Focus Week - Year 3
In English, we started with remembering all the soldiers who have lost their lives in different wars. We wrote a poem using imagery and then as a cross curricular theme in Art and Design we made poppy pictures using different mediums. Our main text has been The Tin Forest, a beautiful book on hopes and dreams. We have used modal verbs, past and present tense and expanded noun phrases; writing setting descriptions and postcards.
In Maths, we have been learning addition and subtraction; developing our skills to make decisions on addition and subtraction using bar model, estimation and complements to 100.
In Computing, we have been learning about online safety. We now understand how to differentiate between fact, opinion and online beliefs. Through discussion, we have acquired skills on how to deal with upsetting online content and recognise how digital devices communicate with each other to share personal information.
Spanish has been very interesting this half term. We have learnt how to count to 12 in Spanish, focusing on good pronunciation. We are now able to recognise and sound out phonemes for letters ‘u’ and ‘z’, ‘ñ’.
In Geography, we have been thinking whether all settlements are the same. Using ordnance survey maps - present and past we have been looking at how the features have changed in our local area. Then looking at New Deli we have been discussing similarities and differences between land use and features in New Delhi and our local area.
In RE, we have been learning about what makes us humanThinking about what is meant by a soul and expressing our ideas about what a soul means to us personally through art.
In Science, we have been learning about Rocks and Soils. It has been really interesting as we now know that rocks can be grouped based on their appearance or properties (e.g. colour, texture, hardness and permeability). We have also learnt that fossils can form from the remains of living things.
In Design and Technology, our topic is ‘Constructing a Castle’ so we have been making different 3D nets and have learnt about the different elements of a castle. At the end of term we will have the opportunity to design and make our own castle out of recycled materials.