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Art and Design




At Poverest Primary School, we provide a broad and balanced Art and Design curriculum that enriches the lives of all our children. Supporting their creativity and their curiosity. This has been celebrated by the Arts Council who gave us the Artsmark Silver Award in September 2022. We believe that by developing our children's knowledge, weaving Art, Craft and Design through our curriculum it  engages and enhances our children’s expressive opportunities. While inspiring and developing their passion for the subject; which challenges and equips them to be active learners with the knowledge and skills to create their own works of art.


For Art and Design we use Kapow Primary to form the basis of our engaging and exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. Following progressive schemes of work, our children have the opportunity to build their skills and develop their knowledge through active learning as they move through the school. There are four strands embedded within a unit of learning, these are: learning about innovative artists-past and present; exploring the formal elements of Art and Design (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern,colour); making skills and evaluating their own art. 

Each child has their own sketchbook which enables them to document their inspirational ideas and encourages experimental and exploratory learning. Furthemore, the knowledge organisers for each unit, supports them in building a foundation of factual knowledge by encouraging recall of key facts and vocabulary.

We foster curiosity in our children through engaging creative activities by working with artists and organisations who are invited into the school. To support our children’s wellbeing, we have SQUID  (Sustained quiet uninterrupted imaginative drawing) within the timetable.



In Art and Design we use a variety of assessment tools to measure the impact that Art and Design has had for our children. Each unit of work has a unit quiz and knowledge catcher which is used at the start and the end of the unit of learning. Pupil voice conferences are held to hear what the children have to say about Art and Design at Poverest, making sure that we are being an inclusive school. Sketchbook and portfolios are viewed termly with teacher dialogue in staff meetings. Children’s work is displayed for the school and wider community to see their achievements. 

Through following Kapow Primary, which is in line with the National Curriculum; our children leave Poverest Primary School equipped with a range of techniques and the confidence to form a strong foundation for their Art and Design learning at Key Stage 3 and beyond.

Helpful Links

Tate art and artists

The Artful Parent- Art and Family Creativity


Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
