Birch - Year 3
Welcome to Birch Class.
Our class teacher is Miss Irwin supported by Mrs Caulfield, Miss Harris and Mrs Judickiene.
Main Topics and Trips for 2024/2025
This year, Birch Class will learn about: Romans, Iron Age, Bronze Age, Stone Age, Egyptians, Volcanoes, Antarctica and Settlements.
Our trips and visits for the year will be: Science Museum, Freshwater Theatre Company, a local visit for Geography, The Tate Modern, British Museum and Crofton Roman Villa .
Birch weekly timetable can be found at the bottom of this page. However, it may change due to special events or changes in the calendar.
Physical Education (PE)
Our PE days are every Monday and Tuesday.
Your child needs to come into school wearing their PE kit, which consists of a plain t-shirt, plain joggers/shorts and a plain jumper. Trainers are also allowed. Your child will stay in their PE kit for the whole day.
Homework will be set every Thursday, and will consist of a Mathletics task, a set of spelling words on Spelling Shed and TTRockstars. Please return the homework the following Thursday, so it can be checked. Also, there will a pick and mix homework menu for the children to complete by the end of Autumn term.
Reading and Reading Records
Reading is such an important part of your child's development, so please prioritise this task. We expect your child to read every day. Your child's reading record must be brought in every Friday to be signed.
Our Class Rewards
We have many rewards in Birch Class, which consist of:
Class dojo points, stickers, Golden Globes and certificates every Friday.
Texts/Books for the Year
Autumn Term
Jim a Cautionary Tale
The First Drawing
Black History Month
The Tin Forest
Polar Express
Spring Term
The Pied Piper Of Hamelin
Cloud Tea Monkeys
The Day I swapped My Dad For Two Goldfish
Escape From Pompeii
Dirty Beasts Poetry
The Tear Thief
Summer Term
The Bluest of Blues
The Mystery Of Harris Burdick
Shackleton's Journey
Black Dog
The Legend of Sally Jones