Weekly News
Spring 2020 Week 4
This week in English, the children have used their story maps to help write up their creative dragon stories. We have focused on the both setting and character descriptions and the impact that certain language and phrases have on the reader. In Maths we have continued our learning in geometry, our focus has been on exploring different angles and using our mathematical knowledge to justify and explain our answers. Fir class have thoroughly enjoyed their experiences of Multicultural Week where we have discovered fun facts and explored different cultures across the globe.
Spring 2020 Week 3
In English we have used our story maps to plan our dragon stories. We used our learning from the previous week to help us considered the language and vocabulary that we wish to include in our stories. In Maths this week we have focused on lines of symmetry, identifying these in both regular and irregular 2D shapes. In Science we have continued our journey with our States of Matter topic and have explored the properties of gases. We were able to independently explore and make observations from simple scientific enquires and use these to answer questions about gas. In Topic we researched Viking Longboats and discovered why they were such a useful mode of transport.
Spring 2020 Week 2
This week in Science we planned a fair test to compare the viscosity of different liquids. We used our prior knowledge of conducting fair tests to ensure that all variables were considered. We greatly enjoyed the hands on experience and are looking forward to more exciting experiments! In English we continued our dragon theme using our core text 'Herb the Vegetarian Dragon'. We used this as basis for comparing a variety of dragons and wrote about their appearances and personalities. We then designed our own dragon ready for planning our dragon story next week. In Maths we have been learning about translating shapes, we have also tested our tables on TT Rockstars.
Spring 2020 Week 1
Happy New Year!
This week we have enjoyed looking at our new theme of Dragons. We read the instructional text 'How To Trap a Dragon' and have planned our own instructional text on how to trap our very own dragon. In Maths we have been learning about 3D shapes, making our own with straws and playdough and then categorising the shapes into venn diagrams. In Science we have begun our new topic 'States of Matter' and have been learning about the properties of solids and liquids. We examined a variety of items and had to group them based on the different criteria for solids and liquids. In RE read the text 'Our House' by Michael Rosen to explore the themes of discrimination of others. In PE we have been learning different boxing skills.
Autumn 2 2019 Week 7
This week in Maths we have been learning the bus stop method for division. We finished our explanation text in English. In Science we have be learning about climate change and in RE we have created our own storyboard on the Christmas story. We also have had the Life Bus in school and our topic was ' All About Me'. Finally we had Bromley Y in teaching us about emotional wellbeing.
Autumn 2 2019 Week 6
In English we have been looking at The Life Cycle of the Plant ready to write our explanation text next week. In Maths we have been multiplying using the grid method. In RE we have learnt about the 5Ks in Sikhism and we have continued looking at Climate Change in Science.
Autumn 2 2019 Week 5
This week in Maths we have been adding and subtracting. In English we have been looking at explanation texts ready to write our own explanation text around our text 'Varmints'. In Art we have finished our embroidery. In Science we have been learning about climate change and created our own mini environments for a comparative test to see how greenhouse gases work in our atmosphere.
Autumn 2 2019 Week 4
Fir have had another busy week with writing a story around Varmints for English. In Science we looked at our local park and how ecosystems can change due to humans creating new habitats. In PE we are learning different skills in golf and for RE we are continuing Sikhism. As it has been assessment week we have been practising all our new knowledge and skills in Maths through assessment papers.
Autumn 2 2019 Week 3
This week in English we have started a new text called 'Varmints' we are reading the book and watching the animation so we can compare and contrast the two. In Maths we have been learning about decimals. We started our embroidery for Art which is linked to our topic 'Anglo-Saxons'. In Science we wrote our own classification keys in groups.
Autumn 2 2019 Week 2
Fir have had a fantastic week with the Freshwater Theatre Company visiting us. We had a variety of drama activities linked to our topics Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. In Maths we have been learning about timetables and perimeter. In English we have written a recount on our drama experience with the Freshwater Theatre Company and have written an acrostic poem on Remembrance Day. In Art we have designed our names in Runes ready to embroider them next week on binca.
Autumn 2 2019 Week 1
Welcome back!
This week Fir have written poems on World War 1 using a photograph of a soldier as a starting point. In Maths we have been looking at time. We have started a new topic in Science 'Animals and Their Habitats' and are learning about Sikhism in RE. In Topic we researched Anglo-Saxon Kings, focusing on King Alfred the Great.
