Weekly News
Autumn 1, Week 1
The children have completed their first full week as Juniors!
In Literacy, we have been learning to develop inference about a story, learning alternative spelling patterns, adding prefixes, using synonyms and selecting adjectives. In Maths, we have been learning Place value up to 1000. We began our Topic of Romans by using drama to help us understand the myth of the founding of Rome. In Computing we continued the theme and took on the role of a Roman Legionary and took pictures of ourselves dressed as a soldier. in Science, we started our study of Animals including Humans by exploring what humans need to stay alive.
Autumn 1, Week 2
Another busy week for Beech Class! In Literacy we have been describing feelings, sequencing key events and learning how to write multi-clause sentences. In grammar, we have been using the suffix -ness and -y. We have continued to learn more about place value particularly with 3-digit numbers. Our topic work this week has included looking at Roman culture and how they used mosaics. We have started to make our own mosaics! In PE we have linked our learning to the Rugby World Cup and have been learning how to plat Tag Rugby. We have explored the different diets of a variety of animals in Science. To help consolidate our learning of Spanish numbers, we played bingo. We have just started coding in Computing.
Autumn 1, Week 3
We had our first Forest School session this week. It was an orientation session so that the children could see the changes that have taken place since they were last there. My camera decided not to work but photos will follow in the next session. In Maths we have been adding and subtracting with money. In literacy, we have been learning to create multi-clause sentences with conjunctions, plan a story with a dilemma, use verbs and change the tense, use adverbs and write captions. In art, we have completed our mosaics and in Science we were testing our reaction times and drawing conclusions from our results. For our Roman topic, we studied the Roman Empire and used maps and atlases to compare and see what the countries are called now. For example we found out that 'Gaul' is now called France.
Autumn 1, Week 4
In Literacy this week, we have been writing about dilemmas, finding and using better nouns, adverbs and adjectives to improve sentences. We have also been improving our writing through editing. In Maths we have been finding missing numbers, learning to balance number sentences, adding and subtracting a 1 digit number and learning to add 3 or more numbers in an efficient manner. For our topic, we discovered how the Celts built their round houses. We were learning to work scientifically this week with using fair testing and drawing conclusions from our findings. We also learnt about the rituals and preparations of worship and the main features of a Mandir. This helped us to understand that a Mandir is a place where Hindus worship.
Autumn 1, Week 5
In Literacy, we have started studying historical fiction. We have learnt how to write noun phrases, identify proper nouns and use prepositions. In Maths, we have been subtracting using efficient strategies. In RE, we listened to and sequenced the story of Rama and Sita and how it gave rise to the festival of Diwali. In Forest School, we built walls like the Celts. In our topic, we learnt that the Celtic tribes had settled in Britain and Britain was then invaded by the Romans. The Celts build round houses and we attempted to use the same building method in Forest School using Willow. In computing , we continued learning coding. We have enjoyed two sessions of PE this week and this will continue every other week.
Autumn 1, Week 6
In Literacy this week, we have been learning to ask questions that accurately search for information and learning to use statements to write a report. We had an exciting trip to Crofton Roman Villa ( see the photos) and learnt a lot of new facts about Romans. In Maths, we were learning to write number sentences for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We wrote multiplication and division sentences and become to explore the commutivity. We learnt a new song about Romans for the Grandparents Tea Party. For Black History Month, we discovered that there were black Roman soldiers and discussed why we hadn't seen any on our text books. For our topic, we designed our own Roman shields in preparation for making them.
Autumn 1, Week 7
We started our week in spectacular style with a visit to the Museum of London. We explored the Roman Galleries and then had a 'hands-on' workshop where we handled 'real' Roman artefacts! These artefacts included a Roman sandal - imagine a Roman wore it over 2000 years ago! In RE, we explored how Hindus celebrate Diwali. As it is the Festival of Lights, we made Divas for our lights. We also took part in an Indian Dance workshop! In Maths, we have been learning how to use a multiplication grid to help us with division. In Literacy, we have been learning the rules associated speech marks.We have just finished our Science topic of Animals including humans and are looking forward to our new topic.
Autumn 2 Week 8
This week we have been busy rehearsing for our Year 3 assembly which was all about the Romans. We loved learning the songs, dances and drama performances for the assembly, we really enjoyed it. In maths, we have been learning how to add and subtract using number lines. This has helped us subtract numbers from 100 which can be tricky when crossing the tens boundary. In literacy, we started our new book which is called "The Tear Thief", so far we found out the Tear Thief is invisible and has magical powers. She steals tears from children but we are unsure why she needs them. We hope to find out next week! We created Laurel Wreaths in topic which represented the headpiece powerful Romans would wear.
Autumn 2 Week 9
This week we started our new science topic - Forces. We begun by studying pushes and pulls. We completed a computational challenge called 'Bebras' in our computing room. In PE we played Dodgeball and the children got really excited in this game. We have been working hard to improve our scores in TT Rockstars! In Literacy we have continued working with our book 'The Tear Thief' and wrote some poetry, used conjunctions, identified and used different verb forms, identified and used similes and metaphors and explored the present perfect form of verbs. In Maths , we have been learning to subtract to reach 100 using counting up and number bonds. In History, we have started to learn about Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni tribe.
Autumn 2 Week 10
We started the week with a treat - we went to the cinema to watch 'Horrible Histories - Rotten Romans'! The film told the story of Boudicca and her rebellion against the Romans. This almost matched our History lesson where we wrote a rallying speech as Boudicca, where we were trying to encourage the other Celtic tribes to join the rebellion. In Maths, we continued to use counting up as a strategy to calculate subtraction. In Literacy, we learnt how to identify themes, conventions and discuss words and phrases that capture the reader's interest and imagination. We also learnt how to present views and opinions, use the possessive apostrophe and express cause using conjunctions. To complete our learning this week, we used different grammatical forms of sentence: question, command and statement.
