and digital clock times. We learnt about o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We ordered times and wrote about our daily routine at certain times of the day. In English, we have been on a fact finding mission about our school. We wrote questions about the school which we wanted to find out answers to. We then wrote the answers to our questions, this created a bank of facts. With this information we decided to write our ‘guide around Poverest’ to give people information about our school. In phonics we have been learning to read and write common exception words for Year 2. We have played lots of games to help us remember the words. 

Everyday we have been practicing our Nativity songs and lines.

23rd November 

This week, we have been learning how to measure. We were using decimeter strips to measure ourselves and our feet. We then were able to compare our different measurements. We also weighed items and measured to the nearest 100g. In English, we have started a new book called ‘A Walk in London’. In this book it has a mixture of a story and facts all about London. We went on our own walk around our school and thought about some of the facts of our school. We also learnt about and have used fronted adverbials (between the…, next to the …). We have continued to practise our Phase 5 Phonics sounds by playing lots of fun games, and we’ve also been learning to read and write words that make the ‘er’ sound. In Science, we completed a fair test. We had to find out which material was waterproof. 


16th November 

This week, we have been learning how to double, half and use multiplication. We were using our knowledge of the 10 and 2 times table to answer questions. We had to draw out the multiplication as repeated addition and then write it as a multiplication sum. In English, we continued our non-fiction book all about The Great Fire of London. We wrote some commands to tell Thomas Farriner how to put the fire out in the bakery and to tell people to get out of London. We then wrote a recount from the point of view of a cat who was in London at the time of the fire. We also added the suffixes ‘ly’ ‘y’ ‘est’ and ‘er’ to words to see if they make sense. We have continued to practise our Phase 5 Phonics sounds by playing lots of fun games, and we’ve also been learning to read and write words with an ‘a’ that makes the ‘o’ sound. In Science, we completed a fair test. We had to find out which material was the bounciest. In RE we learnt about Diwali and in History we celebrated remembrance day. It has been a busy week!

9th November 

This week, we have been learning to add and subtract using the column addition. First we had to make sure our numbers were lined up. Then we added or subtracted from the ones column and then we moved onto the tens. We even learnt to bridge 10’s using the column method! In English, we have been creating our own songs using the tune of ‘London’s Burning’. First we made our own song about London in 1666 and then we made a song all about Christmas. We have continued to practise our Phase 5 Phonics sounds by playing lots of fun games, and we’ve also been learning to read and write words with an ‘a’ that makes the ‘or’ sound. In RE we completed a Diwali dance which was so much fun! In Geography we have been learning about the environment and what we can do to help such as recycling and litter picking. In Art we created some wax resist art using white wax pens and watercolour paints.

2nd November 

This week, we have been learning how to add and subtract numbers by bridging 10. This means that when we add a number, we cross over a tens number to get to the answer. To do this, we had to get to the nearest 10 first, and then add the remainder to find the answer, e.g. for 38+5 we have to get to the nearest 10 (38+2=40) and then add the remainder (40+3=43). In English, we have started a new non-fiction book all about The Great Fire of London.  We have been using coordinating and subordinate conjunctions to write sentences. We compared London in 1666 to London today and came up with sentences such as ‘In 1666 London had houses made of wood but now London has houses made of brick and glass’.  We have continued to practise our Phase 5 Phonics sounds by playing lots of fun games, and we’ve also been learning to read and write words with -tion in them. In Science, we learned all about materials and what objects were made of from around our school. In Art, we completed some Cray Pas firework pictures as well as learning about Guy Fawkes. We used oil pastels to create our artwork and they were beautiful! 

Week 8 - 19th of October 

This week, we have been learning how to add and subtract 2-digit numbers using a hundred square. We learned that we could move down the hundred square to add numbers and make them bigger, or move up the hundred square to subtract and make numbers smaller. In English, we’ve had lots of fun writing our own space stories inspired by the book Astro Girl! We made sure our stories had a beginning, an exciting problem and solution, and a happy ending, and our space adventures were very exciting! We have continued to practise our Phase 5 Phonics sounds by playing lots of fun games, and we’ve also been learning how to add the -ly and -ness suffixes to words to change their meanings, and using these words in sentences. In Science, we learned all about why it is important for human beings to keep themselves clean by playing a fun game called Hygiene Heroes, and then we designed our own hand wash bottles. In Art, we learned about an artist called Paul Klee who created pieces of art using different shapes and bright colours. We then chose our favourite London landmark, such as Big Ben, Tower Bridge or the Gherkin, and drew pictures of our favourite building using shapes. Finally, we coloured them in using bright colours. Our pictures were gorgeous!