Autumn 2019 Week 7
In Maths this week we have been revisiting all our learning over the last 6 weeks. In English we wrote our newspaper reports and published them. In RE we wrote our own 10 commandments. For Science we finished our topic with food chains and sang our song 'Hey Mr Miller' for the Grandparents Tea Party.
Happy half term!
Autumn 2019 Week 6
We have had a busy week preparing for our Year group assembly, which was good if we don't say so ourselves! In Maths we have been learning the grid method for multiplication. In English we have been looking at fact or fiction and direct/indirect speech for newspaper reports. For Science we conducted a very messy experiment to demonstrate the digestive process.
Autumn 2019 Week 5
This week we worked with Kim our resident artist and decorated our clay tiles using a variety of slips. In English we wrote a recount of our experiences during the sessions with Kim, reflecting on our learning process. In Maths we have been learning our 3, 6, 4 and 8 times tables, looking at the divisions too. In Science we have labelled a body with the different organs found in the digestive system. In RE we have been thinking about sacred items that you might find.
Autumn 2019 Week 4
This week we have had the opportunity of working with Kim our resident artist and the first session of clay tile making. In English we have been looking at Newspapers and the features you find in a report. In Maths we have been subtracting. In Topic we have creating time lines and researching in computing the definitions of words. For Science we wrote our conclusion for our experiment.
Autumn 2019 Week 3
In computing we researched questions on 'Anglo-Saxons'. For Art we designed our tiles ready to put onto clay tiles with resident artist Kim next week. In Maths we have been continuing with place value and adding numbers. In English, we wrote a police report on a character witness from 'Tuesday'. In Science we set up an experiment with eggs in different liquids to see which liquid would cause the most tooth decay. Finally, in RE we have been looking at Jesus and creating a CV.
Autumn 2019 Week 2
This week in English we have been studying the text 'Tuesday', as detectives we have been asking questions to characters from the text and finding evidence ready to write our police reports next week. In Maths we have been looking at place value. In Science we made our own set of teeth and learnt about the different types of teeth. In Art we learnt how to create a wash in watercolours and in RE we have begun our topic on Christianity.
Autumn 2019 Week 1
Welcome to Fir class 2019 - 2020!
It's been a wonderful first week at school, getting to know the children and the class getting to know us too. This week we have created our class charter, written our targets for the year ahead, designed our title page for our new topic 'Anglo-Saxons' and thought about vocabulary for our Science topic 'Animals Including Humans'.
Week beg. 11th February
It's the last week before the February half term in Fir class. This week we'll be learning how to multiply a number by 10, 100 and then 1000, looking for patterns as we go. In our writing we'll be finishing off our diary entires and thinking about feelings that Bill has experienced throughout each chapter of the story.
Mrs Mac, Mrs True and I hope you all have a wonderful week off!
*We return to school on Monday 25th February at 8.45am, as usual.*
Week beg. 4th February
*Celebration of Learning is at 2pm on Friday*
Please come in and see our mini Maths lessons on Friday afternoon from 2pm where we will be teaching you how to add, subtract, multiply and divide!
In Maths this week we will be learning how to divide using the bus stop method and in English we will be looking at feelings and emotions in Bill's New Frock. In RE we will be learning about shrines and what's important to us and in Spanish we shall be learning about parts of the body.
Week beg. 28th January
It's multicultural week here in Fir class so this week we'll be learning about countries including: Brazil, France, Australia and Hong Kong.
In our writing we will be reading Bill's New Frock by Anne Fine and looking at how each character is portrayed while in Maths we'll be revising multiplication.
Week beg. 21st January
This week in Fir we'll be writing newspaper reports after role-playing being journalists. We'll be looking at creating a headline, captions and using speech in our writing as well as setting it out in columns. In Maths we are looking at shapes, their properties and the different types of triangle.
In Science this week we are making a circuit and continuing learning about electricity.
Week beg. 14th January
This week in year 4 we'll be continuing to read the book 'Tuesday' which we started to enjoy last week. We shall be looking at witnesses to the incident in the book and learning to write reported speech. In Maths we shall be learning all about x and y axis, grids and coordinates to help us plot shapes and then later in the week, translate them.