Autumn 2 Week 11
It has been assessment week this week and this has given the children the opportunity to show us what they know. In History, the children acted out a drama based on the meeting that took place between the Roman character called 'Marcus' and Boudicca and her daughters. In Science, the children carried out an investigation to find out which surface made the car travel the fastest/slowest. They had to ensure that it was a fair test and predict and explain their findings. In Maths, we continued to learn about measurement using mm, cm and m. In PE, we were playing indoor golf! We were designing Christmas cards on the computer!
Autumn 2 Week 12
In Science, the children have been exploring the magnetic poles by using magnets. As it was Maths week, we took part in the TT Rockstars Challenge against our fellow Year 3 class and won. We went on to 'battle' Fig Class (year 4). Unfortunately they won. We are rounding off our learning about Romans by publishing a leaflet about Romans using a word program. In RE, we were finding out about someone's birthday which is coming soon - by exploring the events of the very first Christmas! In Music, we are learning and rehearsing Christmas songs so that we will be ready for our Carol service.
Autumn 2 Week 13
In Science, we have been learning to sort magnetic and non-magnetic materials. We have used our Chromebooks to cast our vote in a school election, fill in a survey and complete our topic work on our Roman leaflets. We visited the Life Bus to find out about how our brains help us to function and met Harold the Giraffe. In Literacy, we have been making inferences based on limited information, used conjunctions and adverbials to link information and to use verbs that are specific and technical.In Maths we have been learning mental strategies such as doubling and converting weights. We also watched a year 1 and 2 class perform their Nativity play - we were impressed!
Autumn 3 Week 14
Getting ready for Christmas! We had a Carol Concert at Poverest Baptist Church and we all sung Christmas beautifully! We watched the KS1 Nativity dress rehearsal and were thoroughly entertained. We had a traditional Christmas dinner followed by our class parties with food and games. To complete the week, we had Elf day, a Dojo assembly and watched a Christmas film!
Spring 1 week 1
In Maths , we have been focussing on place value and ordering three digit numbers. In Literacy, ​​​​we have introduced a new book and have been using it to learn about modal verbs, subordination and cause and effect conjunctions. For Science, we have been studying different rocks and comparing them. For Geography, we are learning about the nature of a river: that it flows downwards from high ground to the sea (see photographs). For RE, we have been exploring the reasons why Jesus is important to Christians.
Spring 1 Week 2
In Maths, we have been learning to understand that division is the inverse of multiplication. In Literacy, we have been identifying regular and irregular verbs, exclamatory and interrogative sentences and learning the difference between possession and omission. As part of our RE curriculum, we have been discussing what the different descriptions of God tell us about the Christian belief in God. As part of our Art, we have been exploring how Claude Monet used light and colour to create impressions of the River Thames. For Science, we have been sorting Rocks into groups of natural and man-made. In Geography, we played the 'river' game where the children had to match the river feature with its definition!
Spring 1 Week 3
We began our week by using clay to complete our mosaic tiles. We decorated and painted them before they went to the kiln. We are looking forward to seeing the finished product outside the school. We have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing money in Maths. We have completed our book, 'The First Drawing' and used a variety of grammatical and compositional features to retell the the story. In Geography, we were learning to understand the water cycle and we set up an evaporation experiment with fresh water and sea water. In Science, we were learning how sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocked are formed. We created the different types of rocks using white and milk chocolate.
Spring 1 Week 4
We began a new book in Literacy this week! It is called 'The Pied Piper'. We compared the themes with other traditional stories and Fairy Tales. We used some of the facts that were inspired from the book and organised them into paragraphs. In Maths, we have been learning to use the column addition method. The children have been learning about different countries this week as part of Multicultural Week. We even participated in a Chinese Dance. We started our coaching sessions with a Cricket coach this week. We practised our catching skills!
Spring 1 Week 5
In Art, we have been colour matching and trying to replicate the style of the 'Impressionists', Claude Monet in particular. We have been busy using our Chromebooks to learn our times tables and our spellings. In Maths, we have continued with consolidating our knowledge of the column method and in Literacy, we have been learning about the rules for 'shun' words and how to extend single clause sentences into multi-clause sentences. In RE, we asked the question, 'Who is in authority in Christian communities and what are their roles and responsibilities'?
Spring 1 Week 6
We had dress like a scientist day this week! We had astrophysicists, engineers (STEM), doctors and scientists. We have been writing extended stories using the structure of 'The Pied Piper'. In Maths, we have been using the column method to subtract including exchanging. In RE, we have started to explore the Bible. In Geography, we have learnt about coastal wildlife and the Great Rivers of the world. We also learnt about Internet safety as it was Internet safety day on Tuesday 11th February.
Spring 2 Week 1
We started our week with tea smelling and tasting. This acted as an introduction to our new book and also gave the children a marvellous opportunity to describe what they experienced. In Maths, we have been learning about fractions and we discovered how times tables can help us with the answers. We continued to learn more about the game of cricket by bowling to the wicket, batting to get runs and fielding. Geography and Science have been combined this week by studying river crossings. We then went onto to test different shaped bridges for strength. We continued our exploration of the Bible in RE.
Spring 2 Week 2
It has been English Week this week so our focus has been on literacy activities! We based our learning around the book, 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. We chose a colour crayon and wrote a colour poem. We had a 'Book Cafe' where the children used a book menu to choose and review a selection of books with different genres. One day, the children came in and the chairs had gone. So the children had to write a letter addressing the chairs complaints and apologise for the way they had been treating them. We competed in a Spelling Bee and had a number of entrants from Beech Class who went onto the final with Year 4. Congratulations to the winners who both came from Beech Class! We made a number of placards for the parade on World Book Day ( see photos). In Maths, we continued to learn about Fractions. We finished the week with a visit from the Thames Explorer Trust who delivered a workshop about the River Thames.
Spring 2 Week 3
It has been Science week this week so we have been exploring our diverse planet and we carried out an experiment linked to our Light topic. We explored Refraction (see the photos)! We have been looking at word problems in Maths. In Literacy, we have been using imperative verbs and making predictions about what might happen next in the story. We have also been using the present perfect tense in our writing. In Geography, we have been learning about how rivers are used for transport, for example, tourism, industry and leisure. We have also started some assessments so that we can find out about the children's learning.
