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  • 04/07/24

    Open days for Reception 2025

    Tuesday 1st October 2024 at 9.30am and Wednesday 20th November 2024 at 9.30am  Please click the link to book onto one of our open mornings.        
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  • 18/07/24

    School Games Gold Award 2023/2024

    I'm very pleased to say that this afternoon the school was awarded a Gold standard for school sport. This is a national award and takes into account School PE, clubs, competitive sports and other opportunities that children get at Poverest. Thank you for helping support school sport and make it...
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  • 17/07/24

    Computing Competition

    Poverest achieved 2nd place at a Computing Competition on Thursday 11th July. 🏆 We are so proud of Poverest for working well as a team, showing a huge amount of creativity and showing off their computing skills. We competed against 6 other schools and came 2nd! Well done 🌟
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  • 05/07/24


    Today, children from years 5 & 6 watched the West Indies play a warm up match for their tour of England. Our children were able to see top level cricket live and appreciate how fast the bowlers can bowl the ball. The children got to meet some of the players and even played on the pitch during t...
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  • 02/07/24

    National Tennis Centre

    On Friday a group of year 5 girls were invited to attend a Tennis day at the National Tennis Centre hosted by Judy Murray. This day was sponsored by Morgan Stanley with the aim of getting more girls into Tennis and sport. Our girls took part in lots of tennis games lead by Judy but also got to work...
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  • 27/06/24

    National Pop Lacrosse finals 2024

    National Pop Lacrosse finals 2024. Yesterday our Lacrosse team took part in the National finals. We travelled to Birmingham University to take on the best teams in Great Britain. We played teams from Scotland, Macclesfield, Altrincham. The only teams to beat us were the eventual winners and th...
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  • 20/06/24


    Today we hosted a lower KS2 Lacrosse festival. 10 teams played extremely competitive matches. Year 6 children were brilliant team managers and referees. Competitive sport allows our children to experience being part of a team as well as winning and losing. We are very proud that children at Povere...
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  • 14/06/24


    On Thursday afternoon we took two teams to play Cricket against St Nicholas Primary School. Both teams played really well with some excellent batting and bowling. This is the first year that we have been able to field two Cricket teams. It's been great seeing more and more children playing co...
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  • 12/06/24

    Computing Education’s (NCCE) Computing Quality Mark award!

    I'm so proud to announce that Poverest has achieved the National Centre for Computing Education’s (NCCE) Computing Quality Mark award! We have shown exemplary practice in our Computing curriculum and have provided outstanding evidence to achieve this award. This shows that our Comput...
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  • 23/05/24

    Lacrosse Reginal Finals

    We took part in the Lacrosse regional finals at Surrey University. The standard was incredibly high in all the matches we played. We finished in the top 4 which means we qualified for the National finals in Birmingham. This is the second year in a row we have qualified for the nationals. We will...
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  • 17/05/24

    Junior Mathematical Challenge

    The results are in! A few weeks ago, these children took part in the Junior Mathematical challenge. This was a really hard mathematical challenge where it encouraged reasoning, precision of thought and fluency. Although we were not placed, each child earned themselves at least 20 points. This meant...
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  • 03/05/24

    Neal Zetter - Author visit

    This afternoon we had a visit from author and poet, Neal Zetter! It was very exciting to listen to him performing his poetry and the children all had a chance to join in, too! He also gave us the opportunity to ask questions and gave us an insight into life as a poet and author. What a brilliant end...
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Contact Us

  • Poverest Primary School, Tillingbourne Green, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent, BR5 2JD

  • 01689 816060