In the afternoons as well as music and PE we'll be starting to learn about Buddhism and and looking at the recycling process in topic where we'll make a flow diagram to help us talk through the process. In Science we'll be learning about the difference between battery and mains powered electricity.
Week beg. 17th December
It's the last week of term before Christmas! Fir will be enjoying the end of term with a Christmas party, Christmas dinner and lots of Maths/English learning based around the big day!
Have a LOVELY Christmas break and we'll see you on Tuesday 8th January 2019 at 8.45am.
Week beg. 10th December
This week in Fir class we'll be finishing off our learning about chunking (division) in Maths and newspaper report writing in English. We have lots of time for fun this week, including a trip to see Cinderella on Wednesday in Bromley and letter-writing to Santa on Tuesday.
This week we will also be visiting the adult education centre (next to the school) to sing carols to the students and tutors that attend the centre.
Week beg. 3rd December
After a week of assessments in which Fir class all did very well, we'll be concentrating this week on The Firework Maker's Daughter in English, looking at writing a newspaper report and then in Maths we'll be looking at dividing.
In the afternoons we'll be learning about Sikhism in RE, making Christmas decorations in Art and looking at how to peacefully solve problems in PSHE.
Week beg. 26th November
It's assessment week in Fir class so this week most of our time will be taken up with looking at how well we've done in English, spelling, Maths and Grammar.
*Many thanks to all parents and families who came to our assembly last week- we hope you enjoyed it.*
Week beg. 19th November
This week in Fir class we will not only be looking forward to our assembly (Friday at 2.30pm- we hope you can all attend!) but carrying on with learning to multiply using the grid method. In English we'll be starting to read 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' and looking at character description and inference.
Week beg. 12th November
This week at school Fir class will begin to practise for their assembly next week (Friday 23rd which all parents/carers are welcome to attend.) We shall also be writing recounts in English all about our school trip and looking at multiplication in Maths.
This week we also have an Indian dance workshop which will be great so check back for photos!
Week beg. 5th November
It's another busy week in Fir class. This week we are:
- Completing Remembrance crafts as part of our learning about WW1
- Completing Christmas crafts with our PTA
- Having one of our poems read out at the Remembrance event on Friday (we, sadly, won't be able to attend this.)
- Listening to a motivational speaker
- Visiting the chocolate museum in Brixton on Friday!!! (Packed lunch will be needed and trainers can be worn.)
Week beg. 29th October
It's the second half of the term now and we are as busy as ever. This week we have our WW1 workshop on Monday and then for the rest of the week we'll be looking at poems in English and writing poems based on 'The Lone Soldier'. In Maths we'll be looking at doubling and halving while in the afternoons we'll be starting Sikhism in RE and looking at 2Code in Computing.
Week beg. 15th October
It's the last week before the half term holidays. We have a busy week with our trip to Waterstones on Tuesday, as well as parents' evening later that day and then again on Thursday. We also have the Grandparents' Tea Party on Friday.
In class we'll be finishing off our letter writing, learning to tell the time and painting our Aztec pots.
Week beg. 8th October
It's assessment week in year 4 and we'll be carrying out assessments in English, reading, spelling and maths to see just how well we are all doing.
In amongst this we'll be looking at The Bible in RE and the books within it, as well as a Science afternoon where we'll be looking at journeys and discoveries as part of Science week. On Friday with have intra-house PE competitions with Miss Jones where we'll be playing golf, football and other sports, trying to score as many points as possible for our house teams.
Week beg. 1st October
Welcome to a new week. This week in Fir we'll be finishing our adverts for our chocolate bar wrappers- we now know all about questioning, slogans and how best to really sell our advert to the consumer. In Maths we'll be consolidating our learning on subtraction, making sure we are secure on exchanging from other columns and some children are looking at what to do when there aren't any tens or hundreds to exchange from- only the thousands..!
*Please don't forget our the deadline for the chocolate museum payment is Friday.*
Week beg. 24th September
It's a new week and it's as busy as ever in Fir class. We shall be finishing off our learning about column addition this week before moving onto column subtraction, making sure we can exchange tens for ones and so on if we need to. In our Science learning we'll be continuing with our learning about states of matter and the difference between solids, liquids and gases.
In PSHE this week we will be looking at communities and what our worlds are like, and in Spanish we'll be learning all about colour as well as revising how to count to 10 (we are very good at this!)
