Elder - Year 5
Welcome to Elder Class.
Our class teacher is Mrs Masters who is supported by Mrs Smith and Mrs Callaghan.
Main Topics and Trips for 2023/2024
This year, Elder Class will learn about The Stone Age and Ancient Egypt as well as Geographical Mapping Skills. You will find more information about how each topic is covered in our curriculum maps, which are at the bottom of this page.
Our trips and visitors for the year will be the Natural History Museum, the Planetarium, the British Museum, the theatre and Westminster Abbey.
Physical Education (PE)
Our PE days are every Tuesday and Wednesday.
Your child needs to come into school wearing their PE kit, which consists of a plain t-shirt, plain joggers/shorts and a plain jumper. Trainers are also allowed. Your child will stay in their PE kit for the whole day.
Homework will be set every Thursday, and will consist of a Mathletics task, a set of spelling words (written and on Spelling Shed), reading comprehensions and a writing task. Please return the homework on Thursday so it can be checked or help given.
Reading and Reading Records
We inspire a love of reading and, as such, expect your child to read every day. Your child's reading record must be brought in every day to be signed and rewards are given to encourage their commitment. Reading is such an important part of your child's development so please prioritise this task.
Our Class Rewards
We have many rewards in Elder Class, which consist of:
Class dojo points, raffle tickets every Friday, certificates every Friday and stickers. Class awards - Golden Globes - are awarded by other staff members and are part of a whole school competition.
To earn a raffle ticket, your child will have shown exemplary work or behaviour.
Texts/Books for the Year
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
Girl of Ink and Stars
Hidden Figures
The Tempest
The Lost Thing
The High Rise Mystery
The Last Bear