Summer Term Week 3 - 17th June
This week has been a week of assessments to see how well the students have progressed. We also had a fantastic day on Wednesday - the while school was involved in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) day. Children in years three and four were split into three different groups. Eah group participated in three different sessions throughout the day - Computer science, Makedo and K'nex. A great day was had by all. On Friday it was the KS2 sports day. The weather was perfect as was the attitude and participation of the children. We also said goodbye to Mr Wilson, whose practical finished this week. He will however be back for our trip to Pizza Express on Wednesday 3rd July.
Summer Term Week 2 - 10th June
This week we had our second session of swimming. We also continued looking at plants in science while the country we looked at this week for Topic was Spain with Mr Wilson. In maths we have been doing lots of revision in preparation for our tests next week while in PE with Mr Duffin we practiced our events for Sports Day next Friday.
Summer Term 2 Week 1 - 3rd June
This week saw our first swimming lesson at Darrick Wood swimming centre. The first of 4 lessons saw the children see what standard they are. At the end of the week, quite a few children took part in Poverest's Got Talent. In science, we conducted an experiment whereby we wanted to prove that water does in fact go up the stem of a plant. We put a white flower in a jar of coloured water and will observe over the next few days to see what will happen. In maths, we did a lot of work on fractions, revised telling the time and looked at the written method for division. Finally, we celebrated Eid, the end of Ramadan, by having a colouring competition and looking at a powerpoint about this special celebration (the end of Ramadan).
Summer Term 1 Week 5 - 20th May
The highlight of the week was our trip to Kew Gardens on Tuesday. It was a great day - the weather was beautiful and the way the children conducted themselves (we received 4 complementary comments from the general public) was excellent. Thanks to those parents who helped on the day. In maths, we revised some fraction work and alo looked at solving one and two step money word problems. In science we studied the pollination process while in English we continued activities on our book "Ice Palace" Have a great half term break and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 3rd June.
Summer Term 1 Week 4 - 13th May
Another busy week in Beech class. In topic, we looked at the country of Germany and completed our fact file as well as tasting a frankfurter. We alo found out what countries border Germany. In maths, we went outside with Mr Wilson to find out how many balls we could get in a hoop out of 10 shots. We tallied these results and then completed a bar chart. We also looked at a variety of work to do with fractions. In ICT we continued to do a project about a country on powerpoint while in Spanish we looked at how to say the various wild animals.
Summer Term 1 Week 3 - 6th May
Despite this being a short week, it was still a busy one in Beech Class. In maths we looked at money problems and activities related to fractions while in English Mr Wilson, our student teacher, continued to do activities related to our class book ' Ice Palace'. We studied Mexico this week for our Topic work and got to try tortilla chips and salsa. In PE we practised ball skills activities related to netball while in science we began to get our plant investigation ready for the next two weeks.
Summer Term 1 Week 2 - 29th April
The highlight of the week for Beech Class was our trip to Chislehurst Caves on Thursday. Our guide Jack shared lots of interesting information about the caves and how they have been used. In English with Mr Wilson we have been looking at the book 'Ice Palace' and doing a variety of activities about this book while in Maths we have been doing more work on time. Our country of study this week in Topic has been Italy where we also tried pizza. We looked at the various parts of a plant in science along with the jobs of each of those parts.
Summer Term 1 Week 1 - 22nd April
The start of the summer term has seen Beech class start some new topics. In science we have begun to look at plants in science while in our topic work, 'What's on the Menu' is our theme. In English, we spent the week planning, writing and typing up a recount about our Easter holiday while in PE we did a variety of ball skills activities. As part of our 'What's on the Menu ' topic, we looked at the country of England and completed a fact file. We also tried one of the most popular English foods - scones and jam.
A reminder that next Thursday is our trip to Chislehurst Caves.
Spring Term 2 Week 6 - 1st April
The first week of April was a busy one in Beech Class. It was also great to see Mrs Holden return after a quite a long absence. On Tuesday afternoon we took part in our Spring Concert, performing a song on the violin and singing two songs - Try Everything and Rather Be. We also had a visit form a photographer from Tate Britain, who took a class photo as part of a London wide project to display all Year 3 classes at Tate Britain from November. We did a variety of Easter activities in the lead up to Easter, including our Easter bonnet parade and easter egg hunt. We also had our final session of cricket with James in PE while in science we did a variety of activities involving magnets. On behalf of Mrs Davis, Mrs Holden, Mrs Marsh and Mr Wilson, I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter break and look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 23rd April.
Spring Term 2 Week 5 - 25th March
In our reading this week we looked at Mothers Day and the meaning behind it. We also wrote a class poem about our mothers to put in our own mothers day card, plus a bunch of flowers!! In maths we looked at one of the written methods for multiplication while in PE we continued to work on our cricketing skills. We had two lessons of cricket with James - one in the outside court and the other in the classroom where we looked at the various fielding positions and completed a coordinates activity. We also welcomed to our class, Mr Wilson, a student teacher from Greenwich University. He will be with us for the next nine weeks.
Spring Term 2 Week 4 - 18th March
Another busy week for Beech Class. Unfortunately, Mrs Holden has been off for the last two weeks with bruised ribs but should be back next week. Maths this week has mostly taken place outside where the children took part in two timing activities using stop watches. In groups of three, one child was the timer, another a counter while the third child did the particular activity (bouncing and catching a ball, star jumps, step ups, running up and down and throwing a ball in the air and catching it). The children had to record their results in a table. We then typed up these results in our ICT session. We also looked at 2D shapes in maths as well - polygons, quadrilaterals etc and different types of lines such as vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular. In English we wrote a different ending to Black Beauty and also a fictional recount of our weekend. The religious festival Holi, or the festival of colour, took place on Friday. We looked at what this festival was all about and also designed our own elephant and coloured in a Happy Holi poster.
Congratulations to Teya for winning student of the week.
Spring Term 2 Week 3 - 11th March
This week Beech class have been doing quite a few assessments - maths, reading and Grammar and punctuation. We have also been looking at shadows in science while in ICT we typed out some information about St Patrick's Day. We had another cricket lesson with James on Tuesday, concentrating on bowling and catching.