Week beg. 17th September
This week in Fir class we'll be carrying on with our descriptive writing all about Charlie and other characters from the story. In Maths we'll be looking at column addition, how to add and carry, exchange and ensure our digits are in the correct place value columns...
In the afternoons we'll be carrying on with Christianity in RE, chocolate in our topic whereas in PE we will be learning some golf skills!
Week beg. 10th September
It's the first full week back. We'll be getting straight into learning this week with all children having new AR books, as well as starting Charlie and the chocolate factory in English. Please check Dojo for photos on a regular basis to see what else we are getting up to this week.
Week beg. 3rd September
*Monday are Tuesday are staff training days*
Welcome back to school! We hope you had a great summer and are feeling refreshed. This week in year 4 we'll be settling back in, getting new lockers and sorting out targets for the year.
Week beg. 16th July
It's the last week in year 4. This week we have meet the teacher, as well as assemblies and last little bits to end off the year. Mrs Mac and I hope you all have an amazing summer and thank you all for your support this year.
*A reminder that Friday (20th) is the last day of term and children will be going home at 1.30pm*
Week beg. 9th July
This week in Fir class we'll be writing our own reports, looking at what we've achieved this year and how far we've come. We'll also be enjoying the year 6 production of Aladdin and we hope to see as many of you as possible on Friday for 'celebration of learning.'
*An early reminder that next Friday (20th) is the last day of term and children will be going home at 1.30pm*
Week beg. 2nd July
It's getting close to the end of term in Fir class. It's pur last week of swimming so please remember your kits and also please remember it's the summer fair on Friday from 3pm.
In class we shall be finishing off learning about decimals while in English we shall be continuing our reading of 'Why the whales came' and finding out what's happening next.
Week beg. 25th June
There aren't many weeks left until the end of the year! Year 4 are busy this week enjoying outdoor learning day as well as lots of tasks to complete back in class. We shall be completing our milk art canvases as well as enjoying swimming on Tuesday.
Week beg. 18th June
It's another busy week in year 4 this week. We have English, Maths, Reading and Science assessments to complete as well as swimming on Tuesday. Do not forget we have our annual sports day on Friday from 9am which you are very welcome to come along and watch!
Week beg. 11th June
This week in Fir class we'll be reading our new Michael Morpurgo book, 'Why the whales came' before looking at story mapping and character description. In Maths we'll be looking at shape, in particular symmetry and reflection.
On Friday we'll be celebrating Eid in RE while in PE we'll be continuing our golfing with Mr Duffin.
Week beg. 4th June
Welcome back to school after the holidays.
This week Fir class will be learning about area and perimeter in Maths while in English as well as writing our holiday news we will be learning about compound sentences and coordinating conjunctions.
*Don't forget we have swimming on Tuesday- a costume and towel will be needed.*
Week beg. 21st May
It's the last week before the half term holidays. Fir class will be ending the half term as busy as ever with persuasive writing in English and converting time and weight in Maths. They will be enjoying PE outside with Mr Duffin and music as usual learning to play the violin.
*We return to school on Monday 4th June at 8.45am. Have a wonderful week off!*
Week beg. 14th May
It's assessment week in Fir class so we'll be looking at just how well we've done over the last few weeks.
Alongside that we'll be continuing our learning about explorers in our writing, focusing on Sir Francis Drake and his adventurers while in Maths we will be looking at and learning all about decimals.
Week beg. 7th May
*Please do not forget there is no school on Monday as it's Bank Holiday*
This week in year 4 we'll be continuing with our learning about poetry in English while in Maths we'll be looking at fractions and decimals.
In Topic we'll be continuing with our learning all about explorers.
Week beg. 30th April
Welcome to a new week in year 4. This week we shall be continuing with our learning about explorers and travelling. In English we shall be looking at poetry including the features of a poem and then moving on to writing our own and in Maths we shall be revising subtraction and making sure we know exactly when and how to exchange.
Week beg. 23rd April
It's week 2 of the Summer term. Fir class will be continuing with their non-fiction writing this week and finding out facts before making our writing as exciting as possible. In Maths we will be continuing with our learning about number.
