Focus week - Year 4
What an exciting first half term we have had in Year 4!
This half term, the children have really enjoyed reading the book Tuesday as part of our English unit. We started by learning about the features of a newspaper article, and the children then created their own newspaper articles by focusing on a different feature every day and then putting these together at the end of the week. They reported on the mysterious incident that had happened in the book (flying frogs!) and produced some fantastic, informative newspaper articles which included headlines, photos, captions, a main body of text and a conclusion!
In Maths we have been learning about Place Value. We have partitioned numbers, estimated on a number line to 10,000 and found 1, 10, 1000 more or less than a number. We have also compared and ordered numbers up to 10,000, introduced Roman numerals and rounded numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Last week, we moved on to addition and subtraction and the children have done brilliantly with this! They are now able to add and subtract 4-digit numbers using place value charts and the column method.
In Science, we have been learning about food and digestion. We recreated the process of digestion using a model and learned about the different body parts involved, such as the oesophagus, stomach, intestine etc. We have also learned about the features and functions of human and animal teeth and thought about how an animal’s teeth are adapted to their diet.
In Art we have been learning about using different pencils, tones and shading to create 3D effects in our drawings. The children also created their own wax resist drawings by first colouring in a sheet of card using wax crayons, then painting over it with black paint and finally using tools to scratch designs into the paint. Their finished pieces were very impressive!
In Geography, the children have really enjoyed our topic “Where does our food come from?” They have looked at a variety of packaging from the foods we eat and mapped out where in the world it all comes from. We have also interviewed a member of the school’s kitchen staff to find out where the food for our school dinners are sourced from. This was very interesting! A big part of this topic was also learning about how chocolate is made and where it comes from, so we are looking forward to tasting some chocolate at the end of the unit!
The children have really enjoyed their PE lessons this half term, and we have been so impressed with their growing skills! They have learned some fantastic dance moves, as well as the basics of lacrosse, such as how to hold the stick, throw and catch the ball, and the rules of a match. We’re sure they’ll be playing brilliant matches in no time!
We are so proud of how well the children have settled into life in Year 4 this half term, and we look forward to seeing what the year will bring for all of them!