Congratulations to Charlotte for winning student of the week.
Spring Term 2 Week 2 - 4th March
This week it was English Week. We read the fairy tale Alice in Wonderland and wrote a different beginning. We also took part in a spelling bee on Tuesday against the two year 4 classes. Quite a few students made it to the final 10!! I was really impressed with our costumes for World Book Day. Congratulations to Rebecca for winning best dressed in our class. And of course we had our assembly on Friday - thanks for your support and well done to the children for their efforts. We had another visit from James, the cricket coach, who showed us how to bowl in cricket while in ICT we typed up our book character write-ups.
Congratulations to Tyler for winning student of the week.
Spring Term 2 Week 1 - 25th February
This week saw the first of six cricket sessions led by James for our PE sessions. The children really enjoyed the various activities and games to practice throwing and catching. In Maths, we have been working on fractions - adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator and finding fractions that make a whole number. We also started looking at the written subtraction method where we need to regroup. The children are really improving their ability to tell the time - this week we started looking at telling the time in minutes to. In English, we researched the internet for information on an Australian animal (our table group), wrote this up in our own words using headings and sub-headings and then typed it up using text boxes in a word document. We also looked at expanded noun phrases and wrote about our half term holiday as well as a fictional story based in a spooky house in the middle of a lake. A reminder that it is English Week next week. World Book Day is on Thursday so please come dressed as your favourite book character.
Congratulations to Alexis for winning student of the week.
Spring Term Week 6 - 11th February
The last week before the half term break was another busy one in Beech Class. The highlight was our visit to the Metro Bank at the Nugent. We were shown through the bank by Hollie and Carolyn, including the vault which contained many security boxes. We were also shown how the ATM's work and were able to touch some Euro and US Dollar notes. Finally, we were given a fantastic goody bag and met Metro Man. When we arrived back at school, we wrote a recount about our trip. Other writing in English included a write up about Valentines Day and how it came about as well as a fictional story that took place in a bank that had to include direct speech. We looked at the Richter and Mercalli scales used to measure earthquakes in Topic as well as create a poster on how to keep safe in earthquakes (in pairs). On Friday, a group of children again went cooking while the rest of the class had the opportunity to play a variety of maths games. Have a great half term and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 25th February.
Congratulations to Olivia for winning student of the week.
Spring Term Week 5 - 4th February
It has been another busy week in Beech Class. In English, the children have been learning how to write non-fiction reports about a country. We looked at headings, sub headings and how to set out our report. In maths, we have continued to use the written method to solve addition and subtraction sums as well as fining fractions of an amount. Also, we have been working really hard at telling the time in our mental maths sessions. Four children - Teya, Charlotte, Jed and Kenzo - were the first in the class to receive pen licences while the top three children to earn coins on TT Rock stars last week was Lucas, Ronny and Mia. In topic work, we looked at the parts of a volcano and used the internet to find definitions of these terms. It was Safer Internet Day this week and as such we played a game of Kahoot to see what we need to do to stay safe online. A reminder that next Tuesday we have our trip to Metro Bank at the Nugent. We will be leaving at about 9:30am and will return around 11am.
Congratulations to ________________________ for winning student of the week.
Spring Term Week 4 - 28th January
This week we have celebrated Multicultural Week - an opportunity to look at a variety of countries and cultures with other teachers. We learnt about Brazil, Hong Kong, Australia, Mexico and the traveller community and did a variety of interesting activities. We also enjoyed taking part in the Chinese Dance Workshop while we had a final visit from the ladies from Metro Bank. In Maths, we continued to look at written methods for addition and subtraction while in writing we wrote our own poems called 'What can we do?' We also wrote up a recount about Multicultural Week using a variety of fronted adverbials.
Congratulations to Lucas for winning student of the week.
Spring Term Week 3 - 21st January
This week we had another visit from the ladies at Metro Bank. They talked about savings - why it is important to save money and the benefits of saving. In maths we have been looking at the written method for addition - how to set these out carefully to get the correct answer - while in English we have been typing up our stories from last week (stories that needed to include direct speech). We also had to include a picture in our document. In our volcano topic, we looked at the Ring of Fire - where it is located and why it is given its name (most volcanoes and earthquakes take place in this area) We used our atlases to locate the countries within the Ring of Fire. In science we continued our topic on light - this week looking at basically what is darkness (the absence of light).
Congratulations to ______________________ for winning student of the week.
Spring Term Week 2 - 14th January
This week we had a visit by two lovely ladies from Metro Bank at the Nugent. They will be visiting us over the next two weeks after which we will then visit their bank on our school trip. The ladies talked about what role banks play in our society and also gave us a great activity book and pen for us to work in. In English we have been looking at using direct speech and have written a variety of stories whereby characters are talking. In Maths we have been doing activities involving mass - looking at how to convert kilograms into grams and solving problems involving kg and g. We created our own Earth to show the four different layers of our planet in Topic while in Science we looked at the terms transparent, translucent and opaque,
Congratulations to Jed for winning student of the week.
Spring Term Week 1 - 7th January
The first week back after our Christmas break was quite a busy one. We wrote about our Christmas holidays in English and shared these with our fellow students. In Science we started our new topic - light. We created our title page and also looked at a variety of light sources. We found that some were natural and some were artificial or man-made. Volcanoes is our new topic for the term. Again, we created our new title page and completed a KWL (what I Know, what I Want to know and what I have Learnt)
Congratulations to Rebecca for winning student of the week
Autumn Term Week 13 - 3rd December
This week has been another busy one in Beech Class. In maths we continued to practice the column method for addition using our dienes to help. In small groups, we also have working on our number facts. We looked at the skeleton in Science, in particular the different types of skeletons and the names of some of the main bones. We revised numbers in colours in Spanish while in English we have been looking at direct speech.
Well done to Ronny for winning student of the week
Autumn Term Week 12 - 26th November
This week was Assessment Week in which Beech Class completed a variety of assessments in Maths, Reading, Grammar and Spelling and Science. In music we continued learning how to play the violin, wrote a story set on an island in English, while in Maths we found out the weight of a variety of classroom objects using balance scales and kitchen scales. One group of students also went cooking and made fairy cakes.
