A very warm welcome back to all of you! I hope you all enjoyed a restful and festive Christmas break and are ready to embrace the new school year.
This week, I led assemblies focused on celebrating the positive moments and achievements of 2024 and setting new goals for 2025. It was wonderful to hear about some of the children’s proudest moments and their aims for the year—lots of them aiming to improve their handwriting!
We also had a fantastic day on Friday with FAB First Aid delivering engaging and informative training to our Year 2 and Year 6 students. Well done to all the children who participated!
We have contacted the council about the Tillingbourne Green Road, the lack of drain covers, confusing road markings and the absence of any gritting! Please do just be careful when walking or driving along it. Please also remember that the school street is a shared area. Disabled badge holders are entitled to drive down the road but we do ask that all pedestrians and drivers are respectful of each other on the roads around our school.
As we move into the new year, it's a great time to try something new! We have a wide variety of school clubs starting up, and I encourage you to explore the opportunities available. Visit the Sportacus website to see the full range of clubs on offer and sign up. Remember, if your child receives pupil premium funding, we can help with club costs. It's important to sign up promptly, as clubs need minimum numbers to run. We don't want to lose any of the exciting options available!
Next Thursday is Census Day. This is a very important day for the school as we only receive funding for the children in school on that day. As I am sure you are all aware, every penny counts when we aim to provide many exciting learning opportunities, so please prioritise coming to school on Thursday.
Have a great weekend