Week beg. 16th April
*Please remember Monday 16th is a staff training day*
Welcome back to year 4 after the school holidays! This term we are learning about explorers and adventurers. In Maths this week we will be looking and rounding numbers and place value as well as getting back into practising our multiplication tables etc.
In PE this term we are learning to play cricket and will continue learning to play the violin in music.
Week beg. 26th March
It's the last week of Spring term! This week, amongst Easter activities, Fir class will be writing their non-chronological reports and finishing their learning on data and statistics in Maths.
Please don't forget we break up at 1.30pm on Thursday and return to school on Tuesday 17th April.
Week beg. 19th March
This week in Fir class we are looking at features of non-fiction writing in English. We shall be looking at headings, labels and eventually writing a report. In Maths we'll be looking at statistics and reading data.
Don't forget it's parents' evening this week so Mrs Mac and I will be seeing you at some point to discuss your child's progress and successes so far this year.
Week beg. 12th March
It's another busy week in Fir class. This week in English we shall we using all of the grammaical features we've been learning to really show off in our writing! In Maths we are looking at 2-step problems and being confident in adding or subtracting an amount before then doing the opposite!
Week beg. 5th March
It's assessment week in Fir class and we'll be finding out just how far we've come on. Due to school's closure last week because of the snow we will be catching up on last weeks' Maths after our assessments.
Week beg. 26th February
It's English week here at school and Fir class are going to be joining in with all the fun! We shall be creating and writing stories, writing books reveiws, making our own dictionaries and then of course on Thursday, dressing up!
In Maths this week we shall be looking at fractions; fractions of an amount and a shape and looking at 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5 and so on!
Week beg. 19th February
Welcome back to school after the half term holidays. We hope you had a great week off.
In Fir class this week we shall be looking at menu writing in English for Iron Man and using alliteration to make our food options appealing and appetising to Iron Man! In Maths we will bge looking at plotting and reading coordinates.
Week beg. 5th February
It's the last week of the half term in Fir class. This week we will be looking at arguments and persuasion in English, using conjunctions and language to help get our opininos, points and beliefs across! In Maths we will be looking at measurement, with area and perimiter on our agenda.
Don't forget it's 'Celebration of Learning' on Friday and you can come into Fir class from 2pm to see what we've been up to over the half term.
(Please remember, half term is next week and we return to school on Monday 19th February.)
Week beg. 29th January
It's assessment week this week in Fir class so we'll be looking to see just how well we've got on over the last few weeks. We've been working really hard on our writing and we hope to have some lovely pieces written. In the afternoons Fir will be participating in Multicultural week with the rest of the school; this will inlcude a quick 'tour' of the World with the other teachers in KS2 where we will be tasting food, making crafts and listening to traditional stories. Check back later in the week for photos of what we've been upto and also photos of the Indian dancing workshop which we'll be joining in with on Tuesday.
Week beg. 22nd January
This week in English we are continuing with our learning about Iron Man. We will be looking at the difference between fact and ficiton (truth and opinion) and then writing newspaper reports based on this. In Maths we shall be looking at converting seconds to minutes, minutes to hour etc.
Week beg. 15th January
It's another busy week in year 4. We will be continuing our reading of Iron Man and looking at putting actions to the story to help us summarise and then remember the story. We will be looking at character, setting and descreiption. In Maths this week we will be finishing our Roman Numeral learning and then going onto converting time etc.
Don't forget it's our trip on Wednesday- a packed lunch will be needed!
Week beg. 8th January
This week in year 4 we will be starting our new book 'Iron Man' which links to our new topic; the environment and recycling. In Maths we will be learning all about Roman numerals and how to add these together, subtract them and most importantly, how to read them!
Please don't forget to sign your child's trip letter so we can all go to the Tower of London next week.
Week beg. 1st January 2018
Welcome back to year 4! Mrs Mac and I hope you had a great Christmas and a very happy new year. As it's a short week (don't forget Tuesday is staff training day), we will be writing about our holiday news in English as well as setting new year resolutions for home and school. In Maths we will be recapping column subtraction methods.