Autumn Term Week 11 - 19th November
In Maths this week Beech class have been looking at using one written method for subtraction - the frog method. We also talked about how to find the perimeter of various 2D shapes. We looked at the Colosseum in Topic - what it was used for etc. We used a 3D app to take a 'tour' of the Colosseum. Later, we pretended that we were gladiators entering the Colosseum for the first time. We had to explain what we saw, heard, felt etc. We created mosaic Christmas cards in Art while in Spanish we looked at colours and revised numbers from 1-10.
Well done to Albie for winning student of the week.
Autumn Term Week 10 - 12th November
This week saw Beech class work on fractions in Maths - comparing them, showing them and ordering them. We also looked at the written method to add three digit numbers. In English, we wrote a non-fiction text about the seasons of the year, explaining to an alien what they are like here on Earth. We continued learning to play the violin in Music while in PE we played a variety of ball games involving chest passes. I science we continued our work on nutrients and the five food groups while in Topic we drew our own timeline and looked at the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
Well done to Niva for winning student of the week.
Autumn Term Week 9 - 5th November
This week has been another busy one in Beech Class. We celebrated Remembrance Day on Friday with the rest of the school by releasing red balloons and holding 2 minutes silence while we listened to The Last Post. In Maths we have been adding 1, 10 or 100 to numbers, learning time period conversions such as 60 minutes in 1 minute and solving number and money problems while looking at how to set these out. In Science we started to look at the 5 food groups and what nutrients we get from various foods while in our Topic work we studied the story of Tomulus and Remus, the founders of Rome.
Well done to Finnley for winning student of the week.
Autumn Term Week 8 - 29th October
The first week back after half term was another busy one for Beech class. On Monday we joined Birch class in a World War 1 workshop in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1. We learnt about what life was like in the trenches, looked at the weaponary used during WW1 and heard stories from that time. In Maths we have been looking at number patterns and trying to find what the numbers are going up or down in. We also looked at adding and taking away 10 from a number along with trying to solve number related problems. Our new topic for the term is the Romans while in Science we will be looking at Animals including Humans in Science. We have continued to look at the major oceans of the world and also the Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator. We started to look at how to use a thesaurus this week, finding better synonyms for words such as big and went. We wrote an imaginary story using adjectives and adverbs in English as well.
Well done to Chloe for winning student of the week.
Autumn Term Week 7 - 15th October
The last week of this half term saw Beech class busy completing our topic work on dinosaurs and our science unit on rocks. It was great having the chance to talk to parents during parent teacher interviews on Tuesday and Thursday. I hope you all have a great half term break and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 29th October.
Autumn Term Week 6 - 8th October
The highlight of the week was undoubtedly our trip to the Natural History Museum in London. The children took part in a Dino activity session where they became paleontologists for the day. We also ahd the chance to look around the museum as well. Thanks to those parents who helped out on the trip. As a follow up to our trip, we wrote a recount of our trip and also created a tally chart and bar graph about the activity we liked best on the trip. It was also Science week this week - we created a lava lamp and looked at how oil and water mix. As part of our topic work, we researched Mary Anning, a famous paleontologist of the 1800's. We also continued to use the dictionary in our reading sessions while in grammar we looked at prepositions.
Autumn Term Week 5 - 1st October
Another busy week in Beech class saw us continue to work in money in Maths - making a variety of amounts of money and solving money related problems. We looked at the different types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic) in science and listed some features of a variety of rocks while in RE we continued to look at Hinduism with Mr Scurfield in RE. In English we have been concentrating on prepositions, trying to ensure that we are using capital letters and full stops in our sentences as well as improving our sentences by adding adjectives and adverbs. We played a variety of invasion games in PE and have been practising the names of the continents. Please ensure that your child is reading each night and has his/her reading record signed by an adult while a reminder that homework is due in every Wednesday. A big congratulations to Niva for winning the e-safety poster competition for year 3.
Well done to Toni for winning student of the week.
Autumn Term Week 4 - 24th September
This week Beech class looked at the difference between man-made and natural rocks in Science. We had to classify which type of rocks went into each group. In English we really practiced our handwriting and sentence structure, concentrating on improving and editing our sentences, particularly capital letters and full stops. We also used dictionaries to find meanings of words and looked at how best to use the dictionary and also looked at the difference between common nouns, proper nouns and pronouns. In music we began our violin lessons while in PE with Mr Duffin we played a variety of invasion games. We looked at money in maths and started to use TT Rock stars, our app to improve our times tables.
Well done to Casey for winning Student of the Week.
Autumn Term Week 3 - 17th September
In a week when the school had a visit from OFSTED, Beech class continued to study the book 'Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish' in English. We wrote a descriptive paragraph about a chocolate paradise; learnt about proper, common and pronouns and used our dictionaries to look up various words. In maths we have been looking at place value and how to 'zap' away given digits while in RE we started to look at the meaning of harvest. Mr Duffin took us for an extended session of PE on Friday. A reminder to ensure that your child does their reading each night and has their reading record book signed.
Well done to Ronny for winning Student of the Week.
Autumn Term Week 2 - 10th September
This week has been Health Week and as a result Beech Class took part in a nation wide HIIT Class organised by fitness guru Joe Wicks through a live Youtube feed. The children did really well during the two twenty minute sessions. We also played some health related games in ICT. In maths we have been looking at placing numbers on a number line and comparing numbers using the greater than and less than sign while in English we began our class book Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish by writing a descriptive paragraph about what the main characters paradise would look like. We had a go at drawing our own dinosaurs, by following a set of instructions, in our sketch book while we also set up title pages for our topic and Spanish subjects.
Congratulations to Jed for reading his home reading book every night of the week and also for having it signed. Homework was also set on Thursday which is due in on Wednesday.
Well done to Jed for winning Student of the Week.
