It has been a very exciting week at Poverest and I was delighted to be asked to do the newsletter this week. As well as it being Anti-Bullying Week there have been lots of trips, visitors and events happening. Including the England Times Table Rockstars battles and by the end of the week we were 860 on the leaderboard compared to all schools in England. Well done to everyone who took part but especially to Fig Class who were at the top of the leaderboard for our school.
On Monday, most of our Year 6 children went to PGL Marchants Hill for their residential trip. They have had a busy week doing several team building activities including obstacle courses, ziplining, climbing walls etc but most of the week seems to have been spent eating! Monday was also Armistice Day, where the whole school took part in the 2 minutes silence and Mrs Masters led a Remembrance Assembly. EYFS had a visit from a veteran soldier and have been building barricades in the outdoor learning area all week.
Tuesday was ‘odd socks day’ as part of Anti Bullying Week to celebrate individuality and uniqueness. We doubled the dojo points for ‘respect’ as that was the National Anti-Bullying Alliance theme as well as being one of our School Values. Almost 1000 ‘respect’ dojo points were awarded which makes this the highest scoring School Value so far. Tuesday afternoon, we buried our new 2024 time capsules along with the 2014 time capsules that we opened last week. We made sure that we put the time capsules into a big box to make digging them up again in 2034 easier when it is the school’s 80th birthday.
On Wednesday, our Year 2 children went to the cinema to watch ‘Migration’. After lunch, they had a P.E lesson with Nathan from Buzzers Academy and so they spent most of the day out of class doing exciting activities.
Year 5 went to the Tower of London on Thursday as part of their History lessons learning about the Tudors. They were finding out about why the Tower became the most important prison in the country and how it was used by Henry VIII to behead two of his wives. We also had a visit from the NSPCC who spoke to the children in assembly about ‘Speaking out and Staying Safe’. Thank you to Mrs Mills for organising this and the children in Years 2, 5 and 6 will be having workshops next week to look at this in more detail. Mrs Dale led a Phonics Workshop for Year 1 parents on Thursday afternoon to explain what happens during the Year 1 Phonics Screening Assessments in June 2025.
On Friday, Year 4 and Year 5 went to the cinema to watch ‘Despicable Me 4’ Some students from Riverside School came to help the EYFS children as part of their annual work experience. The Year 6 children also returned from PGL tired, well fed and full of lots of amazing stories about their adventurous week.
Next week, we have another busy week, including our Open Morning for new parents, some Year 6 children are going to the County Cricket Competition & children in The Orchard are having more BMX lessons. EYFS are going to Poverest Baptist Church at the end of the week to act out a wedding as part of their Celebrations topic. I must remember to dig out my hat!
Have a great weekend,
Emma Wilson