Week beg. 18th December
It's the end of Autumn term already! We only have one and a half days this week (please remember we finish at 1.30pm on Tuesday 19th) so we are fitting in class Christmas parites (please see Dojo for more information!) and carol singing at the church. On Tuesday there is a treat for the children being put on by all the teachers and then Fir class will have their Christmas dinner before breaking up for the 2 week holiday. (We rerutn to school on Wednesday 3rd January.) Mrs Mac and I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
Week beg. 11th December
It's the last full week in the Autumn term for Fir class. In English we shall be finishing up our non-fiction learninf and trying to put into our writing the new verb forms (past and present progressive) we've been learning. We have some Christmas-themed Maths to complete as well as a Science/PSHE based visit on the Life Bus, watching the KS1 Nativity and (weather-permitting) an outing to the Nugent Centre to sing carols.
***Please remember we finish school, next Tuesday, the 19th, at 1.30pm where your children need to be picked up as usual from the infant or junior playground.***
Week beg. 4th December
It's another busy week for Fir class. This week in English we are looking at researching, writing about and presenting information. This will include using the iPads to help with research and asking questions about different texts. In Maths this week we will be looking at shape still but lines of symmetry on regular polygons.
On Wednesday we have a K'nex workshop in all morning where we'll be building different models and completing challenges- make sure you check back here later in the week to see some of the photos!
Week beg. 27th November
It's assessment week in year 4 this week. We will be completing reading, writing, maths and science assessments to see just how much we've learnt already this year.
Don't forget it's the Christmas fair on Friday too- make sure you come and visit Mrs Mac and myself on the sweets stall!
Week beg. 20th November
Fir class are continuing with their learning about non-fiction texts in English this week. We will be looking at the differences (and similarities) between fiction and non-fiction texts and then having a go at writing our own texts. In Maths we will be continuing with our learning about shape- this week in particular we are looking at shape. We will be learning about triangles, acute and obtuse angles and how to measure angles using a protractor.
Week beg. 13th November
It's anti-bullying week this week and on Tuesday Fir class will be attending an assembly and workshop on said week; this will help us to be even better friends than we already are.
Back in class we will be carrying on with our learning about instruction writing and in Maths we will be continuing with our learning about shape.
Make sure you look at the 'photos of Fir' section to see what we got up to at the chocolate museum last Friday! It was a great day and all in Fir class behaved wonderfully.
Week beg. 6th November
In Fir class this week we're looking at instruction writing in English, using imperatives and how to make instructions clear but also not too long-winded! In Maths we will be looking at circles and using a compass to help us with the understanding of diameter and radius.
On Friday we have our chocolate museum trip which should be amazing! All of the children are really looking forward to tasting and then making their own chocolate!
Week beg. 30th October
It's Autumn 2 now and Fir class have a busy term ahead! This week we shall be looking at story endings in English and finishing our learning about doubling and halving in Maths!
Don't forget! It's individual photos this week and our trip letter is going out on Monday for next weeks' visit to the chocolate museum in Brixton.
Week beg. 9th October
Here we are at the beginning of a new week in Fir class. This week in our English we will be looking at story openers and how these fit with the genre of the main story. In Maths we are learning about column subtraction and carrying over ones and tens where necessary. In Grammar this week we are learning about the homophones there, their and they're.
Week beg. 2nd October
In Fir class this week we will be looking at chocolate room from Charlie and the chocolate factory. We will be planning our own room that makes what ever we want it to make! In Maths we are looking at place value up to 10,000 with Mr Greenwood. In Grammar this week we will be looking at use of apostrophes for possession and contraction.
Week beg. 25th September
In Fir class this week we will be looking at the setting in Charlie and the chocolate factory. We will be making predictions as to what we think it looks like inside the factory before listening to the description in the actual story. Were we right? The children will be using the word 'because' in their writing to justify their predictions. In Maths we are continuing looking at addition and making sure we are 100% confident in carrying the ones over to new columns. In Grammar this week we will be looking at putting words into alphabetical order.
Week beg. 18th September
It's week 3 in Fir class and we have lots to learn! We will be continuing our learning about Charlie and the chocolate factory in English, looking at using our grammar in our writing including adjectives and verbs. In Maths we will be looking at addition using the column method, including bridging over the 10s. In the afternoons we will be carrying on learning about electricity in Science and with outdoor games in PE.
Week beg. 11th September 2017
This week in Fir class we are starting to read Charlie and the chocolate factory. We will be role-playing, story mapping and starting to use description when talking about the characters. In Maths we will be looking at place value- including rounding and finding out how to tell which number is bigger than another.