Autumn Term Week 1 - 3rd September
A big welcome to Year 3!! Despite the shortened week, the children have had a busy week. We began to write our pen pal letters to students at a school in Hong Kong. Before this, we looked at a powerpoint about life in Hong Kong. In maths we completed a data and graphing activity and also learnt some new games in order to practice our number facts. We also began our topic work about dinosaurs by completing a KWL activity sheet (what we know about dinosaurs; what we want to know and later we will complete the learning part which is what we have learnt). A reminder that we will have our Meet the Teacher afternoon on Tuesday 11th September from 2:30pm to 3:15pm where Miss Bowley and myself will go through the curriculum, school trips, homework, expectations etc for the year.
Summer term Week 9 - 18th June
The week concluded with our annual KS2 Sports Day. All children performed extremely well and displayed great sportmanship and support to their team mates. It was assessment week this week and as such we were busy with a variety of tests. We completed our milk art activity in art while we have also been quite busy practising for our class assembly. This will take place on Thursday 28th June at 2:30pm. It looks like it will be quite a warm week this week so please ensure your child has their water bottle and a hat if possible.Summer Term Week 8 - 11th June
This week we completed our persuasive letter writing unit in English, writing a letter to Mrs Weeks trying to persuade her that ALL KS2 students should be allowed mobile phones at school. We also wrote Fathers Day poems to go in our Fathers Day cards. We learnt how to pronounce various fruits in Spanish while in PE we continued to practice our sprints in readiness for our sports day next Friday morning. In topic, we looked at the various parts of the Earth (inner core, outer core, mantle and crust) and the features of these. Maths saw us work on time - problems related to time and telling the time to the nearest five minutes. A reminder that our second swimming session will take place next Wednesday 20th June.Summer Term Week 7 - 4th June
The first week back after half term saw Beech class start their new unit in English - to write a persuasive letter. We looked at the features of this type of text including hyperboles (I'll die if I don't eat some food soon). In maths we have been doing work on pictograms, tables and bar graphs and answering questions related to these. We also started swimming! We took the bus to the Walnut Centre in Orpington. This weeks lesson was all about getting ourselves in groups. Our topic for this half term is Volcanoes and Rocks. We looked at where most volcanoes are located (the Ring of Fire) and used an atlas to help us with this task. Finally, in our reading sessions we read about the upcoming Football World Cup and the history behind this event.Summer Term Week 6 - 21st May
We have had Art and Science week in year 3! We have been looking at magnetic forces and have been doing lots of fun experiments. We learned that only metals containing iron, cobalt and nickel are magnetic which was very surprising. Also, we discovered that a magnetic force can act at a distance by conducting our own experiments. We have also been designing and painting our own Roman shields and have been looking at how powerful the Roman army was.
Summer Term Week 5 - 14th May
The highlight of the week was our school trip to Crofton Roman Villas. Despite being forced to get onto a replacement bus due to a breakdown, we arrived at Crofton Roman Villas on time. A general talk about what the centre was all about was followed by a variety of group activities including a mosaic puzzle, what the Romans wore in the day, brass rubbings and sketching of various Roman artefacts. In PE, we continued our Kwik Cricket unit by playing a game of diamond cricket. In maths we revised what we had learnt during this term ready for our maths test on Thursday while in RE, as part of our discrimination unit, we looked at Rosa Parks and why she was famous.Summer Term Week 4 - 7th May
Beech class continued to learn about the Romans this week. We created a leaflet explaining how the Roman Baths worked and how the Romans improved hygiene in Britain at the time. We also looked at a Roman soldier and what armour and clothing they wore. In maths we have been looking at fractions - counting in fractional amounts such as quarters and thirds and decimal fractions such as 0.1 and 0.2. We used the new ICT suite for the first time and looked at how to create a powerpoint while in PE we continued to practise our bowling and fielding skills. Finally, we completed our unit on suspense narratives and wrote our hot task on Friday.
Well done to for achieving star of the week
Summer Term Week 3 - 30th April
This week Beech class looked at the written method when doing multiplication - the grid method. In Spanish we looked at how to say family member names such as Mum and Grandmother. We continued to practise the violin in music. For our topic work, we created a timeline of the major events during the Roman Empire.
Well done to Ruby W for achieving star of the week.
Summer Term Week 2 - 23rd April
This week saw Beech class go on their rescheduled school trip to Kew Gardens on Friday. The weather ended up being O.K., despite the dire weather forecast. On arrival, we all looked through the Princess of Wales Conservatory, which is home to a variety of plants from around the world. We then split into two groups - one group were taken by teachers from Kew Gardens while the other group looked through the Palm House and went on a walk around the grounds. In maths we have been learning the column method when adding numbers and trying to solve a variety of word problems involving addition and subtraction. We started learning about Kwik Cricket with Mr Duffin in PE, while in English we looked at how to add suspense into our stories through using short sentences and sound words. We also discussed what prepositions are ie words that tell us where things are eg in, under, on etc.
Well done to for achieving star of the week.
Summer Term Week 1 - 17th April
The weather this week has been stunning - a great way to start back at for for Summer Term. We started our new topic - the Romans. We created a poster about what the children knew about the Romans and what they wanted to know. Super efforts from Grace, Joshua, Connor, Summer and Freddie for their holiday homework about the Romans. In Maths we looked at the grid method in multiplication and also doubling and halving 2 and 3 digit numbers. Our new topic in Science is Forces and Magnets. We conducted an investigation into how different materials effect the movement of an object. We completed a reading comprehension activity about the London Marathon, which takes place this Sunday, and also began looking at how to create suspense in our stories.
Well done to Charlie for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 12 - 26th March
It's the last week of Spring term! This week, amongst Easter activities, Beech class wrote their own story that had to include speech while in Maths we revised a variety of concepts that we have been learning throughout the term.
Please don't forget we break up at 1.30pm on Thursday and return to school on Tuesday 17th April.
Spring Term Week 11 - 19th March
This week in English we have looked at using inverted commas in our writing. We have practised turning coversations between people and animals into a written format and also wrote our own story that included lots of speech. In maths we spent the week measuring and weighing a variety of objects while in Spanish we have been practising the days of the week. On Thursday in topic we looked at a variety of unusual fruits, including figs, kiwi fruit and papayas. We sketched what they looked like and also wrote down some words to describe them - the texture, smell etc. It was Celebration of Learning on Friday and Parent Teacher interviews during the week as well so parents had an opportunity to see what we have been up to. Congratulations to Henry for being the first person in Beech class to get onto the T -Team as part of our school wide TT Challenge number facts activity.