Week 7- 12th of October

This week, we have been learning about number bonds to 10 and 20. We were using the bar model to write our number sentences. In English, we have been looking at a new book called Astro Girl! We started the week by finding the main characters bag in our classroom, she had lots of space pictures in her bag. We have been going over some Phase 5 Phonics sounds from Year 1, as well as learning some new Year 2 spelling rules! We have been adding -ly  and -ness to the ending of words and then writing some sentences. For Black History Month we started by looking at the history of African hair and how it has changed over time. We designed our own hairstyles which was lots of fun. On Monday we were lucky enough to take part in a first aid training session, it was very interactive and we all got certificates as we passed our CPR training.   

Week 6 - 5th of October 

This week, we have been learning about directional and positional language. We were using the correct terminology to describe different turns, such as quarter, half, clockwise and anticlockwise. In English, we met the author Kate Cunningham who wrote the book we are looking at, Vlad! We wrote Kate some questions and had them answered during our meet and greet. It was so much fun. We have been going over some Phase 5 Phonics sounds from Year 1, as well as learning some new Year 2 spelling rules! We have been adding -ful and -less to the ending of words and then writing some sentences. In Science we found out about what happens to our bodies when we do exercise. In Geography we were using coordinates to find different areas on a map. We used a map from 1666 and we found out how far the fire spread in London. 

Week 5 - 28th of September 

This week, we have been learning about money. We have been adding to find the totals and subtracting to find change. In English, we started a new book! It is called Vlad and the Great Fire of London where we have met the main characters Vlad and Boxton. We have written a diary entry pretending to be Boxton. We have also learnt about adverbs this week. We have been going over some Phase 5 Phonics sounds from Year 1, as well as learning some new Year 2 spelling rules! We have been adding -ed and -ing to the ending of words and then writing some sentences. In Science we found out the different food groups and which ones are important for our bodies. We went on a virtual trip to the Museum of London where we learnt more about the Great Fire of London. 

Week 4 - 21st of September

This week, we have been learning about adding and subtracting two digit numbers in Maths, we used our knowledge of Dienes to help us. In English, we have been writing expanded noun phrases about objects from home. It was great fun describing our precious objects from home! We have been going over some Phase 5 Phonics sounds from Year 1, as well as learning some new Year 2 spelling rules! We have been adding -er and -est to the ending of words and then writing some sentences. In Science we found out about animals and their basic needs, we played a matching game where we had to match the animal to their needs. In Art, we have started our silhouette pictures. We painted the fiery background this week and next week we will make the London skyline from 1666 and stick it to our picture. It will look like London is burning, do you know a song about this?!

Week 3 14th of September

This week, we have been learning about place value and using this knowledge to add and subtract in Maths. In English, we have been making fact files about the animals in our book The Lost Words, we even had to do some fact finding ourselves! We have been going over some Phase 5 Phonics sounds from Year 1, as well as learning some new Year 2 spelling rules! We have been changing words into past and present tense using -ed and -ing. We have continued to learn all about our topic of The Great Fire of London by sorting objects from the past and present day.

Week 2- 7th Sept 2020

What a fantastic first 2 weeks it’s been! We’ve been so impressed with how well the children have settled back into school, and they can be very proud of all their hard work! This week, we have been learning about place value and finding 2-digit numbers on a number line in Maths. In English, we have started reading a beautiful book called The Lost Words, and we created our own poems inspired by the book! We have been going over some Phase 5 Phonics sounds from Year 1, as well as learning some new Year 2 spelling rules! We have been looking at comparative and superlative suffixes! This sounds very complicated but it is all about adding –er or –est to words e.g. brave becomes braver or bravest. We have started to learn all about our topic of The Great Fire of London by reading a story about it and in Science we learned all about animals and their babies.


Homework this week

  1. Reading Book - Please bring this into school every day. Once the children have read their books twice, some of them will be doing a special quiz on the iPads which helps to develop their understanding of what they have read.

  2. Spelling sheet - words ending in y that have -ed and -ing added to the end (a selection of these will be tested next week).

  3. Mathletics - tasks based on place value and numbers to 100, which the children will see when they log into their accounts. They are free to explore and enjoy playing any other aspect of Mathletics when they have finished their tasks.

Week 1 - 2nd Sept 2020

It is our first week back! We are so excited to welcome the children.

Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