Spring Term Week 10 - 12th March
This week was assessment week for Beech class, completing tests in Maths, Science and Literacy. In RE we continued to look at Sikhism and studied one of the festivals in this religion. We researched where particular foods come from and created a flow chart in Topic while we completed our Matchbox art project - come and take a look at our creations displayed in the school entrance. English saw us start to put actions to our new extract from Sheep-Pig while in Maths we revised a variety of topics in readiness for our Maths test.
Spring Term Week 8 and 9 - 5th March
After the disruption caused by the 'Beast from the East' in week 8 where the school was closed for 3 days due to snow and lack of power and heating, things got back on track in week 9. On Friday we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as a character of a book. We wrote about this character and also had a whole school parade in the morning. We also celebrated Holi by looking at what this religious occasion is all about and completing a comprehension activity. It was also International Women's Day on Wednesday and as such we researched a famous woman. In English we completed our topic on non-chronilogical reports, writing our own report about an animal. Maths saw us do a lot of work on fractions, including how to find a fraction of an amount, put a fraction on a number line and write fractions in ascending and descending order. Finally, in science we looked at the different parts of a flower and how pollination and fertilisation works while in PE we continued to practise skills to play dodgeball.
Well done to Ruby N for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 7 - 19th February
Another busy week in Beech class. In English we started to look at non-chronological reports. We looked at the features of this type of non-fiction writing and started to research facts about our own animal. In PE we began practising skills to play dodgeball with Mr Duffin while in science we set up a bean seed experiment as we want to observe and record how a bean seed germinates. We also looked at the life cycle of a flowering plant and took a quick look at the main parts of a flower. Maths saw us look at division and how we get remainders. We also worked on 2 step word problems whereby we had to find what change we would get after buying 2 things from a shop. Unfortunately our planned trip to Kew Gardens had to be postponed and will now take place on Friday April 27th. Next Friday is World book Day so please come to school dressed as your favourite book character.
Well done to Ruby W for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 6 - 5th February
The final week of Spring Term 1 saw Beech class go on their third school trip - this time to Wagamama restaurant in Bromley. The class were taken on a behind the scenes tour of what goes on in a restaurant. They were split into groups of ten and looked at food and drink preparation along with how orders are placed. We then enjoyed a delicious lunch, using our child friendly chopsticks instead of the usual cutlery. In maths we looked at pictograms and how to interpret these while in English we made up our own poems based on one that we looked at called 'The Door'. We looked at the continents of the world and had to name each one of these while in Topic we created an advertisement for our made up restaurant. Mrs Wheller and I would like to wish everyone a great half term break and look forward to seing everyone again on Monday 19th February.
Well done to Kiera for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 5 - 29th January
Another week has passed by - another busy week for Beech class. This week has been Multicultural week. Each afternoon the class went to other key stage 2 classes to learn about the various continents. They learnt about Australia in Fir class and created a koala; Asia and Chinese New Year with Mrs Gayle in Year 5 and South America in Oak class. Finally, on Friday in pairs we researched a European country and created a poster while that afternoon we learnt about the continent of Africa and created a flag collage. On Tuesday we had lots of fun learning two Bollywood dances. This week has also been Assessment week. We did another Star reading test while on Friday we did our half termly Maths test. Mrs Wheller has created a terrific Tower of London display in the stair well leading up to the classroom - please come up and take a look. A reminder that we have our school trip to Wagamama in Bromley on Wednesday. Students will need to be in school uniform and will need to be in school by 8:30am at the latest as our session at Wagamama begins at 9:15am.
Well done to Freddie for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 4 - 22nd January
It has been another busy week in Beech class. In science we have continued to investigate plants, looking at trying to prove what conditions are needed for plants to grow as well as whether the stem does in fact transport nutrients around to other parts of the plant. In English we have been writing our portal stories after having studied an extract from Narnia. We had to describe going into various scenes and also completed our hot task. Maths has seen us look at various degrees of turns, and revise how to find fractions of amounts. On Friday it was Australia Day and so we read a text about what this special day (to Australians at least) is all about. We also did some research into Kyle Edmunds, the tennis player who reached the semi finals of the Australian Open while in guided reading we studied a text about Roald Dahl and did some dictionary, thesauraus and atlas work from this text. Finally, we got the paints out on Monday and painted the Tower of London. Next week it is both Multi-Cultural Week and Assessment Week.
Well done to Grace for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 3 - 15th January
The highlight of the week was no doubt our trip to the Tower of London. Despite the cold weather, all of the children and adults had an enjoyable day out learning a lot about this most famous landmark. In Maths we looked at how to convert 12 hour time into 24 hour time, how to convert various time periods and also created our own bar graphs to show how we enjoyed the various events on our school trip to the Tower of London. English saw us write our own portal story, concentrating on fronted adverbials, adjectives and speech.
Well done to Poppie for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 2 - 8th January
This week in ICT we continued to learn about Microsoft Word, looking at how we can insert a table into a document. We combined this with some dictionary work whereby we had to find certain words and put in the table what page they were on. In Maths we looked at different types of lines (vertical, horizontal, diagonal, parallel and perpendicular) along with how to find the perimeter of 2D shapes. English has seen us learn about adverbs and learning to memorise our Narnia extract by adding actions. In Science we looked at the four main parts of a plant (flower, stem, leaf and roots) and the jobs they have. A reminder that next Wednesday we have our trip to the Tower of London.
Well done to Shaurya for achieving star of the week.
Spring Term Week 1 - 3rd January
Welcome back to a new term. Even though it has ben a short week, Beech class have still been very busy. In English we wrote about our Christmas holiday and are in the process of typing these up using Microsoft Word. We started our new topic in Science as well - plants - by listing the things that we know about plants and what we want to find out. We also completed our plant title page in our Science book. In RE this term we will be studying Sikhism. This week we looked at the story of Guru Nanak (the founder of Sikhism) and sequenced a story about his life. In Maths we learnt about Roman Numerals (I, V, X, L and C) and also did more work on telling the time.
Well done to Joshua for achieving star of the week.
Week 15 - 18th December
Week 14- 11th December
This week we went to the Life Bus where we learnt about the brain and looked at different parts of the body and their functions. We also had fun listening to Harold the giraffe singing songs about friendships! In literacy we have continued looking at balancd arguments and using specific conjuctions. We boxed up our class writing which was about whether children should have unlimited access to computers after school. We also completed a variety of Christmas art activities and decorated the classroom with paper chains.
Week 13- 4th December
This week in maths we have been learning written methods for addition and revising the frog method when solving subtraction problems. We have started looking at a balanced argument in English and whether dogs should be kept on leads in parks. We have been really lucky to have taken part in a K'Nex workshop to help us develop our science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. As it is getting very close to Christmas, we have started to decorate our room with paper chains and made our own Christmas cards.
Week 12 - 27th November
In science this week we looked at sun safety and designed either a pair of sunglasses or a hat to protect ourselves from the sun. We practiced christmas songs during our violin lessons while in English we wrote our hot task describing a particular setting. In maths we continued looking at fractions and revised what we have learnt so far in readiness for our maths test as this week has been assessment week.
Well done to Delilah for achieving star of the week.
Week 11 - 20th November
Another busy week for Beech class. We continue to look at earthquakes for our topic work - this week we looked at what we should do in the event of an earthquake and created a poster to show other people. We looked at fractions in maths while in English we wrote our class story based on our Ice Cat extract. Sun safety was the theme in Science; we looked at why the sun can be very dangerous to us and created either a pair of sunglasses or a hat to protect ourselves from the sun. In PE the children have ben doing gymnastics and are having a lot of fun participating in this with Mr Duffin. We also have been learning basic introductions in Spanish and are slowly becoming more confident.
Well done to Lucia for achieving star of the week.
Week 10 - 13th November
This week we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 and using this knowledge to estimate an answer. In Literacy we have been boxing up our class story and we have decided to write about a boy called Chase who holidays every summer near a beautiful lake. This week has been anti-bullying week so we have had an assembly, visitors in to discuss what bullying is, workshops run in class and the opportunity to make our own anti-bullying poster. In computing we have been having a go at progressing through the coding program (2code) on Purple mash, which the children have really enjoyed. We also looked at the Haiti earthquake that occured in 2011 and discussed the impact and responses earthquakes have on us.
Well done to Jamie for acheiving star of the week.
Week 9 - 6th November
This week in maths we have been learning how to use the frog method to help subtract mentally and also the best strategies to add 2 and 3 digit numbers. In Literacy, we have been writing our own setting description by describing the five senses we experience when at the beach. Our target this week has been to include adverbs in our descriptions. We looked at the colours you can see in bubbles in science and did an experiment in our light topic. The children certainly enjoyed creating their own bubbles! Our topic work for this half term is earthquakes. We have been researching the 2011 earthquake in Christchurch using books, iPads, QR codes, fact sheets and we created our own fact files.
Well done to Lucas and Joshua for acheiving stars of the week.
Week 8 - 30th October
We have had a great first week back after half term! We have started our topic on earthquakes; learning about why earthquakes happen and tectonic plate boundaries. We have also started reading our new class book (The Ice Cat) and we have been creating our own story maps while acting out the story. We explored the front cover and the blurb of our book to predict what the story might be about. In maths we have been looking at number patterns and how number bonds can help us to work out addition and subtraction number problems. Also, in Art we have made our own colour wheels and experimenting how to mix primary colours to create new colours.
Week 7 - 16th October
The last week before half term has been quite busy. This week was Maths Week and as a result Beech class have been involved in a variety of maths related activities. On Monday we combined PE and Maths. In groups of 6, children had to run out and get a tennis ball that had a particular number on it which matched a certain number fact. The children really enjoyed these games. On Tuesday and Wednesday we played a variety of card and board maths games while on Thursday we had to come up with a 'What Number am I' riddle. In English, we also completed our unit on instructional writing and had to write a set of instructions that included headings, 'bossy' verbs and time connectives.
Week 6 - 9th October
It is Black History Month this month and as such Beech clas have been researching a famous person of colour (past or present) and then creating a 'Who am I?' riddle. Take a look at these on the wall as you enter the school. We have also been learning about the function of the skeleton and some of the major bones that make up our skeleton such as the femur and skull while in maths we have been continuing to practice our X2, X3, X4 and X5 number facts using our number facts challenge sheets 3 days a week.
Week 5 - 2nd October
This week we have boxed up and written our own stories in Literacy and have been looking at 3D shapes in maths. We had a fantastic day learning about dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum where we took part in an excellent workshop and had the chance to look around the dinosaur section of the museum. Thanks to the parents who came along and helped.
Week 4 - 25th September
This week we have been writing our own class story based on the Matilda story where the evil Queen of Spades stole some diamonds from the palace and made poor Alic clean her huge room! In maths we have started looking at properties of 2D shapes such as pentagons, hexagons, octagons and even heptagons (7 sided shapes).
Week 3 - 18th September
This week we have been looking at synonyms to improve our character description in Literacy. We have been looking at time again in maths this week while in science we have become personal trainers and analysed a diet from a person called Joe. We have also looked at when dinosaurs existed and created our own historical timelines.
Week 2 - 11th September
This week we have been learning an extract from Matilda and are focusing on character description using adjectives and similes. In maths we have been learning about telling the time and also place value. We have started our topic on Hinduism in RE and have had some fun PE lessons playing invasion games. We have also started our Science topic about animals where we looked at herbivores, carnivores and omnivores!
Week 1 - 4th September
Welcome to year 3! We have had a busy first week in Beech class. In literacy, we have been writing letters to our Pen Pals in Hong Kong (which will hopefully be sent off next week) and we have also been thinking about what it might be like to live in Hong Kong. In maths, we have been recapping our times tables and practising to tell the time. Also, we have been using the iPads to research Australian animals!